a dublin core record inside of surrogate input files may now contain
tokens within the namespace 'md' (short for: metadata). The token names
must be valid withing the namespace of the solr field names. All
md-tokens inside of surrogate files then overwrite values within solr
documents before they are written to the solr index. This makes it
possible to assign collection names to each surrogate entry and also
ranking information can be added. Please see the example file.
work around the unfolding process in Solr's BinaryResponseWriter.
This was a huge performance bottleneck in the embedded solr connector
and the problem is actually on Solr side, but we have now a workaround.
- This made it possible to abstract a high-performance index access
method which is implemented as method getDocumentListByParams. That
method is also implemented in the SolrServerConnector and provides a
very efficient access to a solr index if the index is embedded.
- a popular use of the document list retrieval is a result count which
can now also make use of the new method, via getDocumentCountByParams.
- enhanced the Error cache which now does not store error documents
within the ram cache if the document is also written to solr. When
documents are retrieved from the cache, they are partly read from the
ram cache and if not existent there, from the Solr index.
servlet since YaCy 1.63. This is much more performant for the client
than using the XMLResponseWriter because parsing of XML data is very CPU
intensive. Older YaCy peers are still requested using the
XMLResponseWriter but the majority of YaCy peers already respond with
the binary writer. This makes remote searches much faster and less CPU
not-flushed Solr cache is now handled in this way:
- it is smaller by default
- an Solr-internal process is started to flush the cache periodically
(this does NOT clean the cache, just removes old objects)
- a Solr-external process (the standard YaCy cleanup-process) now has
direct access to the solr internal cache and flushes them completely.
The time frame for such a flush is defined by the cleanup-process
frequency, by default 10 minutes.
- see numerous idx entries with content_type image without url_file_ext_s (for various reason) which should be included in result
- try it yourself with following sample query
/solr/select?q=content_type:image/* AND -url_file_ext_s:[* TO *]&defType=edismax&fl=sku,url_file_ext_s,content_type
adresses also possible url without or deviating extension.
the embedded Solr (the default). This was obtained by cirumventing solrj
search encapsulation and the implementation of direct index access
methods to Solr.
The effect will not only be seen during search, but this has also a
strong effect on suggestions (much more) and less CPU power usage during
index distribution (which needs many search requests)