For this on the header of the viewed result a "add bookmark" button is
available (for authenticated users).
Currently the bookmark is added to a (virtual) bookmark folder "/proxy"
w/o any additional tags etc.
Applied rules :
- when the FTP URL denotes a file resource, stack it as any start URL :
eventually embedded links can be followed applying the usual depth rules
- when the FTP URL denotes a directory, list files under this directory
and stack them for crawl, and repeat the process on sub folders until
crawl depth is reached
to not already actives.
Dht results are now included in count this might over shoot on redundant
dht and solr, while the previous solr facet based was always low.
Fixes issue #90 for local queries only: Stealth mode, Portal mode or
Intranet mode.
For P2p mode, the issue would probably be difficult to solve with
reasonable performance. This is still to dig.
Also switched some InterreputedException catch log messages to warn
level as this is normal behavior when shutting down a peer.
Fixed yacysearch buttons navbar behavior to deal correctly with total
results count or offset over 1000. Also improved the buttons navbar to
be able to navigate over 10th page for local queries.
parameters on SSI (server side includes).
Query parameters are already merged by dispatcher.include, making copy
of parameter (RequestDispatcher.INCLUDE_QUERY_STRING) obsolete.
All other parameter are not used as YaCy servlet arguments.
exclude servletPath option as resources are always relative to htroot
or htdocs, the change reflects this.
Theoretically it and the recent adjustments arcording relative urls
allows to configure the instance to be configurable in a path other as
root (/)
The default redirection strategy when using directly HTTPClient is
incorrect when redirection is cross host (the original Host header is
still sent when requesting the redirected location).
YaCy LoaderDispatcher handles redirections properly, thus release
archive files using redirected URLs (such as the URLs on a GitHub
Release page) are successfully downloaded.
When a downloaded archive release is corrupted, empty, or can not be
opened for any reason, the update script must not be launched because it
erases the existing lib/*.jar libraries.
Fixes second part of mantis 708
The bootstrap-switch component has some sizing issues with long labels,
which are not likely to be solved soon due to a lack of resources on
that project (see issue )
This fix works by applying the following ideas :
- labels are long, so font-size and padding are reduced on small screen
sizes using a media query
- use relative percent width values on the component wrappers to
prevent overlapping on the neighbour content
- disable animation because it relies on absolute pixels width values
keeping order of added nav's.
The search page preview template displays active navs. Therefore a select
and add button has been added below the preview (to keep it close to actual).
This should in future likely be done by drag&drop (html5 feature).
- using a icon-only admin button at small and medium screen size
- using a icon-only "Search Interfaces" button at small screen size
- hiding the YaCy brand at extra-small screen size
Fixes the header part of mantis 708
Navigator button overlapping is still to fix.
to the client (not cookies only). This is used by some servlets to mainly
set "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header. Added a contains check to be
sure no header set by Defaultservlet is overwritten.
NullPointerException occurred when using and Identificator instance
which encountered and error in its constructor.
This error could be caused by a missing "langdetect" folder in the
current folder of the main process, or by simultaneous first calls to
the constructor, initializing concurrently the DetectorFactory.langlist.
Fixes the mantis 714 (
Reduced this vocabulary memory usage :
- by using only one map term2entries instead of two maps having the
same key set
- by generating the location object links on the fly using the
GeoLocation data instead of storing many duplicates of string prefix
Measurements with VisualVM and GeoNames 0 enabled (cities with a
population > 1000) :
- AutotaggingLibrary retained size :
- initial : 309 718 763 bytes
- after refactoring : 159 224 641 bytes
Using String instead of StringBuilder instances in GeonamesLocation
allows to reuse the same immutable objects in the Tagging class.
Measurements with VisualVM and GeoNames 0 enabled (cities with a
population > 1000) :
- OverArchingLocation retained size :
- initial : 164 666 830 bytes
- after refactoring : 97 736 804 bytes
- AutotaggingLibrary retained size :
- initial : 354 713 633 bytes
- after refactoring : 309 718 763 bytes