- removed pro-version (is the same as standard version, use the standard instead)

- changed yacy logo
- removed crawlOrder protocol (unused)
- removed file index in kelondroFlex (will not work, it takes too long to maintain)
- fixed remoted crawl for clusters (now denies remote crawls from peers outside cluster)
- 0.562

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@4317 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
orbiter 17 years ago
parent 39566d598a
commit 71bcf02d3a

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ javacSource=1.5
# Release Configuration

@ -537,7 +537,7 @@
<delete dir="${release_main}"/>
<target name="dist" depends="compileExtensions,copyMain4Dist,copyExt4Dist" description="make for standard YaCy (same as pro)">
<target name="dist" depends="compileExtensions,copyMain4Dist,copyExt4Dist" description="make for standard YaCy">
<tar destfile="${release}/${stdReleaseFile}" compression="gzip" defaultexcludes="yes" longfile="fail">
<!-- packing all files into a gzipped tar -->
@ -561,31 +561,6 @@
<delete dir="${release}/WINDOWS" failonerror="false" />
<delete dir="${release}/SPECS" failonerror="false" />
<target name="distPro" depends="compileExtensions,copyMain4Dist,copyExt4Dist" description="make for standard YaCy">
<tar destfile="${release}/${proReleaseFile}" compression="gzip" defaultexcludes="yes" longfile="fail">
<!-- packing all files into a gzipped tar -->
<tarfileset dir="${release_main}" prefix="${releaseFileParentDir}/" dirmode="${accessRightsDir}" mode="${accessRightsExecutable}">
<include name="**/*.sh"/>
<include name="**/*.command"/>
<tarfileset dir="${release_main}" prefix="${releaseFileParentDir}/" dirmode="${accessRightsDir}" mode="${accessRightsFile}" >
<include name="**/*.*"/>
<exclude name="**/*.sh"/>
<exclude name="**/*.command"/>
<tarfileset dir="${release_ext}" prefix="${releaseFileParentDir}/" dirmode="${accessRightsDir}" mode="${accessRightsFile}" >
<include name="**/*.*"/>
<delete dir="${release_main}"/>
<delete dir="${release_ext}"/>
<delete dir="${release}/WINDOWS" failonerror="false" />
<delete dir="${release}/SPECS" failonerror="false" />
<!-- make clean -->
<target name="clean" description="make clean">
@ -767,7 +742,7 @@ This needs nsis-ant-1.2.jar in the yacyfolder.
<target name="distWithWinStartExe" depends="makeWinStartExe,distPro">
<target name="distWithWinStartExe" depends="makeWinStartExe,dist">
<target name="rpm" depends="all" description="Creates the main rpm-package and another for libx">

Binary file not shown.


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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.1 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.8 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.7 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.3 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.3 KiB

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@

@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
// crawlOrder.java
// -----------------------
// part of the AnomicHTTPD caching proxy
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de
// first published on http://www.anomic.de
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2004
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling,
// running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible
// for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly
// by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software
// is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this
// software may allow other people or application to access your computer and
// any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the
// software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is
// (are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the
// software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with
// the software.
// Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file
// gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the
// lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be
// done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain
// the intact and unchanged copyright notice.
// Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such.
// You must compile this file with
// javac -classpath .:../classes crawlOrder.java
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import de.anomic.http.httpHeader;
import de.anomic.index.indexURLEntry;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard;
import de.anomic.server.serverObjects;
import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch;
import de.anomic.tools.crypt;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyCore;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyNetwork;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeed;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyURL;
public final class crawlOrder {
public static serverObjects respond(httpHeader header, serverObjects post, serverSwitch env) {
// return variable that accumulates replacements
plasmaSwitchboard switchboard = (plasmaSwitchboard) env;
serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
if ((post == null) || (env == null)) return prop;
if (!yacyNetwork.authentifyRequest(post, env)) return prop;
//int proxyPrefetchDepth = Integer.parseInt(env.getConfig("proxyPrefetchDepth", "0"));
//int crawlingdepth = Integer.parseInt(env.getConfig("crawlingDepth", "0"));
// request values
String iam = post.get("iam", ""); // seed hash of requester
String youare = post.get("youare", ""); // seed hash of the target peer, needed for network stability
String process = post.get("process", ""); // process type
String key = post.get("key", ""); // transmission key
int orderDepth = post.getInt("depth", 0); // crawl depth
// response values
the result can have one of the following values:
negative cases, no retry
denied - the peer does not want to crawl that
exception - an exception occurred
negative case, retry possible
rejected - the peer has rejected to process, but a re-try should be possible
positive case with crawling
stacked - the resource is processed asap
positive case without crawling
double - the resource is already in database, believed to be fresh and not reloaded
the resource is also returned in lurl
String response = "denied";
String reason = "false-input";
String delay = "5";
String lurl = "";
boolean granted = switchboard.getConfigBool("crawlResponse", false);
int acceptDepth = Integer.parseInt(switchboard.getConfig("crawlResponseDepth", "0"));
int ppm = yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed().getPPM();
int acceptDelay = (ppm == 0) ? 10 : (2 + 60 / yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed().getPPM());
if (orderDepth > acceptDepth) orderDepth = acceptDepth;
// check if requester is authorized
if ((yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed() == null) || (!(yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed().hash.equals(youare)))) {
// this request has a wrong target
response = "denied";
reason = "authentify-problem";
delay = "3600"; // may request one hour later again
} else if ((switchboard.isRobinsonMode()) && (!switchboard.isInMyCluster(iam))) {
// check network environment, if we are a robinson peer or in a robinson cluster
// then the request must come from a peer that is in the same cluster as we are
reason = "not in my cluster";
response = "denied";
delay = "9999";
} else if (orderDepth > 0) {
response = "denied";
reason = "order depth must be 0";
delay = "3600"; // may request one hour later again
} else if (!(granted)) {
response = "denied";
reason = "not granted to remote crawl";
delay = "3600"; // may request one hour later again
} else try {
yacySeed requester = yacyCore.seedDB.getConnected(iam);
int queuesize = switchboard.crawlQueues.coreCrawlJobSize() + switchboard.crawlQueues.limitCrawlJobSize() + switchboard.crawlQueues.remoteTriggeredCrawlJobSize() + switchboard.queueSize();
if (requester == null) {
response = "denied";
reason = "unknown-client";
delay = "240";
} else if (!((requester.isSenior()) || (requester.isPrincipal()))) {
response = "denied";
reason = "not-qualified";
delay = "240";
} else if (queuesize > 100) {
response = "rejected";
reason = "busy";
delay = Integer.toString(30 + queuesize * acceptDelay);
} else if (!(process.equals("crawl"))) {
response = "denied";
reason = "unknown-order";
delay = "9999";
} else {
// read the urls/referrer-vector
ArrayList urlv = new ArrayList();
ArrayList refv = new ArrayList();
String refencoded = post.get("referrer", null);
String urlencoded = post.get("url", null);
if (urlencoded != null) {
// old method: only one url
urlv.add(crypt.simpleDecode(urlencoded, key)); // the url string to crawl
} else {
// new method: read a vector of urls
while ((urlencoded = post.get("url" + urlv.size(), null)) != null) {
urlv.add(crypt.simpleDecode(urlencoded, key));
if (refencoded != null) {
// old method: only one url
env.getLog().logFinest("crawlOrder: refencoded=" + refencoded + " key=" + key);
refv.add(crypt.simpleDecode(refencoded, key)); // the referrer url
} else {
// new method: read a vector of urls
while ((refencoded = post.get("ref" + refv.size(), null)) != null) {
env.getLog().logFinest("crawlOrder: refencoded=" + refencoded + " key=" + key);
refv.add(crypt.simpleDecode(refencoded, key));
// stack the urls
Object[] stackresult;
int count = Math.min(urlv.size(), refv.size());
if (count == 1) {
// old method: only one url
// normalizing URL
yacyURL url = new yacyURL((String) urlv.get(0), null);
String newURL = url.toNormalform(true, true);
if (!newURL.equals(urlv.get(0))) {
env.getLog().logWarning("crawlOrder: Received not normalized URL " + urlv.get(0));
yacyURL refURL = (refv.get(0) == null) ? null : new yacyURL((String) refv.get(0), null);
if ((refURL != null) && (!refURL.equals(refv.get(0)))) {
env.getLog().logWarning("crawlOrder: Received not normalized Referer URL " + refv.get(0) + " of URL " + urlv.get(0));
if (!switchboard.acceptURL(url)) {
env.getLog().logWarning("crawlOrder: Received URL outside of our domain: " + newURL);
return null;
// adding URL to noticeURL Queue
env.getLog().logFinest("crawlOrder: a: url='" + newURL + "'");
stackresult = stack(switchboard, url, refURL, iam, youare);
response = (String) stackresult[0];
reason = (String) stackresult[1];
lurl = (String) stackresult[2];
delay = (response.equals("stacked")) ? Integer.toString(5 + acceptDelay) : "1"; // this value needs to be calculated individually
} else {
// new method: several urls
int stackCount = 0;
//int doubleCount = 0;
//int rejectedCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
env.getLog().logFinest("crawlOrder: b: url='" + (String) urlv.get(i) + "'");
try {
stackresult = stack(switchboard, new yacyURL((String) urlv.get(i), null), ((refv.get(i) == null) || (((String) refv.get(i)).length() == 0)) ? null : new yacyURL((String) refv.get(i), null), iam, youare);
response = (String) stackresult[0];
prop.put("list_" + i + "_job", (String) stackresult[0] + "," + (String) stackresult[1]);
prop.put("list_" + i + "_lurl", (String) stackresult[2]);
prop.put("list_" + i + "_count", i);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {}
prop.put("list", count);
response = "enqueued";
reason = "ok";
lurl = "";
delay = Integer.toString(stackCount * acceptDelay + 1);
} catch (Exception e) {
// mist
reason = "ERROR: " + e.getMessage();
env.getLog().logSevere("crawlOrder: " + reason, e);
delay = "600";
prop.put("response", response);
prop.put("reason", reason);
prop.put("delay", delay);
prop.put("depth", acceptDepth);
prop.put("lurl", lurl);
prop.put("forward", "");
prop.put("key", key);
// return rewrite properties
return prop;
private static Object[] stack(plasmaSwitchboard switchboard, yacyURL url, yacyURL referrer, String iam, String youare) {
String response, reason, lurl;
// stack url
switchboard.getLog().logFinest("crawlOrder: stack: url='" + url + "'");
String reasonString = null;
reasonString = switchboard.crawlStacker.stackCrawl(url, referrer, iam, "REMOTE-CRAWLING", new Date(), 0, switchboard.defaultRemoteProfile);
if (reasonString == null) {
// liftoff!
response = "stacked";
reason = "ok";
lurl = "";
} else if (reasonString.startsWith("double")) {
// case where we have already the url loaded;
reason = reasonString;
// send lurl-Entry as response
indexURLEntry entry;
entry = switchboard.wordIndex.loadedURL.load(url.hash(), null, 0);
if (entry == null) {
response = "rejected";
lurl = "";
} else {
response = "double";
switchboard.wordIndex.loadedURL.notifyGCrawl(entry.hash(), iam, youare);
lurl = crypt.simpleEncode(entry.toString());
} else {
response = "rejected";
reason = reasonString;
lurl = "";
return new Object[]{response, reason, lurl};

@ -71,48 +71,27 @@ public class kelondroFlexTable extends kelondroFlexWidthArray implements kelondr
System.out.println("*** Last Startup time: " + stt + " milliseconds");
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (serverMemory.request(neededRAM, true)) {
// we can use a RAM index
if (!serverMemory.request(neededRAM, true)) {
System.out.println("WARNING: NOT ENOUGH MEMORY FOR RAM INDEX " + new File(path, tablename).toString());
if (indexfile.exists()) {
// delete existing index file
System.out.println("*** Delete File index " + indexfile);
if (indexfile.exists()) {
// delete existing index file
System.out.println("*** Delete File index " + indexfile);
// fill the index
System.out.print("*** Loading RAM index for " + size() + " entries from "+ newpath);
index = initializeRamIndex(minimumSpace);
System.out.println(" -done-");
+ " index entries initialized and sorted from "
+ super.col[0].size() + " keys.");
RAMIndex = true;
tableTracker.put(this.filename(), this);
} else {
// too less ram for a ram index
kelondroIndex ki;
if (indexfile.exists()) {
// use existing index file
System.out.println("*** Using File index " + indexfile);
ki = new kelondroCache(kelondroTree.open(indexfile, true, preloadTime, treeIndexRow(rowdef.width(0), rowdef.objectOrder), 2, 80), true, false);
RAMIndex = false;
} else {
// generate new index file
System.out.println("*** Generating File index for " + size() + " entries from " + indexfile);
System.out.println("*** Cause: too less RAM (" + serverMemory.available() + " Bytes) configured. Assign at least " + (neededRAM / 1024 / 1024) + " MB more RAM to enable a RAM index.");
ki = initializeTreeIndex(indexfile, preloadTime, rowdef.objectOrder);
System.out.println(" -done-");
System.out.println(ki.size() + " entries indexed from " + super.col[0].size() + " keys.");
RAMIndex = false;
index = new kelondroBytesIntMap(ki);
assert this.size() == index.size() : "content.size() = " + this.size() + ", index.size() = " + index.size();
// fill the index
System.out.print("*** Loading RAM index for " + size() + " entries from "+ newpath);
index = initializeRamIndex(minimumSpace);
System.out.println(" -done-");
+ " index entries initialized and sorted from "
+ super.col[0].size() + " keys.");
RAMIndex = true;
tableTracker.put(this.filename(), this);
// assign index to wrapper
description = "stt=" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + ";";

@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ public class plasmaCrawlQueues {
private plasmaSwitchboard sb;
private serverLog log;
private HashMap workers; // mapping from url hash to Worker thread object
private HashMap<String, crawlWorker> workers; // mapping from url hash to Worker thread object
private plasmaProtocolLoader loader;
private ArrayList remoteCrawlProviderHashes;
private ArrayList<String> remoteCrawlProviderHashes;
public plasmaCrawlNURL noticeURL;
public plasmaCrawlZURL errorURL, delegatedURL;
@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ public class plasmaCrawlQueues {
public plasmaCrawlQueues(plasmaSwitchboard sb, File plasmaPath) {
this.sb = sb;
this.log = new serverLog("CRAWLER");
this.workers = new HashMap();
this.workers = new HashMap<String, crawlWorker>();
this.loader = new plasmaProtocolLoader(sb, log);
this.remoteCrawlProviderHashes = new ArrayList();
this.remoteCrawlProviderHashes = new ArrayList<String>();
// start crawling management
log.logConfig("Starting Crawling Management");
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public class plasmaCrawlQueues {
if (noticeURL.existsInStack(hash)) return "crawler";
if (delegatedURL.exists(hash)) return "delegated";
if (errorURL.exists(hash)) return "errors";
if (workers.containsKey(new Integer(hash.hashCode()))) return "workers";
if (workers.containsKey(hash)) return "workers";
return null;
@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ public class plasmaCrawlQueues {
public yacyURL getURL(String urlhash) {
if (urlhash.equals(yacyURL.dummyHash)) return null;
plasmaCrawlEntry ne = (plasmaCrawlEntry) workers.get(new Integer(urlhash.hashCode()));
if (ne != null) return ne.url();
ne = noticeURL.get(urlhash);
crawlWorker w = workers.get(urlhash);
if (w != null) return w.entry.url();
plasmaCrawlEntry ne = noticeURL.get(urlhash);
if (ne != null) return ne.url();
plasmaCrawlZURL.Entry ee = delegatedURL.getEntry(urlhash);
if (ee != null) return ee.url();
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public class plasmaCrawlQueues {
public void close() {
// wait for all workers to finish
Iterator i = workers.values().iterator();
Iterator<crawlWorker> i = workers.values().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) ((Thread) i.next()).interrupt();
// TODO: wait some more time until all threads are finished
@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ public class plasmaCrawlQueues {
synchronized (workers) {
plasmaCrawlEntry[] w = new plasmaCrawlEntry[workers.size()];
int i = 0;
Iterator j = workers.values().iterator();
Iterator<crawlWorker> j = workers.values().iterator();
while (j.hasNext()) {
w[i++] = ((crawlWorker) j.next()).entry;
w[i++] = j.next().entry;
return w;
@ -260,9 +260,9 @@ public class plasmaCrawlQueues {
(remoteTriggeredCrawlJobSize() == 0) &&
(sb.queueSize() < 10)) {
if (yacyCore.seedDB != null && yacyCore.seedDB.sizeConnected() > 0) {
Iterator e = yacyCore.dhtAgent.getProvidesRemoteCrawlURLs();
Iterator<yacySeed> e = yacyCore.dhtAgent.getProvidesRemoteCrawlURLs();
while (e.hasNext()) {
seed = (yacySeed) e.next();
seed = e.next();
if (seed != null) {
@ -277,7 +277,14 @@ public class plasmaCrawlQueues {
String hash = null;
while ((seed == null) && (remoteCrawlProviderHashes.size() > 0)) {
hash = (String) remoteCrawlProviderHashes.remove(remoteCrawlProviderHashes.size() - 1);
if (hash == null) continue;
seed = yacyCore.seedDB.get(hash);
if (seed == null) continue;
// check if the peer is inside our cluster
if ((sb.isRobinsonMode()) && (!sb.isInMyCluster(seed))) {
seed = null;
if (seed == null) return false;
@ -416,7 +423,7 @@ public class plasmaCrawlQueues {
synchronized (this.workers) {
crawlWorker w = new crawlWorker(entry);
synchronized (workers) {
workers.put(new Integer(entry.hashCode()), w);
workers.put(entry.url().hash(), w);

@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ public class yacyDHTAction implements yacyPeerAction {
public Iterator getProvidesRemoteCrawlURLs() {
public Iterator<yacySeed> getProvidesRemoteCrawlURLs() {
return new providesRemoteCrawlURLsEnum();
class providesRemoteCrawlURLsEnum implements Iterator {
class providesRemoteCrawlURLsEnum implements Iterator<yacySeed> {
Iterator se;
yacySeed nextSeed;
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ public class yacyDHTAction implements yacyPeerAction {
return null;
public Object next() {
public yacySeed next() {
yacySeed next = nextSeed;
nextSeed = nextInternal();
return next;
