@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Domains ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader ;
import net.yacy.data.TransactionManager ;
import net.yacy.data.Translator ;
import net.yacy.data.WorkTables ;
import net.yacy.http.YaCyHttpServer ;
@ -65,47 +66,71 @@ public class ConfigBasic {
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects ( ) ;
final File langPath = new File ( sb . getAppPath ( "locale.source" , "locales" ) . getAbsolutePath ( ) ) ;
String lang = env . getConfig ( "locale.language" , "browser" ) ;
final int authentication = sb . adminAuthenticated ( header ) ;
if ( authentication < 2 ) {
// must authenticate
prop . authenticationRequired ( ) ;
return prop ;
// store this call as api call
if ( post ! = null & & post . containsKey ( "set" ) ) {
sb . tables . recordAPICall ( post , "ConfigBasic.html" , WorkTables . TABLE_API_TYPE_CONFIGURATION , "basic settings" ) ;
//boolean doPeerPing = false;
/* For authenticated users only : acquire a transaction token for the next POST form submission */
prop . put ( TransactionManager . TRANSACTION_TOKEN_PARAM , TransactionManager . getTransactionToken ( header ) ) ;
if ( ( sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . isVirgin ( ) ) | | ( sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . isJunior ( ) ) ) {
new OnePeerPingBusyThread ( sb . yc ) . start ( ) ;
//doPeerPing = true;
// language settings
if ( post ! = null & & post . containsKey ( "language" ) & & ! lang . equals ( post . get ( "language" , "default" ) ) & &
( new TranslatorXliff ( ) . changeLang ( env , langPath , post . get ( "language" , "default" ) + ".lng" ) ) ) {
prop . put ( "changedLanguage" , "1" ) ;
String peerName = sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . getName ( ) ;
long port = env . getLocalPort ( ) ; //this allows a low port, but it will only get one, if the user edits the config himself.
boolean ssl = env . getConfigBool ( "server.https" , false ) ;
boolean upnp = false ;
if ( post ! = null ) {
/* Settings will be modified : check this is a valid transaction using HTTP POST method */
TransactionManager . checkPostTransaction ( header , post ) ;
// peer name settings
String peerName = ( post = = null ) ? sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . getName ( ) : post . get ( "peername" , "" ) ;
if ( peerName ! = null & & peerName . length ( ) > 0 ) peerName = peerName . replace ( ' ' , '-' ) ;
// store this call as api call
if ( post . containsKey ( "set" ) ) {
sb . tables . recordAPICall ( post , "ConfigBasic.html" , WorkTables . TABLE_API_TYPE_CONFIGURATION , "basic settings" ) ;
// language settings
if ( post . containsKey ( "language" ) & & ! lang . equals ( post . get ( "language" , "default" ) ) ) {
if ( new TranslatorXliff ( ) . changeLang ( env , langPath , post . get ( "language" , "default" ) + ".lng" ) ) {
prop . put ( "changedLanguage" , "1" ) ;
// port settings
if ( post . getInt ( "port" , 0 ) > 1023 ) {
port = post . getLong ( "port" , 8090 ) ;
ssl = post . getBoolean ( "withssl" ) ;
// peer name settings
peerName = post . get ( "peername" , "" ) ;
// UPnP config
if ( post . containsKey ( "port" ) ) { // hack to allow checkbox
upnp = post . containsKey ( "enableUpnp" ) ;
if ( upnp & & ! sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . UPNP_ENABLED , false ) ) {
UPnP . addPortMappings ( ) ;
sb . setConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . UPNP_ENABLED , upnp ) ;
if ( ! upnp ) {
UPnP . deletePortMappings ( ) ;
// port settings
final long port ;
boolean ssl ;
if ( post ! = null & & post . getInt ( "port" , 0 ) > 1023 ) {
port = post . getLong ( "port" , 8090 ) ;
ssl = post . getBoolean ( "withssl" ) ;
} else {
port = env . getLocalPort ( ) ; //this allows a low port, but it will only get one, if the user edits the config himself.
ssl = env . getConfigBool ( "server.https" , false ) ;
if ( ssl ) {
prop . put ( "withsslenabled_sslport" , env . getHttpServer ( ) . getSslPort ( ) ) ;
if ( ssl ) prop . put ( "withsslenabled_sslport" , env . getHttpServer ( ) . getSslPort ( ) ) ;
if ( peerName ! = null & & peerName . length ( ) > 0 ) {
peerName = peerName . replace ( ' ' , '-' ) ;
// check if peer name already exists
final Seed oldSeed = sb . peers . lookupByName ( peerName ) ;
if ( oldSeed = = null & &
@ -115,21 +140,6 @@ public class ConfigBasic {
sb . peers . saveMySeed ( ) ;
// UPnP config
final boolean upnp ;
if ( post ! = null & & post . containsKey ( "port" ) ) { // hack to allow checkbox
upnp = post . containsKey ( "enableUpnp" ) ;
if ( upnp & & ! sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . UPNP_ENABLED , false ) ) {
UPnP . addPortMappings ( ) ;
sb . setConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . UPNP_ENABLED , upnp ) ;
if ( ! upnp ) {
UPnP . deletePortMappings ( ) ;
} else {
upnp = false ;
// check port and ssl connection
final boolean reconnect ;
if ( ! ( env . getLocalPort ( ) = = port ) | | env . getConfigBool ( "server.https" , false ) ! = ssl ) {
@ -175,6 +185,9 @@ public class ConfigBasic {
prop . put ( "setUseCase_switchWarning" , 0 ) ;
String networkName = sb . getConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . NETWORK_NAME , "" ) ;
if ( post ! = null & & post . containsKey ( "usecase" ) ) {
/* Settings will be modified : check this is a valid transaction using HTTP POST method */
TransactionManager . checkPostTransaction ( header , post ) ;
boolean hasNonEmptyRemoteSolr = sb . index . fulltext ( ) . connectedRemoteSolr ( )
& & ( sb . index . fulltext ( ) . collectionSize ( ) > 0 | | sb . index . fulltext ( ) . webgraphSize ( ) > 0 ) ;
if ( "freeworld" . equals ( post . get ( "usecase" , "" ) ) & & ! "freeworld" . equals ( networkName ) ) {