@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
private final static byte[] hash_brackopen_slash = "#(/".getBytes();
private final static byte[] brackclose_hash = ")#".getBytes();
private final static byte[] UNRESOLVED_PATTERN = "-UNRESOLVED_PATTERN-".getBytes();
* transfer until a specified pattern is found; everything but the pattern is transfered so far
@ -192,18 +193,18 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
return false;
public final static void writeTemplate(final InputStream in, final OutputStream out, final serverObjects pattern, final byte[] dflt) throws IOException {
public final static void writeTemplate(final String servletname, final InputStream in, final OutputStream out, final serverObjects pattern) throws IOException {
if (pattern == null) {
FileUtils.copy(in, out);
} else {
writeTemplate(in, out, pattern, dflt, new byte[0]);
writeTemplate(servletname, in, out, pattern, new byte[0]);
* Reads a input stream, and writes the data with replaced templates on a output stream
private final static byte[] writeTemplate(final InputStream in, final OutputStream out, final serverObjects pattern, final byte[] dflt, final byte[] prefix) throws IOException {
private final static byte[] writeTemplate(final String servletname, final InputStream in, final OutputStream out, final serverObjects pattern, final byte[] prefix) throws IOException {
final PushbackInputStream pis = new PushbackInputStream(in, 100);
final ByteArrayOutputStream keyStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4048);
byte[] key;
@ -254,11 +255,11 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
final PushbackInputStream pis2 = new PushbackInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(text));
//System.out.println("recursing with text(prefix="+ multi_key + "_" + i + "_" +"):"); //DEBUG
structure.append(writeTemplate(pis2, out, pattern, dflt, newPrefix(prefix,multi_key,i)));
structure.append(writeTemplate(servletname, pis2, out, pattern, newPrefix(prefix,multi_key,i)));
} else {//transferUntil
ConcurrentLog.severe("TEMPLATE", "No Close Key found for #{"+UTF8.String(multi_key)+"}#"); //prefix here?
ConcurrentLog.severe("TEMPLATE", "No Close Key found for #{"+UTF8.String(multi_key)+"}#" + " in " + servletname); //prefix here?
@ -292,10 +293,9 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
keyStream.reset(); //reset stream
PushbackInputStream pis2;
if (byName) {
//TODO: better Error Handling
transferUntil(pis, keyStream, appendBytes(PP, patternName, null, null));
ConcurrentLog.severe("TEMPLATE", "No such Template: %%" + UTF8.String(patternName));
ConcurrentLog.severe("TEMPLATE", "No such Template: \"" + UTF8.String(patternName) + "\" in " + servletname);
final byte[] sb = structure.getBytes();
@ -304,10 +304,10 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
transferUntil(pis, keyStream, dpdpa);
pis2 = new PushbackInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(keyStream.toByteArray()));
structure.append(writeTemplate(pis2, out, pattern, dflt, newPrefix(prefix,key)));
structure.append(writeTemplate(servletname, pis2, out, pattern, newPrefix(prefix,key)));
transferUntil(pis, keyStream, appendBytes(hash_brackopen_slash, key, brackclose_hash, null));
ConcurrentLog.severe("TEMPLATE", "No Close Key found for #("+UTF8.String(key)+")# (by Name)");
ConcurrentLog.severe("TEMPLATE", "No Close Key found for #("+UTF8.String(key)+")# (by Name) in " + servletname);
} else {
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
pis2 = new PushbackInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes()));
//this maybe the wrong, but its the last
structure.append('<').append(key).append(alternative_which).append(ASCII.getBytes(Integer.toString(whichPattern))).append(ASCII.getBytes("\" found=\"0\">\n"));
structure.append(writeTemplate(pis2, out, pattern, dflt, newPrefix(prefix,key)));
structure.append(writeTemplate(servletname, pis2, out, pattern, newPrefix(prefix,key)));
}else if(others >0 && keyStream.toString().startsWith("/")){ //close nested
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
if(currentPattern == whichPattern){ //found the pattern
pis2 = new PushbackInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes()));
structure.append('<').append(key).append(alternative_which).append(ASCII.getBytes(Integer.toString(whichPattern))).append(ASCII.getBytes("\" found=\"0\">\n"));
structure.append(writeTemplate(pis2, out, pattern, dflt, newPrefix(prefix,key)));
structure.append(writeTemplate(servletname, pis2, out, pattern, newPrefix(prefix,key)));
transferUntil(pis, keyStream, appendBytes(hash_brackopen_slash, key, brackclose_hash,null));//to #(/key)#.
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
// pattern detected, write replacement
key = keyStream.toByteArray();
final String patternKey = getPatternKey(prefix, key);
replacement = replacePattern(patternKey, pattern, dflt); //replace
replacement = replacePattern(patternKey, pattern); //replace
.append(ASCII.getBytes(" type=\"normal\">\n"));
@ -401,9 +401,9 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
final byte[] newFilename = new byte[filename.length-2];
System.arraycopy(filename, 1, newFilename, 0, newFilename.length);
final String patternkey = getPatternKey(prefix, newFilename);
filename= replacePattern(patternkey, pattern, dflt);
filename= replacePattern(patternkey, pattern);
if (filename.length > 0 && !java.util.Arrays.equals(filename, dflt)) {
if (filename.length > 0 && !java.util.Arrays.equals(filename, UNRESOLVED_PATTERN)) {
final ByteBuffer include = new ByteBuffer();
BufferedReader br = null;
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
final PushbackInputStream pis2 = new PushbackInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(include.getBytes()));
structure.append(ASCII.getBytes("<fileinclude file=\"")).append(filename).append(close_tagn);
structure.append(writeTemplate(pis2, out, pattern, dflt, new byte[0])); //clear pattern prefix for include
structure.append(writeTemplate(servletname, pis2, out, pattern, new byte[0])); //clear pattern prefix for include
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
return sb;
private final static byte[] replacePattern(final String key, final serverObjects pattern, final byte dflt[]) {
private final static byte[] replacePattern(final String key, final serverObjects pattern) {
byte[] replacement;
Object value;
if (pattern.containsKey(key)) {
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
replacement = UTF8.getBytes(value.toString());
} else {
replacement = dflt;
return replacement;
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
final InputStream i = new ByteArrayInputStream(UTF8.getBytes(args[0]));
final serverObjects h = new serverObjects();
h.put("test", args[1]);
writeTemplate(new PushbackInputStream(i, 100), System.out, h, UTF8.getBytes(args[2]));
writeTemplate("test", new PushbackInputStream(i, 100), System.out, h, UTF8.getBytes(args[2]));
} catch (final Exception e) {