Invalid PSBTs need to be re-created, so the next role is the
Creator (new PSBTRole). Additionally, we need to know what went
wrong so an error field was added to PSBTAnalysis.
A PSBTAnalysis indicating invalid will have empty everything,
next will be set to PSBTRole::CREATOR, and an error message.
"\"estimated_feerate\" : feerate (numeric, optional) Estimated feerate of the final signed transaction in "+CURRENCY_UNIT+"/kB. Shown only if all UTXO slots in the PSBT have been filled.\n"
"\"fee\" : fee (numeric, optional) The transaction fee paid. Shown only if all UTXO slots in the PSBT have been filled.\n"
"\"next\" : \"role\" (string) Role of the next person that this psbt needs to go to\n"
"\"error\" : \"error\" (string) Error message if there is one"