@ -66,25 +66,22 @@ class RpcMiscTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
assert_equal(node.getindexinfo(), {})
# Restart the node with indices and wait for them to sync
self.restart_node(0, ["-txindex", "-blockfilterindex"])
self.restart_node(0, ["-txindex", "-blockfilterindex", "-coinstatsindex"])
self.wait_until(lambda: all(i["synced"] for i in node.getindexinfo().values()))
# Returns a list of all running indices by default
values = {"synced": True, "best_block_height": 200}
"txindex": {"synced": True, "best_block_height": 200},
"basic block filter index": {"synced": True, "best_block_height": 200}
"txindex": values,
"basic block filter index": values,
"coinstatsindex": values,
# Specifying an index by name returns only the status of that index
"txindex": {"synced": True, "best_block_height": 200},
for i in {"txindex", "basic block filter index", "coinstatsindex"}:
assert_equal(node.getindexinfo(i), {i: values})
# Specifying an unknown index name returns an empty result
assert_equal(node.getindexinfo("foo"), {})