- refactoring of kelondroRecords; this class is now divided into kelondroAbstractRecords, kelondroRecords, kelondroCachedRecords, kelondroHandle and kelondroNode - better abstraction of kelondroNodes, such nodes may now be crated by different classes - a new Node defining class kelondroEcoRecords defines Nodes that do not need so much allocation and System.arraycopy - there is less memory transfer on the bus, especially for collection index - now half of memory needed for web index access git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@4024 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542pull/1/head
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
// kelondroCachedRecords.java
// (C) 2003 - 2007 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 2003 on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $
// $LastChangedBy: orbiter $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.kelondro;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import de.anomic.server.serverMemory;
public class kelondroCachedRecords extends kelondroAbstractRecords implements kelondroRecords {
// memory calculation
private static final int element_in_cache = 4; // for kelondroCollectionObjectMap: 4; for HashMap: 52
// static supervision objects: recognize and coordinate all activites
private static TreeMap recordTracker = new TreeMap(); // a String/filename - kelondroTray mapping
private static long memStopGrow = 10000000; // a limit for the node cache to stop growing if less than this memory amount is available
private static long memStartShrink = 6000000; // a limit for the node cache to start with shrinking if less than this memory amount is available
// caching buffer
private kelondroIntBytesMap cacheHeaders; // the cache; holds overhead values and key element
private int readHit, readMiss, writeUnique, writeDouble, cacheDelete, cacheFlush;
public kelondroCachedRecords(
File file, boolean useNodeCache, long preloadTime,
short ohbytec, short ohhandlec,
kelondroRow rowdef, int FHandles, int txtProps, int txtPropWidth) throws IOException {
super(file, useNodeCache, ohbytec, ohhandlec, rowdef, FHandles, txtProps, txtPropWidth);
initCache(useNodeCache, preloadTime);
if (useNodeCache) recordTracker.put(this.filename, this);
public kelondroCachedRecords(
kelondroRA ra, String filename, boolean useNodeCache, long preloadTime,
short ohbytec, short ohhandlec,
kelondroRow rowdef, int FHandles, int txtProps, int txtPropWidth,
boolean exitOnFail) {
super(ra, filename, useNodeCache, ohbytec, ohhandlec, rowdef, FHandles, txtProps, txtPropWidth, exitOnFail);
initCache(useNodeCache, preloadTime);
if (useNodeCache) recordTracker.put(this.filename, this);
public kelondroCachedRecords(
kelondroRA ra, String filename, boolean useNodeCache, long preloadTime) throws IOException{
super(ra, filename, useNodeCache);
initCache(useNodeCache, preloadTime);
if (useNodeCache) recordTracker.put(this.filename, this);
private void initCache(boolean useNodeCache, long preloadTime) {
if (useNodeCache) {
this.cacheHeaders = new kelondroIntBytesMap(this.headchunksize, 0);
} else {
this.cacheHeaders = null;
this.readHit = 0;
this.readMiss = 0;
this.writeUnique = 0;
this.writeDouble = 0;
this.cacheDelete = 0;
this.cacheFlush = 0;
// pre-load node cache
if ((preloadTime > 0) && (useNodeCache)) {
long stop = System.currentTimeMillis() + preloadTime;
int count = 0;
try {
Iterator i = contentNodes(preloadTime);
CacheNode n;
while ((System.currentTimeMillis() < stop) && (cacheGrowStatus() == 2) && (i.hasNext())) {
n = (CacheNode) i.next();
cacheHeaders.addb(n.handle().index, n.headChunk);
logFine("preloaded " + count + " records into cache");
} catch (kelondroException e) {
// the contentNodes iterator had a time-out; we don't do a preload
logFine("could not preload records: " + e.getMessage());
private int cacheGrowStatus() {
long available = serverMemory.available();
if ((cacheHeaders != null) && (available < cacheHeaders.memoryNeededForGrow())) return 0;
return cacheGrowStatus(available, memStopGrow, memStartShrink);
public static final int cacheGrowStatus(long available, long stopGrow, long startShrink) {
// returns either 0, 1 or 2:
// 0: cache is not allowed to grow, but shall shrink
// 1: cache is allowed to grow, but need not to shrink
// 2: cache is allowed to grow and must not shrink
if (available > stopGrow) return 2;
if (available > startShrink) return 1;
return 0;
public static void setCacheGrowStati(long memStopGrowNew, long memStartShrinkNew) {
memStopGrow = memStopGrowNew;
memStartShrink = memStartShrinkNew;
public static long getMemStopGrow() {
return memStopGrow ;
public static long getMemStartShrink() {
return memStartShrink ;
public static final Iterator filenames() {
// iterates string objects; all file names from record tracker
return recordTracker.keySet().iterator();
public static final Map memoryStats(String filename) {
// returns a map for each file in the tracker;
// the map represents properties for each record oobjects,
// i.e. for cache memory allocation
kelondroCachedRecords theRecord = (kelondroCachedRecords) recordTracker.get(filename);
return theRecord.memoryStats();
private final Map memoryStats() {
// returns statistical data about this object
if (cacheHeaders == null) return null;
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put("nodeChunkSize", Integer.toString(this.headchunksize + element_in_cache));
map.put("nodeCacheCount", Integer.toString(cacheHeaders.size()));
map.put("nodeCacheMem", Integer.toString(cacheHeaders.size() * (this.headchunksize + element_in_cache)));
map.put("nodeCacheReadHit", Integer.toString(readHit));
map.put("nodeCacheReadMiss", Integer.toString(readMiss));
map.put("nodeCacheWriteUnique", Integer.toString(writeUnique));
map.put("nodeCacheWriteDouble", Integer.toString(writeDouble));
map.put("nodeCacheDeletes", Integer.toString(cacheDelete));
map.put("nodeCacheFlushes", Integer.toString(cacheFlush));
return map;
protected synchronized void deleteNode(kelondroHandle handle) throws IOException {
if (cacheHeaders == null) {
} else synchronized (cacheHeaders) {
if (cacheHeaders.size() == 0) {
} else {
protected void printCache() {
if (cacheHeaders == null) {
System.out.println("### file report: " + size() + " entries");
for (int i = 0; i < USAGE.allCount(); i++) {
// print from file to compare
System.out.print("#F " + i + ": ");
try {
for (int j = 0; j < headchunksize; j++)
System.out.print(Integer.toHexString(0xff & entryFile.readByte(j + seekpos(new kelondroHandle(i)))) + " ");
} catch (IOException e) {}
} else {
System.out.println("### cache report: " + cacheHeaders.size() + " entries");
Iterator i = cacheHeaders.rows();
kelondroRow.Entry entry;
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = (kelondroRow.Entry) i.next();
// print from cache
System.out.print("#C ");
// print from file to compare
System.out.print("#F " + cp + " " + ((Handle) entry.getKey()).index + ": ");
try {
for (int j = 0; j < headchunksize; j++)
System.out.print(entryFile.readByte(j + seekpos((Handle) entry.getKey())) + ",");
} catch (IOException e) {}
System.out.println("### end report");
public synchronized void close() {
if (cacheHeaders == null) {
if (recordTracker.get(this.filename) != null) {
theLogger.severe("close(): file '" + this.filename + "' was tracked with record tracker, but it should not.");
} else {
if (recordTracker.remove(this.filename) == null) {
theLogger.severe("close(): file '" + this.filename + "' was not tracked with record tracker.");
this.cacheHeaders = null;
public kelondroProfile[] profiles() {
return new kelondroProfile[]{
(cacheHeaders == null) ? new kelondroProfile() :
public kelondroProfile profile() {
return kelondroProfile.consolidate(profiles());
public void print() throws IOException {
// print also all records
Iterator i = new contentNodeIterator(-1);
kelondroNode n;
while (i.hasNext()) {
n = (kelondroNode) i.next();
System.out.println("NODE: " + n.toString());
public kelondroNode newNode(kelondroHandle handle, byte[] bulk, int offset) throws IOException {
return new CacheNode(handle, bulk, offset);
public final class CacheNode implements kelondroNode {
// an Node holds all information of one row of data. This includes the key to the entry
// which is stored as entry element at position 0
// an Node object can be created in two ways:
// 1. instantiation with an index number. After creation the Object does not hold any
// value information until such is retrieved using the getValue() method
// 2. instantiation with a value array. the values are not directly written into the
// file. Expanding the tree structure is then done using the save() method. at any
// time it is possible to verify the save state using the saved() predicate.
// Therefore an entry object has three modes:
// a: holding an index information only (saved() = true)
// b: holding value information only (saved() = false)
// c: holding index and value information at the same time (saved() = true)
// which can be the result of one of the two processes as follow:
// (i) created with index and after using the getValue() method, or
// (ii) created with values and after calling the save() method
// the method will therefore throw an IllegalStateException when the following
// process step is performed:
// - create the Node with index and call then the save() method
// this case can be decided with
// ((index != NUL) && (values == null))
// The save() method represents the insert function for the tree. Balancing functions
// are applied automatically. While balancing, the Node does never change its index key,
// but its parent/child keys.
//private byte[] ohBytes = null; // the overhead bytes, OHBYTEC values
//private Handle[] ohHandle= null; // the overhead handles, OHHANDLEC values
//private byte[][] values = null; // an array of byte[] nodes is the value vector
private kelondroHandle handle = null; // index of the entry, by default NUL means undefined
private byte[] headChunk = null; // contains ohBytes, ohHandles and the key value
private byte[] tailChunk = null; // contains all values except the key value
private boolean headChanged = false;
private boolean tailChanged = false;
public CacheNode(byte[] rowinstance) throws IOException {
// this initializer is used to create nodes from bulk-read byte arrays
assert ((rowinstance == null) || (rowinstance.length == ROW.objectsize)) : "bulkchunk.length = " + rowinstance.length + ", ROW.width(0) = " + ROW.width(0);
this.handle = new kelondroHandle(USAGE.allocatePayload(rowinstance));
// create empty chunks
this.headChunk = new byte[headchunksize];
this.tailChunk = new byte[tailchunksize];
// write content to chunks
if (rowinstance == null) {
for (int i = headchunksize - 1; i >= 0; i--) this.headChunk[i] = (byte) 0xff;
for (int i = tailchunksize - 1; i >= 0; i--) this.tailChunk[i] = (byte) 0xff;
} else {
for (int i = overhead - 1; i >= 0; i--) this.headChunk[i] = (byte) 0xff;
System.arraycopy(rowinstance, 0, this.headChunk, overhead, ROW.width(0));
System.arraycopy(rowinstance, ROW.width(0), this.tailChunk, 0, tailchunksize);
if (cacheHeaders != null) synchronized (cacheHeaders) {
// mark chunks as changed
// if the head/tail chunks come from a file system read, setChanged should be false
// if the chunks come from a overwrite attempt, it should be true
this.headChanged = false; // we wrote the head already during allocate
this.tailChanged = false; // we write the tail already during allocate
public CacheNode(kelondroHandle handle, byte[] bulkchunk, int offset) throws IOException {
// this initializer is used to create nodes from bulk-read byte arrays
// if write is true, then the chunk in bulkchunk is written to the file
// othervise it is considered equal to what is stored in the file
// (that is ensured during pre-loaded enumeration)
this.handle = handle;
boolean changed;
if (handle.index >= USAGE.allCount()) {
// this causes only a write action if we create a node beyond the end of the file
USAGE.allocateRecord(handle.index, bulkchunk, offset);
changed = false; // we have already wrote the record, so it is considered as unchanged
} else {
changed = true;
assert ((bulkchunk == null) || (bulkchunk.length - offset >= recordsize)) : "bulkchunk.length = " + bulkchunk.length + ", offset = " + offset + ", recordsize = " + recordsize;
// create empty chunks
this.headChunk = new byte[headchunksize];
this.tailChunk = new byte[tailchunksize];
// write content to chunks
if (bulkchunk != null) {
System.arraycopy(bulkchunk, offset, this.headChunk, 0, headchunksize);
System.arraycopy(bulkchunk, offset + headchunksize, this.tailChunk, 0, tailchunksize);
// mark chunks as changed
this.headChanged = changed;
this.tailChanged = changed;
public CacheNode(kelondroHandle handle, boolean fillTail) throws IOException {
this(handle, null, 0, fillTail);
public CacheNode(kelondroHandle handle, CacheNode parentNode, int referenceInParent, boolean fillTail) throws IOException {
// this creates an entry with an pre-reserved entry position.
// values can be written using the setValues() method,
// but we expect that values are already there in the file.
assert (handle != null): "node handle is null";
assert (handle.index >= 0): "node handle too low: " + handle.index;
//assert (handle.index < USAGE.allCount()) : "node handle too high: " + handle.index + ", USEDC=" + USAGE.USEDC + ", FREEC=" + USAGE.FREEC;
// the parentNode can be given if an auto-fix in the following case is wanted
if (handle == null) throw new kelondroException(filename, "INTERNAL ERROR: node handle is null.");
if (handle.index >= USAGE.allCount()) {
if (parentNode == null) throw new kelondroException(filename, "INTERNAL ERROR, Node/init: node handle index " + handle.index + " exceeds size. No auto-fix node was submitted. This is a serious failure.");
try {
parentNode.setOHHandle(referenceInParent, null);
logWarning("INTERNAL ERROR, Node/init in " + filename + ": node handle index " + handle.index + " exceeds size. The bad node has been auto-fixed");
} catch (IOException ee) {
throw new kelondroException(filename, "INTERNAL ERROR, Node/init: node handle index " + handle.index + " exceeds size. It was tried to fix the bad node, but failed with an IOException: " + ee.getMessage());
// use given handle
this.handle = new kelondroHandle(handle.index);
// check for memory availability when fillTail is requested
if ((fillTail) && (tailchunksize > 10000)) fillTail = false; // this is a fail-safe 'short version' of a memory check
// init the content
// create chunks; read them from file or cache
this.tailChunk = null;
if (cacheHeaders == null) {
if (fillTail) {
// read complete record
byte[] chunkbuffer = new byte[recordsize];
entryFile.readFully(seekpos(this.handle), chunkbuffer, 0, recordsize);
this.headChunk = new byte[headchunksize];
this.tailChunk = new byte[tailchunksize];
System.arraycopy(chunkbuffer, 0, this.headChunk, 0, headchunksize);
System.arraycopy(chunkbuffer, headchunksize, this.tailChunk, 0, tailchunksize);
chunkbuffer = null;
} else {
// read overhead and key
this.headChunk = new byte[headchunksize];
this.tailChunk = null;
entryFile.readFully(seekpos(this.handle), this.headChunk, 0, headchunksize);
} else synchronized(cacheHeaders) {
byte[] cacheEntry = null;
cacheEntry = cacheHeaders.getb(this.handle.index);
if (cacheEntry == null) {
// cache miss, we read overhead and key from file
if (fillTail) {
// read complete record
byte[] chunkbuffer = new byte[recordsize];
entryFile.readFully(seekpos(this.handle), chunkbuffer, 0, recordsize);
this.headChunk = new byte[headchunksize];
this.tailChunk = new byte[tailchunksize];
System.arraycopy(chunkbuffer, 0, this.headChunk, 0, headchunksize);
System.arraycopy(chunkbuffer, headchunksize, this.tailChunk, 0, tailchunksize);
chunkbuffer = null;
} else {
// read overhead and key
this.headChunk = new byte[headchunksize];
this.tailChunk = null;
entryFile.readFully(seekpos(this.handle), this.headChunk, 0, headchunksize);
// if space left in cache, copy these value to the cache
} else {
this.headChunk = cacheEntry;
private void setValue(byte[] value, int valueoffset, int valuewidth, byte[] targetarray, int targetoffset) {
if (value == null) {
while (valuewidth-- > 0) targetarray[targetoffset++] = 0;
} else {
assert ((valueoffset >= 0) && (valueoffset < value.length)) : "valueoffset = " + valueoffset;
assert ((valueoffset + valuewidth <= value.length)) : "valueoffset = " + valueoffset + ", valuewidth = " + valuewidth + ", value.length = " + value.length;
assert ((targetoffset >= 0) && (targetoffset < targetarray.length)) : "targetoffset = " + targetoffset;
assert ((targetoffset + valuewidth <= targetarray.length)) : "targetoffset = " + targetoffset + ", valuewidth = " + valuewidth + ", targetarray.length = " + targetarray.length;
System.arraycopy(value, valueoffset, targetarray, targetoffset, Math.min(value.length, valuewidth)); // error?
while (valuewidth-- > value.length) targetarray[targetoffset + valuewidth] = 0;
public kelondroHandle handle() {
// if this entry has an index, return it
if (this.handle.index == kelondroHandle.NUL) throw new kelondroException(filename, "the entry has no index assigned");
return this.handle;
public void setOHByte(int i, byte b) {
if (i >= OHBYTEC) throw new IllegalArgumentException("setOHByte: wrong index " + i);
if (this.handle.index == kelondroHandle.NUL) throw new kelondroException(filename, "setOHByte: no handle assigned");
this.headChunk[i] = b;
this.headChanged = true;
public void setOHHandle(int i, kelondroHandle otherhandle) {
assert (i < OHHANDLEC): "setOHHandle: wrong array size " + i;
assert (this.handle.index != kelondroHandle.NUL): "setOHHandle: no handle assigned ind file" + filename;
if (otherhandle == null) {
NUL2bytes(this.headChunk, OHBYTEC + 4 * i);
} else {
if (otherhandle.index >= USAGE.allCount()) throw new kelondroException(filename, "INTERNAL ERROR, setOHHandles: handle " + i + " exceeds file size (" + handle.index + " >= " + USAGE.allCount() + ")");
int2bytes(otherhandle.index, this.headChunk, OHBYTEC + 4 * i);
this.headChanged = true;
public byte getOHByte(int i) {
if (i >= OHBYTEC) throw new IllegalArgumentException("getOHByte: wrong index " + i);
if (this.handle.index == kelondroHandle.NUL) throw new kelondroException(filename, "Cannot load OH values");
return this.headChunk[i];
public kelondroHandle getOHHandle(int i) {
if (this.handle.index == kelondroHandle.NUL) throw new kelondroException(filename, "Cannot load OH values");
assert (i < OHHANDLEC): "handle index out of bounds: " + i + " in file " + filename;
int h = bytes2int(this.headChunk, OHBYTEC + 4 * i);
return (h == kelondroHandle.NUL) ? null : new kelondroHandle(h);
public synchronized void setValueRow(byte[] row) throws IOException {
// if the index is defined, then write values directly to the file, else only to the object
if ((row != null) && (row.length != ROW.objectsize())) throw new IOException("setValueRow with wrong (" + row.length + ") row length instead correct: " + ROW.objectsize());
// set values
if (this.handle.index != kelondroHandle.NUL) {
setValue(row, 0, ROW.width(0), headChunk, overhead);
if (ROW.columns() > 1) setValue(row, ROW.width(0), tailchunksize, tailChunk, 0);
this.headChanged = true;
this.tailChanged = true;
public synchronized boolean valid() {
// returns true if the key starts with non-zero byte
// this may help to detect deleted entries
return (headChunk[overhead] != 0) && ((headChunk[overhead] != -128) || (headChunk[overhead + 1] != 0));
public synchronized byte[] getKey() {
// read key
return trimCopy(headChunk, overhead, ROW.width(0));
public synchronized byte[] getValueRow() throws IOException {
if (this.tailChunk == null) {
// load all values from the database file
this.tailChunk = new byte[tailchunksize];
// read values
entryFile.readFully(seekpos(this.handle) + (long) headchunksize, this.tailChunk, 0, this.tailChunk.length);
// create return value
byte[] row = new byte[ROW.objectsize()];
// read key
System.arraycopy(headChunk, overhead, row, 0, ROW.width(0));
// read remaining values
System.arraycopy(tailChunk, 0, row, ROW.width(0), tailchunksize);
return row;
public synchronized void commit() throws IOException {
// this must be called after all write operations to the node are
// finished
// place the data to the file
if (this.headChunk == null) {
// there is nothing to save
throw new kelondroException(filename, "no values to save (header missing)");
boolean doCommit = this.headChanged || this.tailChanged;
// save head
synchronized (entryFile) {
if (this.headChanged) {
//System.out.println("WRITEH(" + filename + ", " + seekpos(this.handle) + ", " + this.headChunk.length + ")");
assert (headChunk == null) || (headChunk.length == headchunksize);
entryFile.write(seekpos(this.handle), (this.headChunk == null) ? new byte[headchunksize] : this.headChunk);
this.headChanged = false;
// save tail
if ((this.tailChunk != null) && (this.tailChanged)) {
//System.out.println("WRITET(" + filename + ", " + (seekpos(this.handle) + headchunksize) + ", " + this.tailChunk.length + ")");
assert (tailChunk == null) || (tailChunk.length == tailchunksize);
entryFile.write(seekpos(this.handle) + headchunksize, (this.tailChunk == null) ? new byte[tailchunksize] : this.tailChunk);
this.tailChanged = false;
if (doCommit) entryFile.commit();
public String toString() {
if (this.handle.index == kelondroHandle.NUL) return "NULL";
String s = Integer.toHexString(this.handle.index);
kelondroHandle h;
while (s.length() < 4) s = "0" + s;
try {
for (int i = 0; i < OHBYTEC; i++) s = s + ":b" + getOHByte(i);
for (int i = 0; i < OHHANDLEC; i++) {
h = getOHHandle(i);
if (h == null) s = s + ":hNULL"; else s = s + ":h" + h.toString();
kelondroRow.Entry content = row().newEntry(getValueRow());
for (int i = 0; i < row().columns(); i++) s = s + ":" + ((content.empty(i)) ? "NULL" : content.getColString(i, "UTF-8").trim());
} catch (IOException e) {
s = s + ":***LOAD ERROR***:" + e.getMessage();
return s;
private boolean cacheSpace() {
// check for space in cache
// should be only called within a synchronized(cacheHeaders) environment
// returns true if it is allowed to add another entry to the cache
// returns false if the cache is considered to be full
if (cacheHeaders == null) return false; // no caching
if (cacheHeaders.size() == 0) return true; // nothing there to flush
if (cacheGrowStatus() == 2) return true; // no need to flush cache space
// just delete any of the entries
if (cacheGrowStatus() <= 1) synchronized (cacheHeaders) {
return cacheGrowStatus() > 0;
private void updateNodeCache() {
if (this.handle == null) return; // wrong access
if (this.headChunk == null) return; // nothing there to cache
if (cacheHeaders == null) return; // we do not use the cache
if (cacheSpace()) synchronized (cacheHeaders) {
// generate cache entry
//byte[] cacheEntry = new byte[headchunksize];
//System.arraycopy(headChunk, 0, cacheEntry, 0, headchunksize);
// store the cache entry
boolean upd = false;
upd = (cacheHeaders.putb(this.handle.index, headChunk) != null);
if (upd) writeDouble++; else writeUnique++;
//System.out.println("kelondroRecords cache4" + filename + ": cache record size = " + (memBefore - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()) + " bytes" + ((newentry) ? " new" : ""));
} else {
// there shall be no entry in the cache. If one exists, we remove it
boolean rem = false;
rem = (cacheHeaders.removeb(this.handle.index) != null);
if (rem) cacheDelete++;
@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
// kelondroEcoRecords.java
// (C) 2007 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 03.07.2007 on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $
// $LastChangedBy: orbiter $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.kelondro;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class kelondroEcoRecords extends kelondroAbstractRecords {
// static supervision objects: recognize and coordinate all activites
private static TreeMap recordTracker = new TreeMap(); // a String/filename - kelondroTray mapping
public kelondroEcoRecords(
File file,
short ohbytec, short ohhandlec,
kelondroRow rowdef, int FHandles, int txtProps, int txtPropWidth) throws IOException {
super(file, true, ohbytec, ohhandlec, rowdef, FHandles, txtProps, txtPropWidth);
recordTracker.put(this.filename, this);
public kelondroEcoRecords(
kelondroRA ra, String filename,
short ohbytec, short ohhandlec,
kelondroRow rowdef, int FHandles, int txtProps, int txtPropWidth,
boolean exitOnFail) {
super(ra, filename, true, ohbytec, ohhandlec, rowdef, FHandles, txtProps, txtPropWidth, exitOnFail);
recordTracker.put(this.filename, this);
public kelondroEcoRecords(
kelondroRA ra, String filename) throws IOException{
super(ra, filename, true);
recordTracker.put(this.filename, this);
public static final Iterator filenames() {
// iterates string objects; all file names from record tracker
return recordTracker.keySet().iterator();
protected synchronized void deleteNode(kelondroHandle handle) throws IOException {
public synchronized void close() {
if (recordTracker.get(this.filename) != null) {
theLogger.severe("close(): file '" + this.filename + "' was tracked with record tracker, but it should not.");
public kelondroNode newNode(kelondroHandle handle, byte[] bulk, int offset) throws IOException {
return new EcoNode(handle, bulk, offset);
public final class EcoNode implements kelondroNode {
private kelondroHandle handle = null; // index of the entry, by default NUL means undefined
private byte[] ohChunk = null; // contains overhead values
private byte[] bodyChunk = null; // contains all row values
private boolean ohChanged = false;
private boolean bodyChanged = false;
public EcoNode(byte[] rowinstance) throws IOException {
// this initializer is used to create nodes from bulk-read byte arrays
assert ((rowinstance == null) || (rowinstance.length == ROW.objectsize)) : "bulkchunk.length = " + rowinstance.length + ", ROW.width(0) = " + ROW.width(0);
this.handle = new kelondroHandle(USAGE.allocatePayload(rowinstance));
// create chunks
this.ohChunk = new byte[overhead];
for (int i = this.ohChunk.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) this.ohChunk[i] = (byte) 0xff;
if (rowinstance == null) {
this.bodyChunk = new byte[ROW.objectsize()];
for (int i = this.bodyChunk.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) this.bodyChunk[i] = (byte) 0xff;
} else {
this.bodyChunk = rowinstance;
// mark chunks as not changed
this.ohChanged = false;
this.bodyChanged = false;
public EcoNode(kelondroHandle handle, byte[] bulkchunk, int offset) throws IOException {
// this initializer is used to create nodes from bulk-read byte arrays
// if write is true, then the chunk in bulkchunk is written to the file
// othervise it is considered equal to what is stored in the file
// (that is ensured during pre-loaded enumeration)
this.handle = handle;
boolean changed;
if (handle.index >= USAGE.allCount()) {
// this causes only a write action if we create a node beyond the end of the file
USAGE.allocateRecord(handle.index, bulkchunk, offset);
changed = false; // we have already wrote the record, so it is considered as unchanged
} else {
changed = true;
assert ((bulkchunk == null) || (bulkchunk.length - offset >= recordsize)) : "bulkchunk.length = " + bulkchunk.length + ", offset = " + offset + ", recordsize = " + recordsize;
if ((offset == 0) && (overhead == 0) && ((bulkchunk == null) || (bulkchunk.length == ROW.objectsize()))) {
this.ohChunk = new byte[0];
if (bulkchunk == null) {
this.bodyChunk = new byte[ROW.objectsize()];
} else {
this.bodyChunk = bulkchunk;
} else {
// create empty chunks
this.ohChunk = new byte[overhead];
this.bodyChunk = new byte[ROW.objectsize()];
// write content to chunks
if (bulkchunk != null) {
System.arraycopy(bulkchunk, offset, this.ohChunk, 0, overhead);
System.arraycopy(bulkchunk, offset + overhead, this.bodyChunk, 0, ROW.objectsize());
// mark chunks as changed
this.ohChanged = changed;
this.bodyChanged = changed;
public EcoNode(kelondroHandle handle) throws IOException {
// this creates an entry with an pre-reserved entry position.
// values can be written using the setValues() method,
// but we expect that values are already there in the file.
assert (handle != null): "node handle is null";
assert (handle.index >= 0): "node handle too low: " + handle.index;
//assert (handle.index < USAGE.allCount()) : "node handle too high: " + handle.index + ", USEDC=" + USAGE.USEDC + ", FREEC=" + USAGE.FREEC;
// the parentNode can be given if an auto-fix in the following case is wanted
if (handle == null) throw new kelondroException(filename, "INTERNAL ERROR: node handle is null.");
if (handle.index >= USAGE.allCount()) {
throw new kelondroException(filename, "INTERNAL ERROR, Node/init: node handle index " + handle.index + " exceeds size. No auto-fix node was submitted. This is a serious failure.");
// use given handle
this.handle = new kelondroHandle(handle.index);
// read complete record
byte[] bulkchunk = new byte[recordsize];
entryFile.readFully(seekpos(this.handle), bulkchunk, 0, recordsize);
if ((overhead == 0) && (bulkchunk.length == ROW.objectsize())) {
this.ohChunk = new byte[0];
this.bodyChunk = bulkchunk;
} else {
// create empty chunks
this.ohChunk = new byte[overhead];
this.bodyChunk = new byte[ROW.objectsize()];
// write content to chunks
if (bulkchunk != null) {
System.arraycopy(bulkchunk, 0, this.ohChunk, 0, overhead);
System.arraycopy(bulkchunk, 0 + overhead, this.bodyChunk, 0, ROW.objectsize());
// mark chunks as not changed
this.ohChanged = false;
this.bodyChanged = false;
public kelondroHandle handle() {
// if this entry has an index, return it
if (this.handle.index == kelondroHandle.NUL) throw new kelondroException(filename, "the entry has no index assigned");
return this.handle;
public void setOHByte(int i, byte b) {
if (i >= OHBYTEC) throw new IllegalArgumentException("setOHByte: wrong index " + i);
if (this.handle.index == kelondroHandle.NUL) throw new kelondroException(filename, "setOHByte: no handle assigned");
this.ohChunk[i] = b;
this.ohChanged = true;
public void setOHHandle(int i, kelondroHandle otherhandle) {
assert (i < OHHANDLEC): "setOHHandle: wrong array size " + i;
assert (this.handle.index != kelondroHandle.NUL): "setOHHandle: no handle assigned ind file" + filename;
if (otherhandle == null) {
NUL2bytes(this.ohChunk, OHBYTEC + 4 * i);
} else {
if (otherhandle.index >= USAGE.allCount()) throw new kelondroException(filename, "INTERNAL ERROR, setOHHandles: handle " + i + " exceeds file size (" + handle.index + " >= " + USAGE.allCount() + ")");
int2bytes(otherhandle.index, this.ohChunk, OHBYTEC + 4 * i);
this.ohChanged = true;
public byte getOHByte(int i) {
if (i >= OHBYTEC) throw new IllegalArgumentException("getOHByte: wrong index " + i);
if (this.handle.index == kelondroHandle.NUL) throw new kelondroException(filename, "Cannot load OH values");
return this.ohChunk[i];
public kelondroHandle getOHHandle(int i) {
if (this.handle.index == kelondroHandle.NUL) throw new kelondroException(filename, "Cannot load OH values");
assert (i < OHHANDLEC): "handle index out of bounds: " + i + " in file " + filename;
int h = bytes2int(this.ohChunk, OHBYTEC + 4 * i);
return (h == kelondroHandle.NUL) ? null : new kelondroHandle(h);
public synchronized void setValueRow(byte[] row) throws IOException {
// if the index is defined, then write values directly to the file, else only to the object
if ((row != null) && (row.length != ROW.objectsize())) throw new IOException("setValueRow with wrong (" + row.length + ") row length instead correct: " + ROW.objectsize());
// set values
if (this.handle.index != kelondroHandle.NUL) {
this.bodyChunk = row;
this.bodyChanged = true;
public synchronized boolean valid() {
// returns true if the key starts with non-zero byte
// this may help to detect deleted entries
return (this.bodyChunk[0] != 0) && ((this.bodyChunk[0] != -128) || (this.bodyChunk[1] != 0));
public synchronized byte[] getKey() {
// read key
return trimCopy(this.bodyChunk, 0, ROW.width(0));
public synchronized byte[] getValueRow() throws IOException {
if (this.bodyChunk == null) {
// load all values from the database file
this.bodyChunk = new byte[ROW.objectsize()];
// read values
entryFile.readFully(seekpos(this.handle) + (long) overhead, this.bodyChunk, 0, this.bodyChunk.length);
return this.bodyChunk;
public synchronized void commit() throws IOException {
// this must be called after all write operations to the node are finished
// place the data to the file
boolean doCommit = this.ohChanged || this.bodyChanged;
// save head
synchronized (entryFile) {
if (this.ohChanged) {
//System.out.println("WRITEH(" + filename + ", " + seekpos(this.handle) + ", " + this.headChunk.length + ")");
assert (ohChunk == null) || (ohChunk.length == headchunksize);
entryFile.write(seekpos(this.handle), (this.ohChunk == null) ? new byte[overhead] : this.ohChunk);
this.ohChanged = false;
// save tail
if ((this.bodyChunk != null) && (this.bodyChanged)) {
//System.out.println("WRITET(" + filename + ", " + (seekpos(this.handle) + headchunksize) + ", " + this.tailChunk.length + ")");
assert (this.bodyChunk == null) || (this.bodyChunk.length == ROW.objectsize());
entryFile.write(seekpos(this.handle) + overhead, (this.bodyChunk == null) ? new byte[ROW.objectsize()] : this.bodyChunk);
this.bodyChanged = false;
if (doCommit) entryFile.commit();
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
// kelondroHandle.java
// (C) 2003 - 2007 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 2003 on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $
// $LastChangedBy: orbiter $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.kelondro;
public class kelondroHandle implements Comparable {
public final static int NUL = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // the meta value for the kelondroTray' NUL abstraction
protected int index;
protected kelondroHandle(int i) {
assert (i == NUL) || (i >= 0) : "node handle index too low: " + i;
//assert (i == NUL) || (i < USAGE.allCount()) : "node handle index too high: " + i + ", USEDC=" + USAGE.USEDC + ", FREEC=" + USAGE.FREEC;
this.index = i;
//if ((USAGE != null) && (this.index != NUL)) USAGE.allocate(this.index);
public boolean isNUL() {
return index == NUL;
public String toString() {
if (index == NUL) return "NULL";
String s = Integer.toHexString(index);
while (s.length() < 4) s = "0" + s;
return s;
public boolean equals(kelondroHandle h) {
assert (index != NUL);
assert (h.index != NUL);
return (this.index == h.index);
public boolean equals(Object h) {
assert (index != NUL);
assert (((kelondroHandle) h).index != NUL);
return (this.index == ((kelondroHandle) h).index);
public int compare(Object h0, Object h1) {
assert (((kelondroHandle) h0).index != NUL);
assert (((kelondroHandle) h1).index != NUL);
if (((kelondroHandle) h0).index < ((kelondroHandle) h1).index) return -1;
if (((kelondroHandle) h0).index > ((kelondroHandle) h1).index) return 1;
return 0;
public int compareTo(Object h) {
// this is needed for a TreeMap
assert (index != NUL) : "this.index is NUL in compareTo";
assert (((kelondroHandle) h).index != NUL) : "handle.index is NUL in compareTo";
if (index < ((kelondroHandle) h).index) return -1;
if (index > ((kelondroHandle) h).index) return 1;
return 0;
public int hashCode() {
assert (index != NUL);
return this.index;
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// kelondroNode.java
// (C) 2003 - 2007 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 2003 on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $
// $LastChangedBy: orbiter $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.kelondro;
import java.io.IOException;
public interface kelondroNode {
public kelondroHandle handle();
public void setOHByte(int i, byte b);
public void setOHHandle(int i, kelondroHandle otherhandle);
public byte getOHByte(int i);
public kelondroHandle getOHHandle(int i);
public void commit() throws IOException;
public void setValueRow(byte[] row) throws IOException;
public boolean valid();
public byte[] getKey();
public byte[] getValueRow() throws IOException;
public String toString();
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in new issue