@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ std::string HelpMessage()
" -connect=<ip> " + _("Connect only to the specified node") + "\n" +
" -connect=<ip> " + _("Connect only to the specified node") + "\n" +
" -seednode=<ip> " + _("Connect to a node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnect") + "\n" +
" -seednode=<ip> " + _("Connect to a node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnect") + "\n" +
" -externalip=<ip> " + _("Specify your own public address") + "\n" +
" -externalip=<ip> " + _("Specify your own public address") + "\n" +
" -blocknet=<net> " + _("Do not connect to addresses in network <net> (IPv4 or IPv6)") + "\n" +
" -onlynet=<net> " + _("Only connect to nodes in network <net> (IPv4 or IPv6)") + "\n" +
" -discover " + _("Try to discover public IP address (default: 1)") + "\n" +
" -discover " + _("Try to discover public IP address (default: 1)") + "\n" +
" -irc " + _("Find peers using internet relay chat (default: 0)") + "\n" +
" -irc " + _("Find peers using internet relay chat (default: 0)") + "\n" +
" -listen " + _("Accept connections from outside (default: 1)") + "\n" +
" -listen " + _("Accept connections from outside (default: 1)") + "\n" +
@ -572,12 +572,18 @@ bool AppInit2()
SoftSetBoolArg("-discover", false);
SoftSetBoolArg("-discover", false);
if (mapArgs.count("-blocknet")) {
if (mapArgs.count("-onlynet")) {
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string snet, mapMultiArgs["-blocknet"]) {
std::set<enum Network> nets;
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string snet, mapMultiArgs["-onlynet"]) {
enum Network net = ParseNetwork(snet);
enum Network net = ParseNetwork(snet);
if (net == NET_UNROUTABLE)
if (net == NET_UNROUTABLE)
return InitError(strprintf(_("Unknown network specified in -blocknet: '%s'"), snet.c_str()));
return InitError(strprintf(_("Unknown network specified in -onlynet: '%s'"), snet.c_str()));
for (int n = 0; n < NET_MAX; n++) {
enum Network net = (enum Network)n;
if (!nets.count(net))