@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ Use an include file to replace the Serial.print from Arduino library.
| ----------------- |
| ----------------- |
| [What is the problem with Arduino Serial.print ?](#arduino_serial_problems) |
| [What is the problem with Arduino Serial.print ?](#arduino_serial_problems) |
| [Example comparison between Didel TerSer and Arduino Serial](#example_comparison) |
| [Example comparison between Didel TerSer and Arduino Serial](#example_comparison) |
| [Using tabular data](#using_tabular_data) |
| [Using tabular data](#using_tabular_data)
| [TerSer Limitations](#terser_limitations) |
[TerSer Limitations](#terser_limitations) |
| [Code size and timing comparison](#code_size_timing_comparison) |
| [Code size and timing comparison](#code_size_timing_comparison) |