@ -28,3 +28,16 @@ It is admittedly very convenient to just use Serial.print(var); since it doesn't
| Dec16(-v16s); | 20 or -0020 | -20 | Serial.print(-v16s); |
*uint16_t v16=1120; uint16_t v16b=20; int16_t v16s=20;*
Filling the non significative digits with zero or space is a general options, named ShowZ(); and HideZ();
The Tab(nn); function, allows to align data of different types.
e.g. Table next had to be written:
Text ("Mode HideZ();") SetTab(15);
Text ("Mode ShowZ();");NL();
HideZ();Dec8s(3); SetTab(15);
ShowZ();Dec8s(3); NL();
. . .
It is up to you to add functions like TextNL();
if you need to keep your Serial.println() habits.
![Table1](docs/images/tabTable.png: "Example Table 1")