<span>Your search is done using peers in the YaCy P2P network. You can switch to 'Stealth Mode' which will switch off P2P, giving you full privacy. Expect less results then, because then only your own search index is used.</span>
<span>Your search is done using only your own peer, locally. You can switch to 'Peer-to-Peer Mode' which will cause that your search is done using the other peers in the YaCy network.</span>
<spanstyle="position:absolute;display:block;text-align:left;width:100%;color:black;"> <strongid="offset">#[offset]#</strong>-<strongid="itemscount">#[itemscount]#</strong> of <strongid="totalcount">#[totalcount]#</strong> #(globalresults)#::; (<strongid="localResourceSize">#[localResourceSize]#</strong> local, <strongid="remoteResourceSize">#[remoteResourceSize]#</strong> remote), <strongid="remoteIndexCount">#[remoteIndexCount]#</strong> from <strongid="remotePeerCount">#[remotePeerCount]#</strong> remote YaCy peers.#(/globalresults)#</span>
<p>Searching the web with this peer is disabled for unauthorized users. Please <ahref="Status.html?login=">log in</a> as administrator to use the search function</p>
<p>Searching the web with this peer is disabled for unauthorized users. Please <ahref="Status.html?login=">log in</a> as administrator to use the search function</p>
<!-- the search results -->
var progressbar = new Progressbar(#[results]#, document.getElementById("results"));
<!-- show openstreetmap tiles if geoinfo was found -->
prop.put("pageNavBottom",(theSearch.getResultCount()-startRecord>6)?1:0);// if there are more results than may fit on the page we add a navigation at the bottom
// generate the search result lines; the content will be produced by another servlet
<span>Your search is done using peers in the YaCy P2P network. You can switch to 'Stealth Mode' which will switch off P2P, giving you full privacy. Expect less results then, because then only your own search index is used.</span>
<span>Your search is done using only your own peer, locally. You can switch to 'Peer-to-Peer Mode' which will cause that your search is done using the other peers in the YaCy network.</span>