Replaced by shortcuts defined by the HTML "accesskey" attribute which
has the advantage to be advertised by screen readers when focusing the
corresponding buttons, contrary to custom JavasScript key handlers.
Now With Firefox :
- "Alt + Shift + n" for next page
- "Alt + Shift + p" for previous page
Following ARIA recommendation : "keyboard shortcuts enhance, not
replace, standard keyboard access." ( see
Fix for mantis 711 (
Added as an additional icon with title in the search progress bar, to
inform about background search feeder threads terminated or still
running. While giving a bit more information to users about the p2p
search process, this can help choosing whether or not wait a little bit
more time before going to the next page, in order to get results from
various sources sorted as best as possible (see #91 for a discussion
about sorting accuracy and network latency).
Other related modifications included :
- regular updates to statistics in the progress bar until the
background feeders are completely terminated.
- removed some uses of unsecure and discouraged JavaScript elements
Fixes issue #90 for local queries only: Stealth mode, Portal mode or
Intranet mode.
For P2p mode, the issue would probably be difficult to solve with
reasonable performance. This is still to dig.
Also switched some InterreputedException catch log messages to warn
level as this is normal behavior when shutting down a peer.
Fixed yacysearch buttons navbar behavior to deal correctly with total
results count or offset over 1000. Also improved the buttons navbar to
be able to navigate over 10th page for local queries.
bayesian filters. This can be used to classify documents during
indexing-time using a pre-definied bayesian filter.
New wordings:
- a context is a class where different categories are possible. The
context name is equal to a facet name.
- a category is a facet type within a facet navigation. Each context
must have several categories, at least one custom name (things you want
to discover) and one with the exact name "negative".
To use this, you must do:
- for each context, you must create a directory within
DATA/CLASSIFICATION with the name of the context (the facet name)
- within each context directory, you must create text files with one
document each per line for every categroy. One of these categories MUST
have the name 'negative.txt'.
Then, each new document is classified to match within one of the given
categories for each context.
- removed 'worker' processes
- no internal time-out behaviour: methods either are successful or
return null
- waiting is only done on top-level
- removed snippet-production; this is replaced by solr snippets
- removed statistics based on solr size queries (they had been VERY
long); the statistics (like suggestions or tag cloud) are now again
based on the old but very fast RWI index. In portal or intranet mode the
RWI index is usually switched off; if you like to have statistics again
then you must switch on the rwis again in this mode.
- fixed many bugs regarding correct page counter
- snippets are not fetched by browser using ajax, they are now fetched internally
- YaCy-internat threads control existence of snippets and sort out bad results
- search results are prepared using SSI includes
- the search result page is visible right after the search request, the results drop in when they are detected
- no more time-out strategy during search processes, results are shifted within queues when they arrive from remote peers
- added result page switching! after the first 10 results, the next page can be retrieved
- number of remote results is updated online on the result page as they drop in
- removed old snippet servelet (which had been also a security leak btw)
- media search is broken now, will be redesigned and fixed in another step
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
some urls are fetched so the url cache can be filled with these urls
- the url-prefetch is used to sort out some unresolved urls
- the snippet-fetcher is triggered with the search event id. This is used
to remove missing snippets from the search cache so they will not be displayed again
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- uses the progressbar introduced in the image-search
- results are displayed using the same layout as the text-search
- results are displayed in the order they arrive
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- images may be requested by localhost and authorized users only, if the request is done using a clear-text URL
- the image may be requested also using a code that can be a license to retrieve a URL for everyone
- some servelets produce URL licenses for ViewImage, like image search results
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
target servers had been able to see search words from the referrer of the favicon fetch.
This has been removed by using the getImage - servlet for favicon fetch.
Since java does not support loading of bmp and ico-Images, such parsers had been added.
The image parser had been coded from their original microsoft documentation.
This influences also the image-search functionality: there can now be a preview
of found bmp-images. Another benefit: favicons for search results are now cached with the HTCACHE.
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- hopefully fixed logging of GCs (in order to avoid things like "performed necessary GC, freed 18014398509481565 KB (requested/available/average: 4096 / 1631 / 2957 KB)") with the help of KoH
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- <noscript> - area for non-JS - Browsers
- progressbar for the loading - process (may be used in other searches too)
- the image that is available first ist displayed first, so the images aren't moved around when new results arrive
- the correct number of results is displayed
- successfully tested in IE 5.5 and 6, Opera, Firefox and Konqueror (recent versions)
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
* fixed a bug in safari (hopefully, sorry that I removed the old fix, the divs): yacy-logo is now above the fieldset, the fieldset clears and has a margin-left set
* fixed a bug with the dls: for example in ViewProfile.html the dt's (the terms/keys) had not the same height as the dd's, so the dt's were not in the same row with the coresponding dd's towards the bottom
* moved my new css-classes to the right place in base.css
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
* removed divide by zero bug when 20_dhtdistribution_busysleep is 0
* replaced German comment with wrong charset in source/de/anomic/plasma/ by an English one
* replaced the table-fix for floating behind snipped images by a br with clear
* removed unnecessary old xhtml-files (were not in use, they were created when we weren't having xhtml for testing)
* new layout for image-search results: replaced the old one with spans and tables inside (not valid) with new divs, now each image snippet container has the same size
* the ids of the snippetLoading-divs aren't valid because ids must start with an alphabetic letter or an underscore, they have to be prefixed
* in the returned snippet-xml is an unresolved pattern for status (the status is only set for text snippets)
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542