@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.Hit ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.RSSFeed ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.RSSFeed.YaCyChannel ;
import net.yacy.visualization.PrintTool ;
import net.yacy.visualization.RasterPlotter ;
@ -65,9 +68,11 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
private static final String COL_POTENTIAL_DOT = "002200" ;
private static final String COL_POTENTIAL_LINE = "224422" ;
private static final String COL_POTENTIAL_TEXT = "336633" ;
private static final String COL_WE_DOT = "FF0000" ;
private static final String COL_WE_LINE = "FFAAAA" ;
private static final String COL_WE_TEXT = "FFCCCC" ;
private static final String COL_MYPEER_DOT = "FF0000" ;
private static final String COL_MYPEER_LINE = "FFAAAA" ;
private static final String COL_MYPEER_TEXT = "FFCCCC" ;
private static final String COL_DHTOUT = "440000" ;
private static final String COL_DHTIN = "004400" ;
private static final String COL_BORDER = "000000" ;
private static final String COL_NORMAL_TEXT = "000000" ;
@ -118,7 +123,7 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
if ( primarySearches = = null ) return null ; // this was a local search and there are no threads
// get a copy of a recent network picture
final RasterPlotter eventPicture = getNetworkPicture ( seedDB , 120000 , 640 , 480 , 300 , 300 , 1000 , coronaangle , Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . getConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . NETWORK_NAME , "unspecified" ) , Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . getConfig ( "network.unit.description" , "unspecified" ) , COL_BACKGROUND ) ;
final RasterPlotter eventPicture = getNetworkPicture ( seedDB , 120000 , 640 , 480 , 300 , 300 , 1000 , coronaangle , - 1 , Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . getConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . NETWORK_NAME , "unspecified" ) , Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . getConfig ( "network.unit.description" , "unspecified" ) , COL_BACKGROUND ) ;
//if (eventPicture instanceof ymageMatrix) eventPicture = (ymageMatrix) eventPicture; //new ymageMatrix((ymageMatrix) eventPicture);
// TODO: fix cloning of ymageMatrix pictures
@ -161,11 +166,11 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
return eventPicture ;
public static RasterPlotter getNetworkPicture ( final yacySeedDB seedDB , final long maxAge , final int width , final int height , final int passiveLimit , final int potentialLimit , final int maxCount , final int coronaangle , final String networkName , final String networkTitle , final String bgcolor ) {
return drawNetworkPicture ( seedDB , width , height , passiveLimit , potentialLimit , maxCount , coronaangle , networkName, networkTitle , bgcolor ) ;
public static RasterPlotter getNetworkPicture ( final yacySeedDB seedDB , final long maxAge , final int width , final int height , final int passiveLimit , final int potentialLimit , final int maxCount , final int coronaangle , final long communicationTimeout , final String networkName , final String networkTitle , final String bgcolor ) {
return drawNetworkPicture ( seedDB , width , height , passiveLimit , potentialLimit , maxCount , coronaangle , communicationTimeout, networkName, networkTitle , bgcolor ) ;
private static RasterPlotter drawNetworkPicture ( final yacySeedDB seedDB , final int width , final int height , final int passiveLimit , final int potentialLimit , final int maxCount , final int coronaangle , final String networkName , final String networkTitle , final String bgcolor ) {
private static RasterPlotter drawNetworkPicture ( final yacySeedDB seedDB , final int width , final int height , final int passiveLimit , final int potentialLimit , final int maxCount , final int coronaangle , final long communicationTimeout , final String networkName , final String networkTitle , final String bgcolor ) {
RasterPlotter networkPicture = new RasterPlotter ( width , height , ( bgcolor . equals ( "000000" ) ) ? RasterPlotter . MODE_ADD : RasterPlotter . MODE_SUB , bgcolor ) ;
if ( seedDB = = null ) return networkPicture ; // no other peers known
@ -226,12 +231,28 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
totalCount + = count ;
// draw my own peer
drawNetworkPicturePeer ( networkPicture , width / 2 , height / 2 + 20 , innerradius , outerradius , seedDB . mySeed ( ) , COL_ WE_DOT, COL_WE_LINE , COL_WE _TEXT, coronaangle ) ;
drawNetworkPicturePeer ( networkPicture , width / 2 , height / 2 + 20 , innerradius , outerradius , seedDB . mySeed ( ) , COL_ MYPEER_DOT, COL_MYPEER_LINE , COL_MYPEER _TEXT, coronaangle ) ;
// draw DHT activity
if ( communicationTimeout > = 0 ) {
Date horizon = new Date ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - communicationTimeout ) ;
for ( Hit event : RSSFeed . channels ( YaCyChannel . DHTRECEIVE ) ) {
assert event ! = null ;
assert event . getPubDate ( ) ! = null ;
if ( event . getPubDate ( ) . after ( horizon ) ) {
//System.out.println("*** NETWORK-DHTRECEIVE: " + event.getLink());
drawNetworkPictureConnection ( networkPicture , width / 2 , height / 2 + 20 , innerradius , seedDB . mySeed ( ) , seedDB . get ( event . getLink ( ) ) , COL_DHTIN ) ;
for ( Hit event : RSSFeed . channels ( YaCyChannel . DHTSEND ) ) {
assert event ! = null ;
assert event . getPubDate ( ) ! = null ;
if ( event . getPubDate ( ) . after ( horizon ) ) {
//System.out.println("*** NETWORK-DHTSEND: " + event.getLink());
drawNetworkPictureConnection ( networkPicture , width / 2 , height / 2 + 20 , innerradius , seedDB . mySeed ( ) , seedDB . get ( event . getLink ( ) ) , COL_DHTOUT ) ;
// draw description
networkPicture . setColor ( COL_HEADLINE ) ;
@ -243,7 +264,17 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
return networkPicture ;
private static void drawNetworkPicturePeer ( final RasterPlotter img , final int x , final int y , final int innerradius , final int outerradius , final yacySeed seed , final String colorDot , final String colorLine , final String colorText , final int coronaangle ) {
private static void drawNetworkPictureConnection ( final RasterPlotter img , final int centerX , final int centerY , final int innerradius , final yacySeed mySeed , final yacySeed otherSeed , final String colorLine ) {
final int angleMy = ( int ) ( 360.0 * ( ( ( double ) FlatWordPartitionScheme . std . dhtPosition ( mySeed . hash . getBytes ( ) , null ) ) / ( ( double ) Long . MAX_VALUE ) ) ) ;
final int angleOther = ( int ) ( 360.0 * ( ( ( double ) FlatWordPartitionScheme . std . dhtPosition ( otherSeed . hash . getBytes ( ) , null ) ) / ( ( double ) Long . MAX_VALUE ) ) ) ;
// draw line
img . setColor ( colorLine ) ;
img . arcLine ( centerX , centerY , innerradius , innerradius - 20 , angleMy ) ;
img . arcLine ( centerX , centerY , innerradius , innerradius - 20 , angleOther ) ;
img . arcConnect ( centerX , centerY , innerradius - 20 , angleMy , angleOther ) ;
private static void drawNetworkPicturePeer ( final RasterPlotter img , final int centerX , final int centerY , final int innerradius , final int outerradius , final yacySeed seed , final String colorDot , final String colorLine , final String colorText , final int coronaangle ) {
final String name = seed . getName ( ) . toUpperCase ( ) /*+ ":" + seed.hash + ":" + (((double) ((int) (100 * (((double) yacySeed.dhtPosition(seed.hash)) / ((double) yacySeed.maxDHTDistance))))) / 100.0)*/ ;
if ( name . length ( ) < shortestName ) shortestName = name . length ( ) ;
if ( name . length ( ) > longestName ) longestName = name . length ( ) ;
@ -255,13 +286,13 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
if ( dotsize > 18 ) dotsize = 18 ;
// draw dot
img . setColor ( colorDot ) ;
img . arcDot ( x, y , innerradius , angle , dotsize ) ;
img . arcDot ( centerX, centerY , innerradius , angle , dotsize ) ;
// draw line to text
img . setColor ( colorLine ) ;
img . arcLine ( x, y , innerradius + 18 , innerradius + linelength , angle ) ;
img . arcLine ( centerX, centerY , innerradius + 18 , innerradius + linelength , angle ) ;
// draw text
img . setColor ( colorText ) ;
PrintTool . arcPrint ( img , x, y , innerradius + linelength , angle , name ) ;
PrintTool . arcPrint ( img , centerX, centerY , innerradius + linelength , angle , name ) ;
// draw corona around dot for crawling activity
int ppm20 = seed . getPPM ( ) / 20 ;
@ -271,13 +302,13 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
// draw a wave around crawling peers
long strength ;
img . setColor ( "303030" ) ;
img . arcArc ( x, y , innerradius , angle , dotsize + 1 , dotsize + 1 , 0 , 360 ) ;
img . arcArc ( centerX, centerY , innerradius , angle , dotsize + 1 , dotsize + 1 , 0 , 360 ) ;
final int waveradius = innerradius / 2 ;
for ( int r = 0 ; r < waveradius ; r + + ) {
strength = ( waveradius - r ) * ( long ) ( 0x08 * ppm20 * ( 1.0 + Math . sin ( ca + Math . PI * 16 * r / waveradius ) ) ) / waveradius ;
//System.out.println("r = " + r + ", Strength = " + strength);
img . setColor ( ( strength < < 16 ) | ( strength < < 8 ) | strength ) ;
img . arcArc ( x, y , innerradius , angle , dotsize + r , dotsize + r , 0 , 360 ) ;
img . arcArc ( centerX, centerY , innerradius , angle , dotsize + r , dotsize + r , 0 , 360 ) ;