@ -116,30 +116,23 @@ def ipcache(ip_addr):
return None , None
def ip2location ( ip_addr ) :
" Convert IP address `ip_addr` to a location name "
location = ipcache ( ip_addr )
if location :
return location
# if IP2LOCATION_KEY is not set, do not the query,
""" Convert IP address `ip_addr` to a location name """
# if IP2LOCATION_KEY is not set, do not query,
# because the query wont be processed anyway
return None , None , None
try :
location = requests \
. get ( ' http://api.ip2location.com/?ip= %s &key= %s &package=WS3 ' \
% ( ip_addr , IP2LOCATION_KEY ) ) . text
except requests . exceptions . ConnectionError :
r = requests . get (
' http://api.ip2location.com/?ip= %s &key= %s &package=WS3 '
% ( ip_addr , IP2LOCATION_KEY ) )
r . raise_for_status ( )
location = r . text
if location and ' ; ' in location :
ipcachewrite ( ip_addr , location )
_ , country , region , city = location . split ( ' ; ' )
location = city , region , country
else :
location = location , None , None
return location
except requests . exceptions . RequestException :
return None , None , None
return city , region , country
def ipinfo ( ip_addr ) :