Remove empty lines from translations

Igor Chubin 4 years ago
parent 80ebee985c
commit 3ae8c61236

@ -45,37 +45,3 @@
389: መለስተኛ ወይም ከባድ ዝናብ ከነጎድጓድ ጋር : Moderate or heavy rain with thunder
392: ቀላል በረዶ ከነጎድጓድ ጋር : Patchy light snow with thunder
395: መለስተኛ ወይም ከባድ በረዶ ከነጎድጓድ ጋር : Moderate or heavy snow with thunder

@ -46,37 +46,3 @@
389: Glaw cymedrol neu trwm gyda mellt : Moderate or heavy rain with thunder
392: Eira ysgafn anghyson gyda mellt : Patchy light snow with thunder
395: Eira cymedrol neu trwm gyda mellt : Moderate or heavy snow with thunder

@ -45,37 +45,3 @@
389: : Moderate or heavy rain with thunder
392: : Patchy light snow with thunder
395: : Moderate or heavy snow with thunder

@ -45,37 +45,3 @@
389: Báisteach measartha nó throm le tóirneach : Moderate or heavy rain with thunder
392: Sneachta éadrom le toirneach : Patchy light snow with thunder
395: Sneachta measartha nó trom le toirneach : Moderate or heavy snow with thunder

@ -45,37 +45,3 @@
389: Չափավոր կամ ուժեղ անձրև և ամպրոպ : Moderate or heavy rain with thunder : Умеренный или сильный дождь с грозой
392: Տեղ-տեղ թույլ ձյուն և ամպրոպ : Patchy light snow with thunder : Местами небольшой снег с грозой
395: Ուժեղ ձյուն և ամպրոպ : Moderate or heavy snow with thunder : Умеренный или сильный снег с грозой

@ -45,37 +45,3 @@
389: Hujan dengan petir : Moderate or heavy rain with thunder
392: Salju ringan dengan petir tidak merata : Patchy light snow with thunder
395: Salju dengan petir : Moderate or heavy snow with thunder

@ -45,37 +45,3 @@
389: Pioggia moderata o intensa con tuoni e fulmini : Moderate or heavy rain with thunder
392: Neve leggera a zone con tuoni : Patchy light snow with thunder
395: Neve moderata o pesante con tuoni : Moderate or heavy snow with thunder

@ -46,37 +46,3 @@
389: 雷を伴う雨または強い雨 : Moderate or heavy rain with thunder
392: 所により雷を伴う弱い雪 : Patchy light snow with thunder
395: 雷を伴う雪または強い雪 : Moderate or heavy snow with thunder

@ -45,37 +45,3 @@
389: Umiarkowane lub silne opady deszczu i burza z piorunami : Moderate or heavy rain with thunder
392: Miejscowe lekkie opady śniegu i burza z piorunami : Patchy light snow with thunder
395: Umiarkowane lub silne opady śniegu i burza z piorunami : Moderate or heavy snow with thunder

@ -45,38 +45,3 @@
389: Ploaie moderată sau furtună cu tunete : Moderate or heavy rain with thunder
392: Ninsoare ușoară cu tunete pe alocuri : Patchy light snow with thunder
395: Ninsoare moderată sau abundentă cu tunete : Moderate or heavy snow with thunder

@ -45,37 +45,3 @@
389: ฝนตกและมีฟ้าผ่าปานกลางหรือหนัก : Moderate or heavy rain with thunder :
392: หิมะตกและมีฟ้าผ่าเป็นหย่อม ๆ : Patchy light snow with thunder :
395: หิมะตกและมีฟ้าผ่าปานกลางหรือหนัก : Moderate or heavy snow with thunder :
