When using the 'From Link-List of URL' as a crawl start, with lists in
the order of one or more thousands of links, the failreason_s Solr field
maximum size (32kb) was exceeded by the string representation of the URL
must-match filter when a crawl URL was rejected because not matching.
Shutdown was hanging in CrawlQueues.close() at
this.workerQueue.put(POISON_REQUEST) when config value
crawler.MaxActiveThreads was greater than 200.
Revealed by "Collision" Threads dumps in mantis 689
Fixed consistency between this.worker.length and this.workerQueue
capacity, and made the process more reliable using non-blocking offer()
Even after network switch, ErroCache was still holding a reference to
the previous Solr cores, thus becoming useless until next YaCy restart.
Initial error cache filling with recent errors from the index was also
missing after the swtich.
If remote crawl option is not activated, skip init of remoteCrawlJob to save the resources of queue and ideling thread.
Deploy of the remoteCrawlJob deferred on activation of the option.
to support the new time parser and search functions in YaCy a high
precision detection of date and time on the day is necessary. That
requires that the time zone of the document content and the time zone of
the user, doing a search, is detected. The time zone of the search
request is done automatically using the browsers time zone offset which
is delivered to the search request automatically and invisible to the
user. The time zone for the content of web pages cannot be detected
automatically and must be an attribute of crawl starts. The advanced
crawl start now provides an input field to set the time zone in minutes
as an offset number. All parsers must get a time zone offset passed, so
this required the change of the parser java api. A lot of other changes
had been made which corrects the wrong handling of dates in YaCy which
was to add a correction based on the time zone of the server. Now no
correction is added and all dates in YaCy are UTC/GMT time zone, a
normalized time zone for all peers.
so viewed text and metadata (stored) info is similar
- to archive it, use request with profile to allow indexing (defaultglobaltext) and update index
(the resource is loaded, parsed anyway, so it's not a expensive operation)
Request: remove 2 unused init parameter
- number of anchors of the parent
- forkfactor sum of anchors of all ancestors
attribute in the <a> tag for each crawl. This introduces a lot of
changes because it extends the usage of the AnchorURL Object type which
now also has a different toString method that the underlying
DigestURL.toString. It is therefore not advised to use .toString at all
for urls, just just toNormalform(false) instead.
with metadata retrieval from connectors directly. This should cause
better usage of the cache. Automatically increase the metadata cache if
more memory is available.
This organizes all urls to be loaded in separate queues for each host.
Each host separates the crawl depth into it's own queue. The primary
rule for urls taken from any queue is, that the crawl depth is minimal.
This produces a crawl depth which is identical to the clickdepth.
Furthermorem the crawl is able to create a much better balancing over
all hosts which is fair to all hosts that are in the queue.
This process will create a very large number of files for wide crawls in
the QUEUES folder: for each host a directory, for each crawl depth a
file inside the directory. A crawl with maxdepth = 4 will be able to
create 10.000s of files. To be able to use that many file readers, it
was necessary to implement a new index data structure which opens the
file only if an access is wanted (OnDemandOpenFileIndex). The usage of
such on-demand file reader shall prevent that the number of file
pointers is over the system limit, which is usually about 10.000 open
files. Some parts of YaCy had to be adopted to handle the crawl depth
number correctly. The logging and the IndexCreateQueues servlet had to
be adopted to show the crawl queues differently, because the host name
is attached to the port on the host to differentiate between http,
https, and ftp services.
processes in favor of throwaway-processes. The control mechanism does
less often report a 'queue full' message to the busy loop which then
does not perform a long busy waiting; instead all requests are queued
and new loader processes are started if necessary up to a given limit
(as set before)
are deleted to terminate the crawl because otherwise the crawl will go
on after the load-from-passive stack policy.
- better check if a crawl is terminated using the loader queue.
- replaced load failure logging by information which is stored in Solr
- fixed a bug with crawling of feeds: added must-match pattern
application to feed urls to filter out such urls which shall not be in a
wanted domain
- delegatedURLs, which also used ZURLs are now temporary objects in
all unique links! This made it necessary, that a large portion of the
parser and link processing classes must be adopted to carry a different
type of link collection which carry a property attribute which are
attached to web anchors.
- introduction of a new URL class, AnchorURL
- the other url classes, DigestURI and MultiProtocolURI had been renamed
and refactored to fit into a new document package schema, document.id
- cleanup of net.yacy.cora.document package and refactoring
because the double-check error was written to the error-db and never
deleted. No the error-db is cleared on every start and these
double-messages are not written to the error-db any more.
in intranets and the internet can now choose to appear as Googlebot.
This is an essential necessity to be able to compete in the field of
commercial search appliances, since most web pages are these days
optimized only for Google and no other search platform any more. All
commercial search engine providers have a built-in fake-Google User
Agent to be able to get the same search index as Google can do. Without
the resistance against obeying to robots.txt in this case, no
competition is possible any more. YaCy will always obey the robots.txt
when it is used for crawling the web in a peer-to-peer network, but to
establish a Search Appliance (like a Google Search Appliance, GSA) it is
necessary to be able to behave exactly like a Google crawler.
With this change, you will be able to switch the user agent when portal
or intranet mode is selected on per-crawl-start basis. Every crawl start
can have a different user agent.
jdk-based logger tend to block
at java.util.logging.Logger.log(Logger.java:476) in concurrent
environments. This makes logging a main performance issue. To overcome
this problem, this is a add-on to jdk logging to put log entries on a
concurrent message queue and log the messages one by one using a
separate process.
- FTPClient uses the concurrent logging instead of the log4j logger