Ensuring http post method is used for operations with server-side
effects (in respect of http semantics), and a valid transaction token is
provided by the user-agent.
- to prevent unwanted exposure of index entries about private
local/intranet documents when switching from "Intranet Indexing" mode
while attached to remote Solr instance(s)
- to warn user about remote Solr instance(s) still attached when
switching from modes other than "Intranet Indexing"
- properly handle IPv6 loopback address replacement
- replace loopback address or host only when accessing peer remotely
- replace loopback part with the peer hostname as requested rather than
with its seed public IP as this works better for Intranet mode and when
peer is behind a reverse proxy.
Otherwise once this operation is applied, the remote Solr(s) instances
are deconnected and the embedded Solr is connected even if disabled by
setting "core.service.fulltext".
Also use constants for related default setting values.
This is necessary when you want to attach to a dedicated external Solr
server protected with basic http authentication and requested over https
but having only a self-signed certificate.
When inlined (for example in the CrawlProfileEditor_p.html page) :
search only on the comment, as the url is not visible
On regular display : search on comment OR url, instead of comment AND
url. Otherwise searching on comments terms is almost useless as these
terms are not necessarily present in the url.
Applied the same default results page size as when a type filter is
defined for proper and consistend page navigation when combining type
filter and search query.
Otherwise, when interested in viewing `Link List` for example, each time
you typed a new URL, `Parsed Sentences` view mode was selected as
default and you had to selected again the view mode you are insterested
As discussed in issue #160 , blacklist entries can indeed currently not
be "complete" regular expressions, but must be structured as a domain
part, a separator character ('/'), and a path part.
- Fixes issue #160 : handle properly syntax exceptions with a user
friendly message
- Fixes loss of information on multiple blacklist entries editions
- Fixes loss of entries when moving entries from one list to another
Previously, when clicking a selected facet in the search results page to
unselect it, all other eventually selected modifiers/facets were also
With the appropriate vocabulary settings in Vocabulary_p.html page, this
can produce Vocabulary search facets displaying item types referenced in
html documents by microdata annotation.
Tested notably, but not limited to, vocabulary classes/types defined by
Schema.org and Dublin Core.