- re-implemented formerly jquery-based tagcloud with simple html
- fixed minimized menu for mobile/minimized view (try that: make window
very narrow...)
- adopted all YaCy administration pages to new framework
- created new search page layout (working, but still work in progress)
- old skin files are fully appliable! (and looking good)
- target is a new style based on bootstrap examples, see /test.html
- icons in YaCy may be replaced by glyphicons (to be done)
config settings frome the page also removed from yacy.init
introduced, it was also used for search facets. The generic search
facets are now deduced from generic solr fields which makes jena as tool
for facet semantics superfluous.
the 'API' icon which was the link for the opensearch result which is an
extension of RSS. Since it is more appropriate to visualize a RSS link
with an RSS icon, this API icon was changed here.
what it does: it clones the crawl, it does not change the crawl.
- moved the appearance of this clone link to the type column since this
makes it visible also if the URL column is not visible.
*) image links will not be marked (if they have class "yacylogo" or
*) external links in menu on left (and "fork me"-banner) will open in
new tab/window now
switch between p2p search and the 'stealth mode' which is simply a
non-p2p search within the p2p network. The functionality was there all
the time, but the switch to this was not very visible.
- added the field in crawl profile
- adopted logging end error management
- adopted duplicate document detection
- added a new rule to the indexing process to reject non-matching
- full redesign of the expert crawl start servlet
The new filter field can now be seen in /CrawlStartExpert_p.html at
Section "Document Filter", subsection item "Filter on Content of