/ * *
* RasterPlotter
* Copyright 2005 by Michael Peter Christen ; mc @yacy.net , Frankfurt a . M . , Germany
* First released 16.09 .2005 at http : //yacy.net
* This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
* version 2.1 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program in the file lgpl21 . txt
* If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
package net.yacy.visualization ;
import java.awt.Color ;
import java.awt.Graphics2D ;
import java.awt.Transparency ;
import java.awt.color.ColorSpace ;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage ;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel ;
import java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel ;
import java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel ;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer ;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte ;
import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel ;
import java.awt.image.Raster ;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster ;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.FileOutputStream ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.OutputStream ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.TreeSet ;
import java.util.zip.CRC32 ;
import java.util.zip.Deflater ;
import java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream ;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO ;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon ;
import javax.swing.JFrame ;
import javax.swing.JLabel ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ByteBuffer ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog ;
/ * *
* This Class implements some convenience - methods to support drawing of statistical Data
* It is not intended to replace existing awt - funktions even if it looks so
* This class provides some drawing methods that creates transparency effects that
* are not available in awt .
* /
public class RasterPlotter {
public static final ConcurrentLog log = new ConcurrentLog ( "RasterPlotter" ) ;
public static final double PI180 = Math . PI / 180.0d ;
public static final double PI4 = Math . PI / 4.0d ;
public static final double PI2 = Math . PI / 2.0d ;
public static final double PI32 = PI2 * 3.0d ;
public static final double TL = Math . sqrt ( 3 ) / 2 ;
// colors regarding RGB Color Model
public static final long RED = 0xFF0000 ;
public static final long GREEN = 0x00FF00 ;
public static final long BLUE = 0x0000FF ;
public static final long GREY = 0x888888 ;
public static enum DrawMode {
public static enum FilterMode {
protected final int width , height ;
private final int [ ] cc ;
private BufferedImage image ;
private WritableRaster grid ;
private int defaultColR , defaultColG , defaultColB ;
private final long backgroundCol ;
private DrawMode defaultMode ;
private byte [ ] frame ;
public RasterPlotter ( final int width , final int height , final DrawMode drawMode , final String backgroundColor ) {
this ( width , height , drawMode , Long . parseLong ( backgroundColor , 16 ) ) ;
public RasterPlotter ( final int width , final int height , final DrawMode drawMode , final long backgroundColor ) {
this . cc = new int [ 3 ] ;
this . width = width ;
this . height = height ;
this . backgroundCol = backgroundColor ;
this . defaultColR = 0xFF ;
this . defaultColG = 0xFF ;
this . defaultColB = 0xFF ;
this . defaultMode = drawMode ;
try {
// we need our own frame buffer to get a very, very fast transformation to png because we can omit the PixedGrabber, which is up to 800 times slower
// see: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4835595
this . frame = new byte [ width * height * 3 ] ;
DataBuffer videoBuffer = new DataBufferByte ( frame , frame . length ) ;
ComponentSampleModel sampleModel = new ComponentSampleModel ( DataBuffer . TYPE_BYTE , width , height , 3 , width * 3 , new int [ ] { 0 , 1 , 2 } ) ;
this . grid = Raster . createWritableRaster ( sampleModel , videoBuffer , null ) ;
ColorModel colorModel = new ComponentColorModel ( ColorSpace . getInstance ( ColorSpace . CS_sRGB ) , null , false , false , Transparency . OPAQUE , DataBuffer . TYPE_BYTE ) ;
this . image = new BufferedImage ( colorModel , this . grid , false , null ) ;
} catch ( final OutOfMemoryError e ) {
this . frame = null ;
try {
this . image = new BufferedImage ( width , height , BufferedImage . TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED ) ;
} catch ( final OutOfMemoryError ee ) {
try {
this . image = new BufferedImage ( width , height , BufferedImage . TYPE_BYTE_BINARY ) ;
} catch ( final OutOfMemoryError eee ) {
this . image = new BufferedImage ( 1 , 1 , BufferedImage . TYPE_BYTE_BINARY ) ;
this . grid = this . image . getRaster ( ) ;
clear ( ) ;
/ * *
* Deletes all pixels of image and sets them to previously defined
* background color .
* /
public final void clear ( ) {
// fill grid with background color
final int bgR = ( int ) ( this . backgroundCol > > 16 ) ;
final int bgG = ( int ) ( ( this . backgroundCol > > 8 ) & 0xff ) ;
final int bgB = ( int ) ( this . backgroundCol & 0xff ) ;
if ( this . frame = = null ) {
final Graphics2D gr = this . image . createGraphics ( ) ;
Color c = new Color ( bgR , bgG , bgB ) ;
gr . setBackground ( c ) ;
gr . clearRect ( 0 , 0 , this . width , this . height ) ;
gr . setColor ( c ) ;
gr . fillRect ( 0 , 0 , this . width , this . height ) ;
} else {
int p = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < width ; i + + ) {
this . frame [ p + + ] = ( byte ) bgR ;
this . frame [ p + + ] = ( byte ) bgG ;
this . frame [ p + + ] = ( byte ) bgB ;
final int rw = width * 3 ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < height ; i + + ) {
System . arraycopy ( this . frame , 0 , this . frame , i * rw , rw ) ;
public void setDrawMode ( final DrawMode drawMode ) {
this . defaultMode = drawMode ;
public BufferedImage getImage ( ) {
return this . image ;
public int getWidth ( ) {
return this . width ;
public int getHeight ( ) {
return this . height ;
public static boolean darkColor ( final String s ) {
return darkColor ( Long . parseLong ( s , 16 ) ) ;
public static boolean darkColor ( final long c ) {
final int r = ( int ) ( c > > 16 ) ;
final int g = ( int ) ( ( c > > 8 ) & 0xff ) ;
final int b = ( int ) ( c & 0xff ) ;
return r + g + b < 384 ;
public int [ ] getPixel ( final int x , final int y ) {
return getPixel ( x , y , new int [ 3 ] ) ;
public int [ ] getPixel ( final int x , final int y , int [ ] c ) {
if ( this . frame = = null ) return this . grid . getPixel ( x , y , c ) ;
int cell = ( this . width * y + x ) * 3 ;
c [ 0 ] = this . frame [ cell + + ] & 0xff ;
c [ 1 ] = this . frame [ cell + + ] & 0xff ;
c [ 2 ] = this . frame [ cell + + ] & 0xff ;
return c ;
public void setPixel ( final int x , final int y , int [ ] c ) {
if ( this . frame = = null ) {
this . grid . setPixel ( x , y , c ) ;
return ;
int cell = ( this . width * y + x ) * 3 ;
this . frame [ cell + + ] = ( byte ) c [ 0 ] ;
this . frame [ cell + + ] = ( byte ) c [ 1 ] ;
this . frame [ cell + + ] = ( byte ) c [ 2 ] ;
public void setColor ( final long c ) {
if ( this . defaultMode = = DrawMode . MODE_SUB ) {
final int r = ( int ) ( c > > 16 ) ;
final int g = ( int ) ( ( c > > 8 ) & 0xff ) ;
final int b = ( int ) ( c & 0xff ) ;
this . defaultColR = ( g + b ) > > > 1 ; // / 2;
this . defaultColG = ( r + b ) > > > 1 ; // / 2;
this . defaultColB = ( r + g ) > > > 1 ; // / 2;
} else {
this . defaultColR = ( int ) ( c > > 16 ) ;
this . defaultColG = ( int ) ( ( c > > 8 ) & 0xff ) ;
this . defaultColB = ( int ) ( c & 0xff ) ;
public void plot ( final int x , final int y ) {
plot ( x , y , 100 ) ;
public void plot ( final int x , final int y , final int intensity ) {
if ( ( x < 0 ) | | ( x > = this . width ) ) return ;
if ( ( y < 0 ) | | ( y > = this . height ) ) return ;
try {
if ( this . defaultMode = = DrawMode . MODE_REPLACE ) {
if ( intensity = = 100 ) synchronized ( this . cc ) {
this . cc [ 0 ] = this . defaultColR ;
this . cc [ 1 ] = this . defaultColG ;
this . cc [ 2 ] = this . defaultColB ;
setPixel ( x , y , this . cc ) ;
} else synchronized ( this . cc ) {
final int [ ] c = getPixel ( x , y , this . cc ) ;
c [ 0 ] = ( intensity * this . defaultColR + ( 100 - intensity ) * c [ 0 ] ) / 100 ;
c [ 1 ] = ( intensity * this . defaultColG + ( 100 - intensity ) * c [ 1 ] ) / 100 ;
c [ 2 ] = ( intensity * this . defaultColB + ( 100 - intensity ) * c [ 2 ] ) / 100 ;
setPixel ( x , y , c ) ;
} else if ( this . defaultMode = = DrawMode . MODE_ADD ) synchronized ( this . cc ) {
int [ ] c = null ;
try {
c = getPixel ( x , y , this . cc ) ;
} catch ( final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e ) {
// catch "Coordinate out of bounds"
return ;
if ( intensity = = 100 ) {
c [ 0 ] = ( 0xff & c [ 0 ] ) + this . defaultColR ; if ( this . cc [ 0 ] > 255 ) this . cc [ 0 ] = 255 ;
c [ 1 ] = ( 0xff & c [ 1 ] ) + this . defaultColG ; if ( this . cc [ 1 ] > 255 ) this . cc [ 1 ] = 255 ;
c [ 2 ] = ( 0xff & c [ 2 ] ) + this . defaultColB ; if ( this . cc [ 2 ] > 255 ) this . cc [ 2 ] = 255 ;
} else {
c [ 0 ] = ( 0xff & c [ 0 ] ) + ( intensity * this . defaultColR / 100 ) ; if ( this . cc [ 0 ] > 255 ) this . cc [ 0 ] = 255 ;
c [ 1 ] = ( 0xff & c [ 1 ] ) + ( intensity * this . defaultColG / 100 ) ; if ( this . cc [ 1 ] > 255 ) this . cc [ 1 ] = 255 ;
c [ 2 ] = ( 0xff & c [ 2 ] ) + ( intensity * this . defaultColB / 100 ) ; if ( this . cc [ 2 ] > 255 ) this . cc [ 2 ] = 255 ;
setPixel ( x , y , c ) ;
} else if ( this . defaultMode = = DrawMode . MODE_SUB ) synchronized ( this . cc ) {
int [ ] c = null ;
try {
c = getPixel ( x , y , this . cc ) ;
} catch ( final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e ) {
// catch "Coordinate out of bounds"
return ;
if ( intensity = = 100 ) {
c [ 0 ] = ( 0xff & c [ 0 ] ) - this . defaultColR ; if ( this . cc [ 0 ] < 0 ) this . cc [ 0 ] = 0 ;
c [ 1 ] = ( 0xff & c [ 1 ] ) - this . defaultColG ; if ( this . cc [ 1 ] < 0 ) this . cc [ 1 ] = 0 ;
c [ 2 ] = ( 0xff & c [ 2 ] ) - this . defaultColB ; if ( this . cc [ 2 ] < 0 ) this . cc [ 2 ] = 0 ;
} else {
c [ 0 ] = ( 0xff & c [ 0 ] ) - ( intensity * this . defaultColR / 100 ) ; if ( this . cc [ 0 ] < 0 ) this . cc [ 0 ] = 0 ;
c [ 1 ] = ( 0xff & c [ 1 ] ) - ( intensity * this . defaultColG / 100 ) ; if ( this . cc [ 1 ] < 0 ) this . cc [ 1 ] = 0 ;
c [ 2 ] = ( 0xff & c [ 2 ] ) - ( intensity * this . defaultColB / 100 ) ; if ( this . cc [ 2 ] < 0 ) this . cc [ 2 ] = 0 ;
setPixel ( x , y , c ) ;
} catch ( final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e ) {
log . warn ( e . getMessage ( ) + ": x = " + x + ", y = " + y ) ;
} // may appear when pixel coordinate is out of bounds
public void line ( final int Ax , final int Ay , final int Bx , final int By , final int intensity ) {
line ( Ax , Ay , Bx , By , null , intensity , null , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , false ) ;
/ * *
* draw a line using Bresenham ' s line drawing algorithm .
* The line will be plotted together with dots on it , if wanted .
* @param Ax
* @param Ay
* @param Bx
* @param By
* @param colorLine
* @param intensityLine
* @param colorDot
* @param intensityDot
* @param dotDist
* @param dotPos
* @param dotRadius
* @param dotFilled
* /
public void line (
int Ax , int Ay , final int Bx , final int By ,
final Long colorLine , final int intensityLine ,
final Long colorDot , final int intensityDot , final int dotDist , final int dotPos , final int dotRadius , final boolean dotFilled
) {
// Bresenham's line drawing algorithm
int dX = Math . abs ( Bx - Ax ) ;
int dY = Math . abs ( By - Ay ) ;
final int Xincr = ( Ax > Bx ) ? - 1 : 1 ;
final int Yincr = ( Ay > By ) ? - 1 : 1 ;
int dotc = 0 ;
if ( dX > = dY ) {
final int dPr = dY < < 1 ;
final int dPru = dPr - ( dX < < 1 ) ;
int P = dPr - dX ;
for ( ; dX > = 0 ; dX - - ) {
if ( colorLine ! = null ) this . setColor ( colorLine ) ;
plot ( Ax , Ay , intensityLine ) ;
if ( dotc = = dotPos ) {
if ( colorDot ! = null ) this . setColor ( colorDot ) ;
if ( dotRadius = = 0 ) this . plot ( Ax , Ay , intensityDot ) ;
else if ( dotRadius > 0 ) dot ( Ax , Ay , dotRadius , dotFilled , intensityDot ) ;
dotc + + ;
if ( dotc = = dotDist ) dotc = 0 ;
if ( P > 0 ) {
Ax + = Xincr ;
Ay + = Yincr ;
P + = dPru ;
} else {
Ax + = Xincr ;
P + = dPr ;
} else {
final int dPr = dX < < 1 ;
final int dPru = dPr - ( dY < < 1 ) ;
int P = dPr - dY ;
for ( ; dY > = 0 ; dY - - ) {
if ( colorLine ! = null ) this . setColor ( colorLine ) ;
plot ( Ax , Ay , intensityLine ) ;
if ( dotc = = dotPos ) {
if ( colorDot ! = null ) this . setColor ( colorDot ) ;
if ( dotRadius = = 0 ) this . plot ( Ax , Ay , intensityDot ) ;
else if ( dotRadius > 0 ) dot ( Ax , Ay , dotRadius , dotFilled , intensityDot ) ;
dotc + + ;
if ( dotc = = dotDist ) dotc = 0 ;
if ( P > 0 ) {
Ax + = Xincr ;
Ay + = Yincr ;
P + = dPru ;
} else {
Ay + = Yincr ;
P + = dPr ;
/ * *
* draw a line with a dot at the end
* @param x0 start point
* @param y0 start point
* @param x1 end point
* @param y1 end point
* @param radius radius of the dot
* @param padding the distance of the dot border to the end point
* @param lineColor the color of the line
* @param dotColor the color of the dot
* /
public void lineDot ( final int x0 , final int y0 , final int x1 , final int y1 , final int radius , final int padding , final long lineColor , final long dotColor ) {
final double dx = x1 - x0 ; // distance of points, x component
final double dy = y1 - y0 ; // distance of points, y component
final double angle = Math . atan2 ( dy , dx ) ; // the angle of the line between the points
final double d = Math . sqrt ( ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) ) ; // the distance between the points (Pythagoras)
final double ddotcenter = d - radius - padding ; // distance from {x0, y0} to dot center near {x1, y1}
final double ddotborder = ddotcenter - radius ; // distance to point {x3, y3} at border of dot center at {x2, y2}
final double xn = Math . cos ( angle ) ; // normalized vector component x
final double yn = Math . sin ( angle ) ; // normalized vector component y
final int x2 = x0 + ( ( int ) ( ddotcenter * xn ) ) ; // dot center, x component
final int y2 = y0 + ( ( int ) ( ddotcenter * yn ) ) ; // dot center, y component
final int x3 = x0 + ( ( int ) ( ddotborder * xn ) ) ; // dot border, x component
final int y3 = y0 + ( ( int ) ( ddotborder * yn ) ) ; // dot border, y component
setColor ( lineColor ) ; line ( x0 , y0 , x3 , y3 , 100 ) ; // draw line from {x0, y0} to dot border
setColor ( dotColor ) ; dot ( x2 , y2 , radius , true , 100 ) ; // draw dot at {x2, y2}
/ * *
* draw a line with an arrow at the end
* @param x0 start point
* @param y0 start point
* @param x1 end point
* @param y1 end point
* @param sidelength the side length of the arrow tip ( all 3 sides are equal )
* @param padding the distance of the arrow tip to the end point
* @param lineColor the color of the line
* @param arrowColor the color of the arrow tip
* /
public void lineArrow ( final int x0 , final int y0 , final int x1 , final int y1 , final int sidelength , final int padding , final long lineColor , final long arrowColor ) {
final double dx = x1 - x0 ; // distance of points, x component
final double dy = y1 - y0 ; // distance of points, y component
final double angle = Math . atan2 ( dy , dx ) ; // the angle of the line between the points
final double d = Math . sqrt ( ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) ) ; // the distance between the points (Pythagoras)
final double arrowtip = d - padding ; // the distance from {x0, y0} to the arrow tip
final double arrowlength = TL * sidelength ; // the length of the arrow (distance from base to tip)
final double arrowbase = arrowtip - arrowlength ; // the distance from {x0, y0} to the arrow base
final double xn = Math . cos ( angle ) ; // normalized vector component x
final double yn = Math . sin ( angle ) ; // normalized vector component y
final int xt = x0 + ( ( int ) ( arrowtip * xn ) ) ; // arrow tip point component x
final int yt = y0 + ( ( int ) ( arrowtip * yn ) ) ; // arrow tip point component y
final double xb = x0 + arrowbase * xn ; // arrow base point component x
final double yb = y0 + arrowbase * yn ; // arrow base point component y
final double sl2 = sidelength / 2.0 ; // half of the side length
final double xk = sl2 * Math . cos ( angle + PI2 ) ; // point at 90 degree on arrow direction to left side, vector component x
final double yk = sl2 * Math . sin ( angle + PI2 ) ; // point at 90 degree on arrow direction to left side, vector component y
final int x2 = ( int ) ( xb + xk ) ;
final int y2 = ( int ) ( yb + yk ) ;
final int x3 = ( int ) ( xb - xk ) ;
final int y3 = ( int ) ( yb - yk ) ;
setColor ( lineColor ) ;
line ( x0 , y0 , ( int ) xb , ( int ) yb , 100 ) ; // draw line from {x0, y0} to arrow base
setColor ( arrowColor ) ;
line ( x2 , y2 , x3 , y3 , 100 ) ; // base line
line ( x2 , y2 , xt , yt , 100 ) ; // left line
line ( x3 , y3 , xt , yt , 100 ) ; // right line
public void dot ( final int x , final int y , final int radius , final boolean filled , final int intensity ) {
if ( filled ) {
for ( int r = radius ; r > = 0 ; r - - ) {
CircleTool . circle ( this , x , y , r , intensity ) ;
} else {
CircleTool . circle ( this , x , y , radius , intensity ) ;
public void arc ( final int x , final int y , final int innerRadius , final int outerRadius , final int intensity ) {
for ( int r = innerRadius ; r < = outerRadius ; r + + ) {
CircleTool . circle ( this , x , y , r , intensity ) ;
public void arc ( final int x , final int y , final int innerRadius , final int outerRadius , final int fromArc , final int toArc ) {
for ( int r = innerRadius ; r < = outerRadius ; r + + ) {
CircleTool . circle ( this , x , y , r , fromArc , toArc ) ;
/ * *
* draw a portion of a line from the center of a circle
* @param cx center of circle , x
* @param cy center of circle , y
* @param innerRadius inner radius of line
* @param outerRadius outer radius of line
* @param angle angle within the circle for the line
* @param in direction , if true : inward . This is the moving direction of dots , if dotRadius is alternated from 0 to 360
* @param colorLine the color of the line
* @param colorDot the color of the dot
* @param dotDist the distance of two dots
* @param dotPos the start position of the first dot
* @param dotRadius the radius of the dot
* @param dotFilled if true : dot is filled .
* /
public void arcLine ( final int cx , final int cy , final int innerRadius , final int outerRadius , final double angle , final boolean in ,
final Long colorLine , final Long colorDot , final int dotDist , final int dotPos , final int dotRadius , final boolean dotFilled ) {
final double a = PI180 * angle ;
final double cosa = Math . cos ( a ) ;
final double sina = Math . sin ( a ) ;
final int xi = cx + ( int ) ( innerRadius * cosa ) ;
final int yi = cy - ( int ) ( innerRadius * sina ) ;
final int xo = cx + ( int ) ( outerRadius * cosa ) ;
final int yo = cy - ( int ) ( outerRadius * sina ) ;
//line(xi, yi, xo, yo, 100);
if ( in ) {
line (
xo , yo , xi , yi ,
colorLine , 100 ,
colorDot , 100 , dotDist , dotPos , dotRadius , dotFilled
) ;
} else {
line (
xi , yi , xo , yo ,
colorLine , 100 ,
colorDot , 100 , dotDist , dotPos , dotRadius , dotFilled
) ;
public void arcDot ( final int cx , final int cy , final int arcRadius , final double angle , final int dotRadius ) {
final double a = PI180 * angle ;
final int x = cx + ( int ) ( arcRadius * Math . cos ( a ) ) ;
final int y = cy - ( int ) ( arcRadius * Math . sin ( a ) ) ;
dot ( x , y , dotRadius , true , 100 ) ;
/ * *
* draw a connecting line between two points on a circle
* @param cx center of circle , x
* @param cy center of circle , y
* @param arcRadius radius of circle
* @param angle1 position of dot 1 on circle
* @param angle2 position of dot 2 on circle
* @param in direction of dots on line ; in = true means : inwards
* @param colorLine
* @param intensityLine
* @param colorDot
* @param intensityDot
* @param dotDist
* @param dotPos
* @param dotRadius
* @param dotFilled
* /
public void arcConnect ( final int cx , final int cy , final int arcRadius , final double angle1 , final double angle2 , final boolean in ,
final Long colorLine , final int intensityLine ,
final Long colorDot , final int intensityDot , final int dotDist , final int dotPos , final int dotRadius , final boolean dotFilled ,
final String message , final Long colorMessage , final int intensityMessage ) {
final double a1 = PI180 * angle1 ;
final double a2 = PI180 * angle2 ;
// find positions of points
final int x1 = cx + ( int ) ( arcRadius * Math . cos ( a1 ) ) ;
final int y1 = cy - ( int ) ( arcRadius * Math . sin ( a1 ) ) ;
final int x2 = cx + ( int ) ( arcRadius * Math . cos ( a2 ) ) ;
final int y2 = cy - ( int ) ( arcRadius * Math . sin ( a2 ) ) ;
// draw the line
if ( in ) {
line ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ,
colorLine , intensityLine ,
colorDot , intensityDot , dotDist , dotPos , dotRadius , dotFilled ) ;
} else {
line ( x2 , y2 , x1 , y1 ,
colorLine , intensityLine ,
colorDot , intensityDot , dotDist , dotPos , dotRadius , dotFilled ) ;
// draw a name on the line
if ( message ! = null & & message . length ( ) > 0 ) {
this . setColor ( colorMessage ) ;
int xm = ( x1 + 5 * x2 ) / 6 ;
int ym = ( y1 + 5 * y2 ) / 6 ;
if ( ym < cy ) ym + = 6 ; else ym - = 6 ;
if ( xm < cx ) xm + = 6 ; else xm - = 6 ;
if ( xm > cx ) xm - = 6 * message . length ( ) ;
PrintTool . print ( this , xm , ym , 0 , message . toUpperCase ( ) , - 1 , intensityMessage ) ;
public void arcArc ( final int cx , final int cy , final int arcRadius , final double angle ,
final int innerRadius , final int outerRadius , final int intensity ) {
final double a = PI180 * angle ;
final int x = cx + ( int ) ( arcRadius * Math . cos ( a ) ) ;
final int y = cy - ( int ) ( arcRadius * Math . sin ( a ) ) ;
arc ( x , y , innerRadius , outerRadius , intensity ) ;
public void arcArc ( final int cx , final int cy , final int arcRadius , final double angle ,
final int innerRadius , final int outerRadius , final int fromArc , final int toArc ) {
final double a = PI180 * angle ;
final int x = cx + ( int ) ( arcRadius * Math . cos ( a ) ) ;
final int y = cy - ( int ) ( arcRadius * Math . sin ( a ) ) ;
arc ( x , y , innerRadius , outerRadius , fromArc , toArc ) ;
/ * *
* inserts image
* @param bitmap bitmap to be inserted
* @param x x - value of upper left coordinate where bitmap will be placed
* @param y y - value of upper left coordinate where bitmap will be placed
* /
public void insertBitmap ( final BufferedImage bitmap , final int x , final int y ) {
insertBitmap ( bitmap , x , y , - 1 ) ;
/ * *
* inserts image
* @param bitmap bitmap to be inserted
* @param x x - value of upper left coordinate where bitmap will be placed
* @param y y - value of upper left coordinate where bitmap will be placed
* @param filter chooses filter
* /
public void insertBitmap ( final BufferedImage bitmap , final int x , final int y , final FilterMode filter ) {
insertBitmap ( bitmap , x , y , - 1 , filter ) ;
/ * *
* inserts image where all pixels which have the same RGB value as the
* pixel at ( xx , yy ) are transparent
* @param bitmap bitmap to be inserted
* @param x x - value of upper left coordinate where bitmap will be placed
* @param y y - value of upper left coordinate where bitmap will be placed
* @param xx x - value of pixel that determines which color is transparent
* @param yy y - value of pixel that determines which color is transparent
* /
public void insertBitmap ( final BufferedImage bitmap , final int x , final int y , final int xx , final int yy ) {
insertBitmap ( bitmap , x , y , bitmap . getRGB ( xx , yy ) ) ;
/ * *
* inserts image where all pixels that have the same RGB value as the
* pixel at ( xx , yy ) are transparent
* @param bitmap bitmap to be inserted
* @param x x - value of upper left coordinate where bitmap will be placed
* @param y y - value of upper left coordinate where bitmap will be placed
* @param xx x - value of pixel that determines which color is transparent
* @param yy y - value of pixel that determines which color is transparent
* @param filter filter to be applied
* /
public void insertBitmap ( final BufferedImage bitmap , final int x , final int y , final int xx , final int yy , final FilterMode filter ) {
insertBitmap ( bitmap , x , y , bitmap . getRGB ( xx , yy ) , filter ) ;
/ * *
* inserts image where all pixels that have the same RGB value as the
* pixel at ( xx , yy ) are transparent
* @param bitmap bitmap to be inserted
* @param x x - value of upper left coordinate where bitmap will be placed
* @param y y - value of upper left coordinate where bitmap will be placed
* @param rgb RGB value which will be transparent
* /
public void insertBitmap ( final BufferedImage bitmap , final int x , final int y , final int transRGB ) {
final int heightSrc = bitmap . getHeight ( ) ;
final int widthSrc = bitmap . getWidth ( ) ;
final int heightTgt = this . height ;
final int widthTgt = this . width ;
int rgb ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < heightSrc ; i + + ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < widthSrc ; j + + ) {
// pixel in legal area?
if ( j + x > = 0 & & i + y > = 0 & & i + y < heightTgt & & j + x < widthTgt ) {
rgb = bitmap . getRGB ( j , i ) ;
if ( rgb ! = transRGB ) {
this . image . setRGB ( j + x , i + y , rgb ) ;
/ * *
* inserts image where all pixels that have a special RGB value
* pixel at ( xx , yy ) are transparent
* @param bitmap bitmap to be inserted
* @param x x - value of upper left coordinate where bitmap will be placed
* @param y y - value of upper left coordinate where bitmap will be placed
* @param rgb RGB value which will be transparent
* @param filter filter to be applied
* /
public void insertBitmap ( final BufferedImage bitmap , final int x , final int y , final int transRGB , final FilterMode filter ) {
insertBitmap ( bitmap , x , y , transRGB ) ;
final int bitmapWidth = bitmap . getWidth ( ) ;
final int bitmapHeight = bitmap . getHeight ( ) ;
if ( filter = = FilterMode . FILTER_ANTIALIASING ) {
int transX = - 1 ;
int transY = - 1 ;
final int imageWidth = this . image . getWidth ( ) ;
final int imageHeight = this . image . getHeight ( ) ;
// find first pixel in bitmap that equals transRGB
// and also lies in area of image that will be covered by bitmap
int i = 0 ;
int j = 0 ;
boolean found = false ;
while ( ( i < bitmapWidth ) & & ( i + x < imageWidth ) & & ! found ) {
while ( ( j < bitmapHeight ) & & ( j + y < imageHeight ) & & ! found ) {
if ( bitmap . getRGB ( i , j ) = = transRGB ) {
transX = i ;
transY = j ;
found = true ;
j + + ;
i + + ;
// if there is a transparent pixel in the bitmap that covers an area
// of the image, the fiter will be used. If no such pixel has been found that
// means that there either is no transparent pixel in the bitmap or part
// of the bitmap that covers part of tha image is not within the borders of
// the image (i.e. bitmap is larger than image)
if ( transX ! = - 1 ) {
filter ( x - 1 , y - 1 , x + bitmapWidth , y + bitmapHeight , filter , this . image . getRGB ( transX + x , transY + y ) ) ;
} else {
filter ( x - 1 , y - 1 , x + bitmapWidth , y + bitmapHeight , filter , - 1 ) ;
/ * *
* antialiasing filter for a square part of the image
* @param ulx x - value for upper left coordinate
* @param uly y - value for upper left coordinate
* @param lrx x - value for lower right coordinate
* @param lry y - value for lower right coordinate
* @param rgb color of background
* /
public void antialiasing ( final int ulx , final int uly , final int lrx , final int lry , final int bgcolor ) {
filter ( ulx , uly , lrx , lry , FilterMode . FILTER_ANTIALIASING , bgcolor ) ;
/ * *
* blur filter for a square part of the image
* @param ulx x - value for upper left coordinate
* @param uly y - value for upper left coordinate
* @param lrx x - value for lower right coordinate
* @param lry y - value for lower right coordinate
* /
public void blur ( final int ulx , final int uly , final int lrx , final int lry ) {
filter ( ulx , uly , lrx , lry , FilterMode . FILTER_BLUR , - 1 ) ;
/ * *
* invert filter for a square part of the image
* @param ulx x - value for upper left coordinate
* @param uly y - value for upper left coordinate
* @param lrx x - value for lower right coordinate
* @param lry y - value for lower right coordinate
* /
public void invert ( final int ulx , final int uly , final int lrx , final int lry ) {
filter ( ulx , uly , lrx , lry , FilterMode . FILTER_INVERT , - 1 ) ;
/ * *
* filter for a square part of the ymageMatrix
* @param ulx x - value for upper left coordinate
* @param uly y - value for upper left coordinate
* @param lrx x - value for lower right coordinate
* @param lry y - value for lower right coordinate
* @param filter chooses filter
* /
private void filter ( final int ulx , final int uly , final int lrx , final int lry , final FilterMode filter , final int bgcolor ) {
// taking care that all values are legal
final int lox = Math . min ( Math . max ( Math . min ( ulx , lrx ) , 0 ) , this . width - 1 ) ;
final int loy = Math . min ( Math . max ( Math . min ( uly , lry ) , 0 ) , this . height - 1 ) ;
final int rux = Math . min ( Math . max ( Math . max ( ulx , lrx ) , 0 ) , this . width - 1 ) ;
final int ruy = Math . min ( Math . max ( Math . max ( uly , lry ) , 0 ) , this . height - 1 ) ;
int numberOfNeighbours = 0 ;
int rgbR = 0 ;
int rgbG = 0 ;
int rgbB = 0 ;
int rgb = 0 ;
final int width2 = rux - lox + 1 ;
final int height2 = ruy - loy + 1 ;
boolean border = false ;
final BufferedImage image2 = new BufferedImage ( width2 , height2 , BufferedImage . TYPE_INT_RGB ) ;
for ( int i = lox ; i < rux + 1 ; i + + ) {
for ( int j = loy ; j < ruy + 1 ; j + + ) {
numberOfNeighbours = 0 ;
rgbR = 0 ;
rgbG = 0 ;
rgbB = 0 ;
if ( filter = = FilterMode . FILTER_ANTIALIASING | | filter = = FilterMode . FILTER_BLUR ) {
// taking samples from neighbouring pixel
if ( i > lox ) {
rgb = this . image . getRGB ( i - 1 , j ) ;
border = ( rgb = = bgcolor ) ;
rgbR + = rgb > > 16 & 0xff ;
rgbG + = rgb > > 8 & 0xff ;
rgbB + = rgb & 0xff ;
numberOfNeighbours + + ;
if ( j > loy ) {
rgb = this . image . getRGB ( i , j - 1 ) ;
border = border | | ( rgb = = bgcolor ) ;
rgbR + = rgb > > 16 & 0xff ;
rgbG + = rgb > > 8 & 0xff ;
rgbB + = rgb & 0xff ;
numberOfNeighbours + + ;
if ( i < this . width - 1 ) {
rgb = this . image . getRGB ( i + 1 , j ) ;
border = border | | ( rgb = = bgcolor ) ;
rgbR + = rgb > > 16 & 0xff ;
rgbG + = rgb > > 8 & 0xff ;
rgbB + = rgb & 0xff ;
numberOfNeighbours + + ;
if ( i < this . height - 1 ) {
rgb = this . image . getRGB ( i , j + 1 ) ;
border = border | | ( rgb = = bgcolor ) ;
rgbR + = rgb > > 16 & 0xff ;
rgbG + = rgb > > 8 & 0xff ;
rgbB + = rgb & 0xff ;
numberOfNeighbours + + ;
rgb = this . image . getRGB ( i , j ) ;
// add value of pixel
// in case filter is used for antialiasing this will only be done if
// the pixel is on the edge to the background color
if ( filter = = FilterMode . FILTER_ANTIALIASING & & border | | filter = = FilterMode . FILTER_BLUR ) {
rgbR + = ( rgb > > 16 & 0xff ) ;
rgbG + = ( rgb > > 8 & 0xff ) ;
rgbB + = ( rgb & 0xff ) ;
numberOfNeighbours + + ;
border = false ;
// set to value of pixel => keep value
else if ( filter = = FilterMode . FILTER_ANTIALIASING ) {
rgbR = ( rgb > > 16 & 0xff ) ;
rgbG = ( rgb > > 8 & 0xff ) ;
rgbB = ( rgb & 0xff ) ;
numberOfNeighbours = 1 ;
// set value of pixel to inverted value (using XOR)
else if ( filter = = FilterMode . FILTER_INVERT ) {
rgb = rgb ^ 0xffffff ;
rgbR = ( rgb > > 16 & 0xff ) ;
rgbG = ( rgb > > 8 & 0xff ) ;
rgbB = ( rgb & 0xff ) ;
numberOfNeighbours = 1 ;
// calculating the average
rgbR = ( rgbR / numberOfNeighbours ) ;
rgbG = ( rgbG / numberOfNeighbours ) ;
rgbB = ( rgbB / numberOfNeighbours ) ;
rgb = ( rgbR < < 16 ) | ( rgbG < < 8 ) | rgbB ;
image2 . setRGB ( i - lox , j - loy , rgb ) ;
// insert new version of area into image
insertBitmap ( image2 , lox , loy ) ;
public static void demoPaint ( final RasterPlotter m ) {
m . setColor ( GREY ) ;
m . line ( 0 , 70 , 100 , 70 , 100 ) ; PrintTool . print ( m , 0 , 65 , 0 , "Grey" , - 1 , 100 ) ;
m . line ( 65 , 0 , 65 , 300 , 100 ) ;
m . setColor ( RED ) ;
m . line ( 0 , 90 , 100 , 90 , 100 ) ; PrintTool . print ( m , 0 , 85 , 0 , "Red" , - 1 , 100 ) ;
m . line ( 70 , 0 , 70 , 300 , 100 ) ;
m . setColor ( GREEN ) ;
m . line ( 0 , 110 , 100 , 110 , 100 ) ; PrintTool . print ( m , 0 , 105 , 0 , "Green" , - 1 , 100 ) ;
m . line ( 75 , 0 , 75 , 300 , 100 ) ;
m . setColor ( BLUE ) ;
m . line ( 0 , 130 , 100 , 130 , 100 ) ; PrintTool . print ( m , 0 , 125 , 0 , "Blue" , - 1 , 100 ) ;
m . line ( 80 , 0 , 80 , 300 , 100 ) ;
public BufferedImage toIndexed ( ) {
Set < Integer > colors = new TreeSet < Integer > ( ) ;
int [ ] c = new int [ 3 ] ;
for ( int y = this . getHeight ( ) - 1 ; y > = 0 ; y - - ) {
for ( int x = this . getWidth ( ) - 1 ; x > = 0 ; x - - ) {
c = getPixel ( x , y , c ) ;
colors . add ( ( c [ 0 ] < < 16 ) | ( c [ 1 ] < < 8 ) | c [ 2 ] ) ;
int [ ] cmap = new int [ colors . size ( ) ] ;
int i = 0 ;
for ( Integer cc : colors ) {
cmap [ i + + ] = cc . intValue ( ) ;
if ( i > 255 ) break ;
int bitCount = 1 ;
while ( ( colors . size ( ) - 1 ) > > bitCount ! = 0 ) bitCount * = 2 ;
IndexColorModel cm = new IndexColorModel ( bitCount , colors . size ( ) , cmap , 0 , DataBuffer . TYPE_BYTE , null ) ;
/ *
byte [ ] data = null ;
int bytesPerRow = this . getWidth ( ) / 8 + ( this . getWidth ( ) % 8 ! = 0 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
data = new byte [ this . getHeight ( ) * bytesPerRow ] ;
DataBuffer db = new DataBufferByte ( data , data . length ) ;
WritableRaster wr = Raster . createPackedRaster ( db , this . getWidth ( ) , this . getHeight ( ) , 1 , null ) ;
BufferedImage dest = new BufferedImage ( cm , wr , false , null ) ;
* /
BufferedImage dest = new BufferedImage ( this . getWidth ( ) , this . getHeight ( ) , cm . getPixelSize ( ) < 8 ? BufferedImage . TYPE_BYTE_BINARY : BufferedImage . TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED , cm ) ;
dest . createGraphics ( ) . drawImage ( this . getImage ( ) , 0 , 0 , null ) ;
return dest ;
public static BufferedImage convertToIndexed ( BufferedImage src ) {
BufferedImage dest = new BufferedImage ( src . getWidth ( ) , src . getHeight ( ) , BufferedImage . TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED ) ;
dest . createGraphics ( ) . drawImage ( src , 0 , 0 , null ) ;
return dest ;
/ * *
* Encode buffered image using specified format to a new ByteBuffer
* @param image image to encode
* @param targetExt format name . For example "png" .
* @return a ByteBuffer instance containing encoded data , or empty if an error occured or target format is not supported .
* /
public static ByteBuffer exportImage ( final BufferedImage image , final String targetExt ) {
// generate an byte array from the given image
final ByteBuffer baos = new ByteBuffer ( ) ;
ImageIO . setUseCache ( false ) ; // because we write into ram here
try {
/* When no ImageIO writer is found image might no be written*/
ImageIO . write ( image , targetExt , baos ) ;
return baos ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
// should not happen
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
return null ;
public ByteBuffer exportPng ( ) {
try {
final ByteBuffer baos = new ByteBuffer ( ) ;
byte [ ] pngbytes = pngEncode ( 1 ) ;
if ( pngbytes = = null ) return null ;
baos . write ( pngbytes ) ;
baos . flush ( ) ;
baos . close ( ) ;
return baos ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
// should not happen
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
return null ;
/ * *
* save the image to a file
* @param file the storage file
* @param type the file type , may be i . e . ' png ' or ' gif '
* @throws IOException
* /
public void save ( File file , String type ) throws IOException {
try (
/* Automatically closed by this try-with-resources statement */
final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream ( file ) ;
) {
ImageIO . write ( this . image , type , fos ) ;
/ * *
* show the image as JFrame on desktop
* /
public void show ( ) {
JLabel label = new JLabel ( new ImageIcon ( this . image ) ) ;
JFrame f = new JFrame ( ) ;
f . setDefaultCloseOperation ( JFrame . EXIT_ON_CLOSE ) ;
f . getContentPane ( ) . add ( label ) ;
f . pack ( ) ;
f . setVisible ( true ) ;
/ *
* The following code was transformed from a library , coded by J . David Eisenberg , version 1.5 , 19 Oct 2003 ( C ) LGPL
* This code was very strongly transformed into the following very short method for an ultra - fast png generation .
* These changes had been made 23.10 .2012 by [ MC ] to the original code :
* For the integration into YaCy this class was adopted to YaCy graphics by Michael Christen :
* - removed alpha encoding
* - removed not used code
* - inlined static values
* - inlined all methods that had been called only once
* - moved class objects which appear after all refactoring only within a single method into this method
* - removed a giant number of useless ( obvious things ) comments and empty lines to increase readability ( ! )
* - new order of data computation : first compute the size of compressed deflater output ,
* then assign an exact - sized byte [ ] which makes resizing afterwards superfluous
* - after all enhancements all class objects were removed ; result is just one short static method
* - made objects final where possible
* - removed the PixelGrabber call and replaced it with a call to this . frame which is just a byte [ ]
* - added more speed woodoo like a buffer around the deflater which makes this much faster
* /
private static final byte IHDR [ ] = { 73 , 72 , 68 , 82 } ;
private static final byte IDAT [ ] = { 73 , 68 , 65 , 84 } ;
private static final byte IEND [ ] = { 73 , 69 , 78 , 68 } ;
public final byte [ ] pngEncode ( final int compressionLevel ) throws IOException {
if ( this . frame = = null ) return exportImage ( this . getImage ( ) , "png" ) . getBytes ( ) ;
final int width = image . getWidth ( null ) ;
final int height = image . getHeight ( null ) ;
final Deflater scrunch = new Deflater ( compressionLevel ) ;
ByteBuffer outBytes = new ByteBuffer ( 1024 ) ;
final OutputStream compBytes = new BufferedOutputStream ( new DeflaterOutputStream ( outBytes , scrunch ) ) ;
int i = 0 ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < height ; row + + ) {
compBytes . write ( 0 ) ;
// this replaces the whole PixelGrabber process which makes it probably more than 800x faster. See http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4835595
compBytes . write ( frame , i , 3 * width ) ;
i + = 3 * width ;
compBytes . close ( ) ;
scrunch . finish ( ) ;
// finally write the result of the concurrent calculation into an DeflaterOutputStream to compress the png
final int nCompressed = outBytes . length ( ) ;
final byte [ ] pngBytes = new byte [ nCompressed + 57 ] ; // yes thats the exact size, not too less, not too much. No resizing needed.
int bytePos = writeBytes ( pngBytes , new byte [ ] { - 119 , 80 , 78 , 71 , 13 , 10 , 26 , 10 } , 0 ) ;
final int startPos = bytePos = writeInt4 ( pngBytes , 13 , bytePos ) ;
bytePos = writeBytes ( pngBytes , IHDR , bytePos ) ;
bytePos = writeInt4 ( pngBytes , width , bytePos ) ;
bytePos = writeInt4 ( pngBytes , height , bytePos ) ;
bytePos = writeBytes ( pngBytes , new byte [ ] { 8 , 2 , 0 , 0 , 0 } , bytePos ) ;
final CRC32 crc = new CRC32 ( ) ;
crc . reset ( ) ;
crc . update ( pngBytes , startPos , bytePos - startPos ) ;
bytePos = writeInt4 ( pngBytes , ( int ) crc . getValue ( ) , bytePos ) ;
crc . reset ( ) ;
bytePos = writeInt4 ( pngBytes , nCompressed , bytePos ) ;
bytePos = writeBytes ( pngBytes , IDAT , bytePos ) ;
crc . update ( IDAT ) ;
outBytes . copyTo ( pngBytes , bytePos ) ;
outBytes . close ( ) ;
outBytes = null ;
crc . update ( pngBytes , bytePos , nCompressed ) ;
bytePos + = nCompressed ;
bytePos = writeInt4 ( pngBytes , ( int ) crc . getValue ( ) , bytePos ) ;
bytePos = writeInt4 ( pngBytes , 0 , bytePos ) ;
bytePos = writeBytes ( pngBytes , IEND , bytePos ) ;
crc . reset ( ) ;
crc . update ( IEND ) ;
bytePos = writeInt4 ( pngBytes , ( int ) crc . getValue ( ) , bytePos ) ;
return pngBytes ;
private final static int writeInt4 ( final byte [ ] target , final int n , final int offset ) {
return writeBytes ( target , new byte [ ] { ( byte ) ( ( n > > 24 ) & 0xff ) , ( byte ) ( ( n > > 16 ) & 0xff ) , ( byte ) ( ( n > > 8 ) & 0xff ) , ( byte ) ( n & 0xff ) } , offset ) ;
private final static int writeBytes ( final byte [ ] target , final byte [ ] data , final int offset ) {
System . arraycopy ( data , 0 , target , offset , data . length ) ;
return offset + data . length ;
public static void main ( final String [ ] args ) {
// go into headless awt mode
System . setProperty ( "java.awt.headless" , "true" ) ;
final RasterPlotter m = new RasterPlotter ( 200 , 300 , DrawMode . MODE_SUB , "FFFFFF" ) ;
demoPaint ( m ) ;
final File file = new File ( System . getProperty ( "java.io.tmpdir" ) + File . separator + "testimage.png" ) ;
try ( /* Automatically closed by this try-with-resources statement */
final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream ( file ) ;
) {
System . out . println ( "Writing file " + file ) ;
ImageIO . write ( m . getImage ( ) , "png" , fos ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
ConcurrentLog . shutdown ( ) ;
// open file automatically, works only on Mac OS X
/ *
Process p = null ;
try { p = Runtime . getRuntime ( ) . exec ( new String [ ] { "/usr/bin/osascript" , "-e" , "open \"" + args [ 0 ] + "\"" } ) ; } catch ( final java . io . IOException e ) { Log . logException ( e ) ; }
try { p . waitFor ( ) ; } catch ( final InterruptedException e ) { Log . logException ( e ) ; }
* /