@ -201,17 +201,19 @@ public class HostBalancer implements Balancer {
* @throws SpaceExceededException
public synchronized String push(final Request entry, CrawlProfile profile, final RobotsTxt robots) throws IOException, SpaceExceededException {
public String push(final Request entry, CrawlProfile profile, final RobotsTxt robots) throws IOException, SpaceExceededException {
if (this.has(entry.url().hash())) return "double occurrence";
depthCache.put(entry.url().hash(), entry.depth());
String hosthash = ASCII.String(entry.url().hash(), 6, 6);
HostQueue queue = this.queues.get(hosthash);
if (queue == null) {
queue = new HostQueue(this.hostsPath, entry.url().getHost(), entry.url().getPort(), this.queues.size() > 100, this.exceed134217727);
this.queues.put(hosthash, queue);
robots.ensureExist(entry.url(), profile.getAgent(), true); // concurrently load all robots.txt
synchronized (this) {
HostQueue queue = this.queues.get(hosthash);
if (queue == null) {
queue = new HostQueue(this.hostsPath, entry.url().getHost(), entry.url().getPort(), this.queues.size() > 100, this.exceed134217727);
this.queues.put(hosthash, queue);
robots.ensureExist(entry.url(), profile.getAgent(), true); // concurrently load all robots.txt
return queue.push(entry, profile, robots);
return queue.push(entry, profile, robots);
@ -227,80 +229,93 @@ public class HostBalancer implements Balancer {
* @throws SpaceExceededException
public synchronized Request pop(boolean delay, CrawlSwitchboard cs, RobotsTxt robots) throws IOException {
public Request pop(boolean delay, CrawlSwitchboard cs, RobotsTxt robots) throws IOException {
tryagain: while (true) try {
if (this.roundRobinHostHashes.size() == 0) {
// refresh the round-robin cache
// quickly get rid of small stacks to reduce number of files:
if (this.roundRobinHostHashes.size() > 100) {
// if there are stacks with less than 10 entries, remove all stacks with more than 10 entries
// this shall kick out small stacks to prevent that too many files are opened for very wide crawls
boolean smallStacksExist = false;
boolean singletonStacksExist = false;
smallsearch: for (String s: this.roundRobinHostHashes) {
HostQueue hq = this.queues.get(s);
if (hq != null) {
int size = hq.size();
if (size == 1) {singletonStacksExist = true; break smallsearch;}
if (size <= 10) {smallStacksExist = true; break smallsearch;}
if (singletonStacksExist) {
Iterator<String> i = this.roundRobinHostHashes.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
String s = i.next();
HostQueue rhq = null;
String rhh = null;
synchronized (this) {
if (this.roundRobinHostHashes.size() == 0) {
// refresh the round-robin cache
// quickly get rid of small stacks to reduce number of files:
if (this.roundRobinHostHashes.size() > 100) {
// if there are stacks with less than 10 entries, remove all stacks with more than 10 entries
// this shall kick out small stacks to prevent that too many files are opened for very wide crawls
boolean smallStacksExist = false;
boolean singletonStacksExist = false;
smallsearch: for (String s: this.roundRobinHostHashes) {
HostQueue hq = this.queues.get(s);
if (hq == null || hq.size() != 1) {i.remove();}
if (hq != null) {
int size = hq.size();
if (size == 1) {singletonStacksExist = true; break smallsearch;}
if (size <= 10) {smallStacksExist = true; break smallsearch;}
} else if (smallStacksExist) {
Iterator<String> i = this.roundRobinHostHashes.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
String s = i.next();
HostQueue hq = this.queues.get(s);
if (hq == null || hq.size() > 10) {i.remove();}
if (singletonStacksExist) {
Iterator<String> i = this.roundRobinHostHashes.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
String s = i.next();
HostQueue hq = this.queues.get(s);
if (hq == null || hq.size() != 1) {i.remove();}
} else if (smallStacksExist) {
Iterator<String> i = this.roundRobinHostHashes.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
String s = i.next();
HostQueue hq = this.queues.get(s);
if (hq == null || hq.size() > 10) {i.remove();}
if (this.roundRobinHostHashes.size() == 0) return null;
// first strategy: get one entry which does not need sleep time
for (String nextHH: this.roundRobinHostHashes) {
HostQueue hq = this.queues.get(nextHH);
int delta = Latency.waitingRemainingGuessed(hq.getHost(), DigestURL.hosthash(hq.getHost(), hq.getPort()), robots, ClientIdentification.yacyInternetCrawlerAgent);
if (delta <= 10 || this.roundRobinHostHashes.size() == 1) {
Request request = hq == null ? null : hq.pop(delay, cs, robots);
int size = hq == null ? 0 : hq.size();
if (size == 0) {
if (this.roundRobinHostHashes.size() == 0) return null;
// first strategy: get one entry which does not need sleep time
Iterator<String> nhhi = this.roundRobinHostHashes.iterator();
nosleep: while (nhhi.hasNext()) {
rhh = nhhi.next();
rhq = this.queues.get(rhh);
if (rhq == null) {
continue nosleep;
int delta = Latency.waitingRemainingGuessed(rhq.getHost(), DigestURL.hosthash(rhq.getHost(), rhq.getPort()), robots, ClientIdentification.yacyInternetCrawlerAgent);
if (delta <= 10 || this.roundRobinHostHashes.size() == 1) {
break nosleep;
if (request != null) return request;
// second strategy: take from the largest stack and clean round robin cache
int largest = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
String nextHH = null;
for (String h: this.roundRobinHostHashes) {
HostQueue hq = this.queues.get(h);
if (hq != null) {
int s = hq.size();
if (s > largest) {
largest = s;
nextHH = h;
if (rhq == null) {
// second strategy: take from the largest stack and clean round robin cache
int largest = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (String h: this.roundRobinHostHashes) {
HostQueue hq = this.queues.get(h);
if (hq != null) {
int s = hq.size();
if (s > largest) {
largest = s;
rhh = h;
this.roundRobinHostHashes.clear(); // start from the beginning next time
rhq = this.queues.get(rhh);
this.roundRobinHostHashes.clear(); // start from the beginning next time
HostQueue hq = this.queues.get(nextHH);
Request request = hq == null ? null : hq.pop(delay, cs, robots);
if (hq != null && hq.size() == 0) {
if (rhq == null) continue tryagain;
Request request = rhq.pop(delay, cs, robots); // this pop is outside of synchronization to prevent blocking of pushes
int size = rhq.size();
if (size == 0) {
synchronized (this) {
if (request == null) continue tryagain;
return request;
} catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) {
continue tryagain;