enhancements in image drawing speed

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6942 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
orbiter 15 years ago
parent 3a9dc52ac2
commit 103c848af8

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public class Captcha extends RasterPlotter {
setColor(((random.nextInt(128)+64)<<16) + ((random.nextInt(128)+64)<<8) + random.nextInt(128)+64);
x = random.nextInt(width);
y = random.nextInt(height);
plot(x, y);
plot(x, y, 100);
//random lines

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public class ChartPlotter extends RasterPlotter {
public void chartDot(final int dimension_x, final int dimension_y, final int coord_x, final int coord_y, final int dotsize, String anot, int anotAngle) {
final int x = (coord_x - offsets[dimension_x]) * pixels[dimension_x] / scales[dimension_x];
final int y = (coord_y - offsets[dimension_y]) * pixels[dimension_y] / scales[dimension_y];
if (dotsize == 1) plot(leftborder + x, height - bottomborder - y);
if (dotsize == 1) plot(leftborder + x, height - bottomborder - y, 100);
else dot(leftborder + x, height - bottomborder - y, dotsize, true);
if (anot != null) PrintTool.print(this, leftborder + x + dotsize + 2 + ((anotAngle == 315) ? -9 : 0), height - bottomborder - y + ((anotAngle == 315) ? -3 : 0), anotAngle, anot, (anotAngle == 0) ? -1 : ((anotAngle == 315) ? 1 : 0));

@ -99,17 +99,17 @@ public class CircleTool {
public static void circle(final RasterPlotter matrix, final int xc, final int yc, final int radius) {
if (radius == 0) {
matrix.plot(xc, yc);
matrix.plot(xc, yc, 100);
} else {
final int[] c = getCircleCoords(radius);
int x, y;
for (int i = (c.length / 2) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
x = c[2 * i ];
y = c[2 * i + 1];
matrix.plot(xc + x , yc - y - 1); // quadrant 1
matrix.plot(xc - x + 1, yc - y - 1); // quadrant 2
matrix.plot(xc + x , yc + y ); // quadrant 4
matrix.plot(xc - x + 1, yc + y ); // quadrant 3
matrix.plot(xc + x , yc - y - 1, 100); // quadrant 1
matrix.plot(xc - x + 1, yc - y - 1, 100); // quadrant 2
matrix.plot(xc + x , yc + y , 100); // quadrant 4
matrix.plot(xc - x + 1, yc + y , 100); // quadrant 3
@ -118,19 +118,31 @@ public class CircleTool {
// draws only a part of a circle
// arc is given in degree
if (radius == 0) {
matrix.plot(xc, yc);
matrix.plot(xc, yc, 100);
} else {
final int[] c = getCircleCoords(radius);
final int q = c.length / 2;
final int[][] c4 = new int[q * 4][];
final int[] c4x = new int[q * 4];
final int[] c4y = new int[q * 4];
int a0, a1, a2, a3, b0, b1;
for (int i = 0; i < q; i++) {
c4[i ] = new int[]{ c[2 * (i )], -c[2 * (i ) + 1] - 1}; // quadrant 1
c4[i + q] = new int[]{1 - c[2 * (q - 1 - i)], -c[2 * (q - 1 - i) + 1] - 1}; // quadrant 2
c4[i + 2 * q] = new int[]{1 - c[2 * (i )], c[2 * (i ) + 1] }; // quadrant 3
c4[i + 3 * q] = new int[]{ c[2 * (q - 1 - i)], c[2 * (q - 1 - i) + 1] }; // quadrant 4
b0 = 2 * (i );
b1 = 2 * (q - 1 - i);
a0 = c[b0 ];
a1 = c[b0 + 1];
a2 = c[b1 ];
a3 = c[b1 + 1];
c4x[i ] = a0 ; // quadrant 1
c4y[i ] = -a1 - 1; // quadrant 1
c4x[i + q] = 1 - a2 ; // quadrant 2
c4y[i + q] = -a3 - 1; // quadrant 2
c4x[i + 2 * q] = 1 - a0 ; // quadrant 3
c4y[i + 2 * q] = a1 ; // quadrant 3
c4x[i + 3 * q] = a2 ; // quadrant 4
c4y[i + 3 * q] = a3 ; // quadrant 4
for (int i = q * 4 * fromArc / 360; i < q * 4 * toArc / 360; i++) {
matrix.plot(xc + c4[i][0], yc + c4[i][1]);
matrix.plot(xc + c4x[i], yc + c4y[i], 100);

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public class RasterPlotter {
private final int[] cc;
private final BufferedImage image;
private final WritableRaster grid;
private final int[] defaultCol;
private int defaultColR, defaultColG, defaultColB;
private final long backgroundCol;
private final byte defaultMode;
@ -84,7 +84,9 @@ public class RasterPlotter {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.backgroundCol = backgroundColor;
this.defaultCol = new int[]{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
this.defaultColR = 0xFF;
this.defaultColG = 0xFF;
this.defaultColB = 0xFF;
this.defaultMode = drawMode;
this.image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
@ -135,13 +137,13 @@ public class RasterPlotter {
final int r = (int) (c >> 16);
final int g = (int) ((c >> 8) & 0xff);
final int b = (int) (c & 0xff);
defaultCol[0] = (g + b) >>> 1; // / 2;
defaultCol[1] = (r + b) >>> 1; // / 2;
defaultCol[2] = (r + g) >>> 1; // / 2;
defaultColR = (g + b) >>> 1; // / 2;
defaultColG = (r + b) >>> 1; // / 2;
defaultColB = (r + g) >>> 1; // / 2;
} else {
defaultCol[0] = (int) (c >> 16);
defaultCol[1] = (int) ((c >> 8) & 0xff);
defaultCol[2] = (int) (c & 0xff);
defaultColR = (int) (c >> 16);
defaultColG = (int) ((c >> 8) & 0xff);
defaultColB = (int) (c & 0xff);
@ -151,7 +153,7 @@ public class RasterPlotter {
public void plot(final int x, final int y) {
plot (x, y, 100);
plot(x, y, 100);
public void plot(final int x, final int y, final int intensity) {
@ -160,39 +162,39 @@ public class RasterPlotter {
synchronized (cc) {
if (this.defaultMode == MODE_REPLACE) {
if (intensity == 100) {
cc[0] = defaultCol[0];
cc[1] = defaultCol[1];
cc[2] = defaultCol[2];
cc[0] = defaultColR;
cc[1] = defaultColG;
cc[2] = defaultColB;
} else {
int[] c = new int[3];
c = grid.getPixel(x, y, c);
cc[0] = (intensity * defaultCol[0] + (100 - intensity) * c[0]) / 100;
cc[1] = (intensity * defaultCol[1] + (100 - intensity) * c[1]) / 100;
cc[2] = (intensity * defaultCol[2] + (100 - intensity) * c[2]) / 100;
cc[0] = (intensity * defaultColR + (100 - intensity) * c[0]) / 100;
cc[1] = (intensity * defaultColG + (100 - intensity) * c[1]) / 100;
cc[2] = (intensity * defaultColB + (100 - intensity) * c[2]) / 100;
} else if (this.defaultMode == MODE_ADD) {
int[] c = new int[3];
c = grid.getPixel(x, y, c);
if (intensity == 100) {
cc[0] = (0xff & c[0]) + defaultCol[0]; if (cc[0] > 255) cc[0] = 255;
cc[1] = (0xff & c[1]) + defaultCol[1]; if (cc[1] > 255) cc[1] = 255;
cc[2] = (0xff & c[2]) + defaultCol[2]; if (cc[2] > 255) cc[2] = 255;
cc[0] = (0xff & c[0]) + defaultColR; if (cc[0] > 255) cc[0] = 255;
cc[1] = (0xff & c[1]) + defaultColG; if (cc[1] > 255) cc[1] = 255;
cc[2] = (0xff & c[2]) + defaultColB; if (cc[2] > 255) cc[2] = 255;
} else {
cc[0] = (0xff & c[0]) + (intensity * defaultCol[0] / 100); if (cc[0] > 255) cc[0] = 255;
cc[1] = (0xff & c[1]) + (intensity * defaultCol[1] / 100); if (cc[1] > 255) cc[1] = 255;
cc[2] = (0xff & c[2]) + (intensity * defaultCol[2] / 100); if (cc[2] > 255) cc[2] = 255;
cc[0] = (0xff & c[0]) + (intensity * defaultColR / 100); if (cc[0] > 255) cc[0] = 255;
cc[1] = (0xff & c[1]) + (intensity * defaultColG / 100); if (cc[1] > 255) cc[1] = 255;
cc[2] = (0xff & c[2]) + (intensity * defaultColB / 100); if (cc[2] > 255) cc[2] = 255;
} else if (this.defaultMode == MODE_SUB) {
int[] c = new int[3];
c = grid.getPixel(x, y, c);
if (intensity == 100) {
cc[0] = (0xff & c[0]) - defaultCol[0]; if (cc[0] < 0) cc[0] = 0;
cc[1] = (0xff & c[1]) - defaultCol[1]; if (cc[1] < 0) cc[1] = 0;
cc[2] = (0xff & c[2]) - defaultCol[2]; if (cc[2] < 0) cc[2] = 0;
cc[0] = (0xff & c[0]) - defaultColR; if (cc[0] < 0) cc[0] = 0;
cc[1] = (0xff & c[1]) - defaultColG; if (cc[1] < 0) cc[1] = 0;
cc[2] = (0xff & c[2]) - defaultColB; if (cc[2] < 0) cc[2] = 0;
} else {
cc[0] = (0xff & c[0]) - (intensity * defaultCol[0] / 100); if (cc[0] < 0) cc[0] = 0;
cc[1] = (0xff & c[1]) - (intensity * defaultCol[1] / 100); if (cc[1] < 0) cc[1] = 0;
cc[2] = (0xff & c[2]) - (intensity * defaultCol[2] / 100); if (cc[2] < 0) cc[2] = 0;
cc[0] = (0xff & c[0]) - (intensity * defaultColR / 100); if (cc[0] < 0) cc[0] = 0;
cc[1] = (0xff & c[1]) - (intensity * defaultColG / 100); if (cc[1] < 0) cc[1] = 0;
cc[2] = (0xff & c[2]) - (intensity * defaultColB / 100); if (cc[2] < 0) cc[2] = 0;
grid.setPixel(x, y, cc);
@ -296,22 +298,27 @@ public class RasterPlotter {
public void arcLine(final int cx, final int cy, final int innerRadius, final int outerRadius, final int angle) {
final int xi = cx + (int) (innerRadius * Math.cos(Math.PI * angle / 180));
final int yi = cy - (int) (innerRadius * Math.sin(Math.PI * angle / 180));
final int xo = cx + (int) (outerRadius * Math.cos(Math.PI * angle / 180));
final int yo = cy - (int) (outerRadius * Math.sin(Math.PI * angle / 180));
double a = Math.PI * ((double) angle) / 180.0;
double cosa = Math.cos(a);
double sina = Math.sin(a);
final int xi = cx + (int) (innerRadius * cosa);
final int yi = cy - (int) (innerRadius * sina);
final int xo = cx + (int) (outerRadius * cosa);
final int yo = cy - (int) (outerRadius * sina);
line(xi, yi, xo, yo);
public void arcDot(final int cx, final int cy, final int arcRadius, final int angle, final int dotRadius) {
final int x = cx + (int) (arcRadius * Math.cos(Math.PI * angle / 180));
final int y = cy - (int) (arcRadius * Math.sin(Math.PI * angle / 180));
double a = Math.PI * ((double) angle) / 180.0;
final int x = cx + (int) (arcRadius * Math.cos(a));
final int y = cy - (int) (arcRadius * Math.sin(a));
dot(x, y, dotRadius, true);
public void arcArc(final int cx, final int cy, final int arcRadius, final int angle, final int innerRadius, final int outerRadius, final int fromArc, final int toArc) {
final int x = cx + (int) (arcRadius * Math.cos(Math.PI * angle / 180));
final int y = cy - (int) (arcRadius * Math.sin(Math.PI * angle / 180));
double a = Math.PI * ((double) angle) / 180.0;
final int x = cx + (int) (arcRadius * Math.cos(a));
final int y = cy - (int) (arcRadius * Math.sin(a));
arc(x, y, innerRadius, outerRadius, fromArc, toArc);
@ -718,6 +725,7 @@ public class RasterPlotter {
// generate an byte array from the given image
//serverByteBuffer baos = new serverByteBuffer();
final ByteBuffer baos = sbbFromPool(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), 1000);
try {
ImageIO.write(image, targetExt, baos);
return baos;
