Previously, if YaCy log folder was for example at
`/home/user/yacy/DATA/LOG`, because of improper truncation of log path,
an unnecessary directory creation was atempted at `/home/us`.
Relative URLs to CSS stylesheets were not properly rendered when using
the Solr html response writer and the "/solr/collection1/select" entry
point instead of "/solr/select".
SimpleDateFormat must not be used by concurrent threads without
synchronization for parsing or formating dates as it is not thread-safe
(internally holds a calendar instance that is not synchronized).
Prefer now DateTimeFormatter when possible as it is thread-safe without
concurrent access performance bottleneck (does not internally use
synchronization locks).
SimpleDateFormat must not be used by concurrent threads without
synchronization for parsing or formating dates as it is not thread-safe
(internally holds a calendar instance that is not synchronized).
Prefer now DateTimeFormatter when possible as it is thread-safe without
concurrent access performance bottleneck (does not internally use
synchronization locks).
SimpleDateFormat must not be used by concurrent threads without
synchronization for parsing or formating dates as it is not thread-safe
(internally holds a calendar instance that is not synchronized).
Prefer now DateTimeFormatter when possible as it is thread-safe without
concurrent access performance bottleneck (does not internally use
synchronization locks).
For a better control on the maximum simultaneous outgoing http
connections, as already done for any other http connections (crawls, rwi
search, p2p protocol) using the net.yacy.cora.protocol.http.HTTPClient
Consistently with the custom Solr http client used for https connections
to remote Solr peers or to YaCy external Solr storage.
This prevent remote Solr requests threads to wait for establishing a
connection to a remote peer longer than the configured timeout.
Initializing Thread names using the Thread constructor parameter is
faster as it already sets a thread name even if no customized one is
given, while an additional call to the Thread.setName() function
internally do synchronized access, eventually runs access check on the
security manager and performs a native call.
Profiling a running YaCy server revealed that the total processing time
spent on Thread.setName() for a typical p2p search was in the range of
Solr can provide partial results for example when a processing time
limit (specified with the parameter `timeAllowed`) is exceeded.
Before this fix, getting partial results from an embedded Solr index
resulted in a ClassCastException :
"org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList cannot be cast to
- properly handle IPv6 loopback address replacement
- replace loopback address or host only when accessing peer remotely
- replace loopback part with the peer hostname as requested rather than
with its seed public IP as this works better for Intranet mode and when
peer is behind a reverse proxy.
- Use the EnhancedXMLResponseWriter only when requested output is "exml"
- Use the Standard Solr writers when possible, for example for json, xml
or javabin output formats
- Return an error when the requested format can not been rendered with
an external Solr server only
Important : this modification is necessary for peers using exclusively
an external Solr server to be reachable as robinson targets in p2p
search, as the binary format ("javabin") is the default Solr exchange
format for peers.
Before this, when a peer requested a remote one attached only to an
external Solr (no embedded one), it ended with "Invalid type" error, as
the remote peer answered with xml although binary format was requested.
This is necessary when you want to attach to a dedicated external Solr
server protected with basic http authentication and requested over https
but having only a self-signed certificate.
The current default boost function
(`recip(ms(NOW,last_modified),3.16e-11,1,1)`) for the Date ranking
profile is indeed working fine.
What can trigger the error `unexpected docvalues type NUMERIC for field
'last_modified'` is the previous default boost function (quite old now)
or any custom one using the Solr `ord` or `rord` functions on the
last_modified field.
Then the problem was that the migration code in the Switchboard supposed
to detect the old date boost function was incorrect (one trailing right
parenthesis in excess), so the deprecated function remained.
This fixes issue #169.
With the appropriate vocabulary settings in Vocabulary_p.html page, this
can produce Vocabulary search facets displaying item types referenced in
html documents by microdata annotation.
Tested notably, but not limited to, vocabulary classes/types defined by and Dublin Core.
Required for proper operation when the default system locale is Turkish,
as dottless and dotted i characters have specific case conversion rules
in this language.
Default is still http to prevent any regressions, but a new setting is
available to choose https as the preferred protocol to perform remote
New configuration setting 'remotesearch.https.preferred' is manually
editable in yacy.conf file or in Advanced Properties page
Should be enabled as default in the future for improved privacy.
Https could also eventually be used for other peers communications.