to save the resources and keep handler chain small if the feature is not used.
+add a warning message on settingsack_p page to restart on first activation
been differently - and wrong for several files. also: base64-encoding
for gzipped push files because our data structures currently only
supports ASCII POST pushes..
- add filename to parameter fieldname
- add filecontent to special parameter fieldname$file
(some servlets use this $file parameter)
fix for
This was caused by reading via GZIP from close-wait connection an caused
high cpu- and system-loads.
Instat of implementing handling of the RedListener now I found a
timelimeted 'get' "realy" solving this problem.
This was caused by reading via GZIP from close-wait connection an caused
high cpu- and system-loads.
Solved by implementing handling of the RedListener.
given css class and extends a given vocabulary with a term consisting
with the text content of the html class tag. Additionally, the term is
included into the semantic facet of the document. This allows the
creation of faceted search to documents without the pre-creation of
vocabularies; instead, the vocabulary is created on-the-fly, possibly
for use in other crawls. If any of the term scraping for a specific
vocabulary is successful on a document, this vocabulary is excluded for
auto-annotation on the page.
To use this feature, do the following:
- create a vocabulary on /Vocabulary_p.html (if not existent)
- in /CrawlStartExpert.html you will now see the vocabularies as column
in a table. The second column provides text fields where you can name
the class of html entities where the literal of the corresponding
vocabulary shall be scraped out
- when doing a search, you will see the content of the scraped fields in
a navigation facet for the given vocabulary
new users. Will be activated maybe again if there is an optional
tutorial mode which can be switched on for this special purpose of
running a tutorial.
requests. The internal representation of post-arguments is String and
therefore not appropriate for byte[] object as submitted by file pushes.
Therefore all pushed files are encoded to base64 _after_ uploading with
an http form (you do not need to do that encoding yourself) to hand-over
the byte[] as string in the post argument.
Servlets which read such files must decode the base64 data to get the
original byte[] array.
This is considered as a temporary solution for file uploads and a proper
implementations would need to consider all attributes as handed over as
Objects with either String or byte[] Object instances. This would be a
major code change and is not done at this time here now. The feature was
submitted to realize a feature as pushed with the next commit.
besides adjustments in code it makes the servlet settings in web.xml significant.
This applies to solr, gsa and proxy servlet. There is no longer a default setup in code during init (as jetty 9 checks for double definition).
- move htroot exist check from old httpdfilehandler to startup, remove from filehandler and legacy proxyhandler
- use SwitchboardConstant.htroot where appropriate
as BASIC were pwd is transmitted near clear text (B64enc).
This has some implication as RFC 2617 requires and recommends a password hash MD5(user:realm:pwd) for DIGEST.
!!! before activating DIGEST you have to reassign all passwords !!! to allow new calculation of the hash
- default authentication is still BASIC
- configuration at this time only manually in (DATA/settings) or defaults/web.xml (<auth-method>
- the realmname is in defaults/yacy.init adminRealm=YaCy-AdminUI
- fyi: the realmname is shown on login screen
- changing the realm name invalidates all passwords - but for security you are encouraged to do so (as localhostadmin)
- implemented to support both, old hashes for BASIC and new hashes for BASIC and DIGEST
- to differentiate old / new hash the in Jetty used hash-prefix "MD5:" is used for new pwd-hashes ( "MD5:hash" )
call response with post=0 (if post empty) simulating previous behavior.
(template servlets typically test for post==null,
found one more were empty post caused problem,
= defaults not correctly set)