This is necessary when you want to attach to a dedicated external Solr
server protected with basic http authentication and requested over https
but having only a self-signed certificate.
The current default boost function
(`recip(ms(NOW,last_modified),3.16e-11,1,1)`) for the Date ranking
profile is indeed working fine.
What can trigger the error `unexpected docvalues type NUMERIC for field
'last_modified'` is the previous default boost function (quite old now)
or any custom one using the Solr `ord` or `rord` functions on the
last_modified field.
Then the problem was that the migration code in the Switchboard supposed
to detect the old date boost function was incorrect (one trailing right
parenthesis in excess), so the deprecated function remained.
This fixes issue #169.
- Fixes issue #160 : handle properly syntax exceptions with a user
friendly message
- Fixes loss of information on multiple blacklist entries editions
- Fixes loss of entries when moving entries from one list to another
Previously, when clicking a selected facet in the search results page to
unselect it, all other eventually selected modifiers/facets were also
With the appropriate vocabulary settings in Vocabulary_p.html page, this
can produce Vocabulary search facets displaying item types referenced in
html documents by microdata annotation.
Tested notably, but not limited to, vocabulary classes/types defined by and Dublin Core.
This adds the possibility for the HTML parser to gather typed items URLs
annotated in HTML tags with itemscope and itemtype attributes (see
microdata specification ), notably
Types from the vocabulary, but also Types/Classes from any
other vocabulary, such as the common ones listed in the RDFa core
context ( ).
Recrawl default profile was previously effectively used for crawl
stacker acceptance check, but request entries were indeed still created
with the "snippetGlobalText" profile.
Associate cached content to the last redirection location, instead of
the first URL of a redirection(s) chain :
- for proper base URL processing in parsers (fixes mantis 636 -
- to prevent duplicated content in Solr index when recrawling a
redirected URL