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f1ori ae80f3e6a5
* extend opensearchdescription to support compare_yacy.html
17 years ago
env system status dropped into next line if seed server was enabled. display needs about 230px, set fixed width again. 17 years ago
js - added bookmarkTitle to CrawlStart_p.html 17 years ago
processing - better domain graph, faster when more links exist, looks better 17 years ago
proxymsg * removed comma, which caused invalid xml 17 years ago
www modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
xml *) added servlet which returns all shared blacklists of a peer without information about which part of YaCy (crawler, proxy, ...) blacklist is activated for (to be used for better online import) 17 years ago
yacy - consolidation and refactoring of many DHT target - computing methods 17 years ago
yacysearch first test of alternative search interface (only a stub but working!) 17 years ago
AccessTracker_p.html added a list for content of the brute-force registration hashtable in access tracker 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
AccessTracker_p.xml steps to enhance remote search performance: 18 years ago fix for wrong index initialization after network switch 17 years ago
BlacklistCleaner_p.html harmonisation of servlet naming, headlines and menu entries 18 years ago *) fixed bug where RegExes were not deleted and even added to the list a second time when the user tried to edit them 17 years ago
Blacklist_p.html *) fixed bug which made it possible to write files outside of the DATA/LIST directory when creating a new blacklist 17 years ago *) servlet does not forget chosen blacklist anymore when editing, moving or delting an entry 17 years ago
Blog.html * removed single Blogview, now links direct to BlogComments.html 17 years ago FULL redesign of algorithms in htmlTools to encode/decode strings from/to unicode and html. 17 years ago
Blog.rss replaced yacy logo by better version 18 years ago
BlogComments.html * removed single Blogview, now links direct to BlogComments.html 17 years ago *) quick fix to prevent comments for blog entries which don't exist ( 17 years ago
Bookmarks.html - some small, rather optical changes to bookmarks 17 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
Bookmarks.rss *) changing RSS feed titles 18 years ago
CacheResource_p.html modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
Collage.html add image rising while mouse over in Collage 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
ConfigAccounts_p.html fix for (wrong url in form) 17 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
ConfigAppearance_p.html added translation for new customization pages 17 years ago *) fixed bug which made it possible to write files outside of the DATA/LIST directory when creating a new blacklist 17 years ago
ConfigBasic.html undo reduced menu 17 years ago fix for wrong index initialization after network switch 17 years ago
ConfigLanguage_p.html created new main menu entry 'Customization and Integration' 17 years ago - consolidation and refactoring of many DHT target - computing methods 17 years ago
ConfigNetwork_p.html - consolidation and refactoring of many DHT target - computing methods 17 years ago - consolidation and refactoring of many DHT target - computing methods 17 years ago
ConfigProfile_p.html created new main menu entry 'Customization and Integration' 17 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
ConfigProperties_p.html removed double/redundant servlet Config_p 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
ConfigRobotsTxt_p.html created new main menu entry 'Customization and Integration' 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
ConfigUpdate_p.html * automatic update for windows 17 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
Connections_p.html - disabled redirects in proxy (so client sees real path) 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
CookieMonitorIncoming_p.html * add config option to disable cookie monitoring (disabled by default) 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
CookieMonitorOutgoing_p.html * add config option to disable cookie monitoring (disabled by default) 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
CookieTest_p.html added many missing user-agent declarations for yacy http client connections. 17 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
CrawlProfileEditor_p.html re-design and simplification of crawl start menu layout 17 years ago FULL redesign of algorithms in htmlTools to encode/decode strings from/to unicode and html. 17 years ago
CrawlProfileEditor_p.xml * added CrawlProfileEditor_p.xml for monitoring in yacybar 17 years ago
CrawlResults.html replaced the cacheAdmin with the ViewFile servlet, because the cacheAdmin was an interface to the old HTCACHE data structure which does not exist any more. Changed links to point to the ViewFile servlets. 17 years ago replaced the cacheAdmin with the ViewFile servlet, because the cacheAdmin was an interface to the old HTCACHE data structure which does not exist any more. Changed links to point to the ViewFile servlets. 17 years ago
CrawlStart_p.html replaced the cacheAdmin with the ViewFile servlet, because the cacheAdmin was an interface to the old HTCACHE data structure which does not exist any more. Changed links to point to the ViewFile servlets. 17 years ago fix for wrong index initialization after network switch 17 years ago
FeedReader_p.html - added SSI parser and include directive for <!--# include virtual="<file>" --> 18 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
Help.html *) fixed more links 18 years ago
IndexCleaner_p.html - better look for Indexcleaner 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
IndexControlRWIs_p.html added a deletion button to indexControlRWIs that deletes the complete web index 17 years ago - consolidation and refactoring of many DHT target - computing methods 17 years ago
IndexControlURLs_p.html modified the domain list export function: 17 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
IndexCreateIndexingQueue_p.html - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago refactoring and new architecture to store the files of the web cache: 17 years ago
IndexCreateLoaderQueue_p.html preparations for mass remote crawls: 18 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
IndexCreateWWWGlobalQueue_p.html - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
IndexCreateWWWLocalQueue_p.html - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
IndexCreateWWWRemoteQueue_p.html - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago - fix for last two commits 18 years ago
IndexImport_p.html better messages 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
IndexShare_p.html replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
IndexTransfer_p.html - consolidation and refactoring of many DHT target - computing methods 17 years ago
LogStatistics_p.html * update to JRE 6u6 17 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
MessageSend_p.html - fixed a layout-bug in MessageSend_p.html (for details see 18 years ago FULL redesign of algorithms in htmlTools to encode/decode strings from/to unicode and html. 17 years ago
Messages_p.html - removed enctype="multipart/form-data" from the get-form of the peer-selection in Messages_p.html (in Konqueror this didn't work and multipart/form-data is only for post) 18 years ago FULL redesign of algorithms in htmlTools to encode/decode strings from/to unicode and html. 17 years ago
Messages_p.rss replaced yacy logo by better version 18 years ago
Network.html fixed bug with wrong proxy result enqueueing. See: 17 years ago fix for bug in seed list management (cause was bad class overloading, only visual effects!) 17 years ago
Network.xml added user agent 17 years ago fix for wrong index initialization after network switch 17 years ago
News.html harmonisation of servlet naming, headlines and menu entries 18 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
News.rss replaced yacy logo by better version 18 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
PerformanceMemory_p.html - option enableSimpleConfig can disable hidden tables 17 years ago - option enableSimpleConfig can disable hidden tables 17 years ago
PerformanceMemory_p.xml changed tableCount into tableSize 17 years ago
PerformanceQueues_p.html - option enableSimpleConfig can disable hidden tables 17 years ago FULL redesign of algorithms in htmlTools to encode/decode strings from/to unicode and html. 17 years ago
PerformanceQueues_p.xml more generics 17 years ago
PerformanceSearch_p.html - removed some debugging code from search process - should speed up now 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
ProxyIndexingMonitor_p.html harmonisation of servlet naming, headlines and menu entries 18 years ago - added some performance tweaks to the new BLOB buffer 17 years ago
QuickCrawlLink_p.html Two fixes: escaped some &s in QuickCrawlLink_p.html and added correct id to the skype-field in ConfigProfile_p.html (note: ids must be unique in a (x)html-document - in most cases you can simply use the same like for name) 18 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
Ranking_p.html some more XHTML strict errors 17 years ago - added language detection using metadata from documents: html and odt documents provide this information 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
SettingsAck_p.html major step forward to network switching (target is easy switch to intranet or other networks .. and back) 17 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago - updated translation for settings_foo_inc files 18 years ago * removed some warnings of findbugs ( 17 years ago
Settings_p.html major step forward to network switching (target is easy switch to intranet or other networks .. and back) 17 years ago FULL redesign of algorithms in htmlTools to encode/decode strings from/to unicode and html. 17 years ago
Status.html - option enableSimpleConfig can disable hidden tables 17 years ago FULL redesign of algorithms in htmlTools to encode/decode strings from/to unicode and html. 17 years ago system status dropped into next line if seed server was enabled. display needs about 230px, set fixed width again. 17 years ago
Steering.html *) Better Bourne-Shell (OpenSolaris) compatibility, update and restart really work now. As the Bourne-Shell is the grandfather of most modern shells, it should also work with Linux (tested with Mandriva, works) and OSX (Please test!). 18 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
Supporter.html enhanced handling of news records: 18 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
Surftips.html added supporter page; personal home pages are removed from the surftips, they appear now separately on the supporter page, but only if the peer is also online 18 years ago FULL redesign of algorithms in htmlTools to encode/decode strings from/to unicode and html. 17 years ago
Surftips.rss Newsfeed for the surftips 18 years ago
Threaddump_p.html enhanced the thread dump to make it usable for scripted remote-debugging 17 years ago FULL redesign of algorithms in htmlTools to encode/decode strings from/to unicode and html. 17 years ago
User.html - added SSI parser and include directive for <!--# include virtual="<file>" --> 18 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
ViewFile.html *) further propagation of display value (see 17 years ago FULL redesign of algorithms in htmlTools to encode/decode strings from/to unicode and html. 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
ViewLog_p.html harmonisation of servlet naming, headlines and menu entries 18 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
ViewProfile.html - added ViewProfile as rdf in foaf syntax 17 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
ViewProfile.rdf added missing rdf for ViewProfile 17 years ago
ViewProfile.vcf *) adding tags for skype 18 years ago
ViewProfile.xml *) adding tags for skype 18 years ago
WatchCrawler_p.html - WatchCrawler shows status without JavaScript 17 years ago - fixed a bug in performance setting (did not work with german translation) 17 years ago
WatchWebStructure_p.html fixed some XHTML strict errors 17 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
Wiki.html moved publication options (wiki, blog, share) to a single menu entry 'Publication' 18 years ago replaced some put(String, String) by putHTML(String, String) on serverObjects respond 17 years ago
WikiHelp.html #update of de.lng and fra.lng 18 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
YaCySearchPluginFF.html modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
YaCySearchPluginFF.src modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
compare_yacy.html * extend opensearchdescription to support compare_yacy.html 17 years ago added Sciencenet to the compare search 17 years ago
favicon.ico * set resource observer to 1000MB 17 years ago
favicon.png modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
index.html search form like on result page 17 years ago *) further propagation of display value (see 17 years ago * extend opensearchdescription to support compare_yacy.html 17 years ago
opensearchdescription.xml * extend opensearchdescription to support compare_yacy.html 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
rct_p.html redesigned remote crawl process: 18 years ago enhancement to crawling and remote crawling: 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
robots.txt - added ViewProfile / Impressum (default on) to local peer's robots.txt 18 years ago
rssTerminal.html - fixed problem in performance configuration 17 years ago
sharedBlacklist_p.html - optimize selectall-javascript-function (in firefox more then 10 times faster now) 17 years ago *) prevent XSS when importing blacklist 17 years ago
ssitest.html more refactoring of search: 18 years ago - added SSI parser and include directive for <!--# include virtual="<file>" --> 18 years ago
ssitestservlet.html enhanced SSI server-side support: 18 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
terminal_p.html *) updated code in terminal page 17 years ago modifications towards a single database operation to read/write http header and cached file at once: 17 years ago
test.xml added a test servlet (to be used to analyse the remote crawl xml bug) 17 years ago
yacysearch.html * extend opensearchdescription to support compare_yacy.html 17 years ago FULL redesign of algorithms in htmlTools to encode/decode strings from/to unicode and html. 17 years ago
yacysearch.rss added new shell script to do a web search from the terminal 17 years ago
yacysearch.xsl *) Snippet fetching: 18 years ago
yacysearchitem.html *) further propagation of display value (see 17 years ago FULL redesign of algorithms in htmlTools to encode/decode strings from/to unicode and html. 17 years ago