Associate cached content to the last redirection location, instead of
the first URL of a redirection(s) chain :
- for proper base URL processing in parsers (fixes mantis 636 -
- to prevent duplicated content in Solr index when recrawling a
redirected URL
- with only light constraint on known indexed documents load date, as it
can already been controlled by the selection query, and the goal of the
job is indeed to recrawl selected documents now
- using the iffresh cache strategy
check case insensitive.
As keywords are compared lower case, make sure user input keyword:Key
or keyword:key will be shown as active in facet entry key.
Thus allowing to choose at configuration or per search request, whether
extending or not results beyond strict content domain filter (image,
video, audio or application).
Related graphical controls to be added to user interface.
Required for proper operation when the default system locale is Turkish,
as dottless and dotted i characters have specific case conversion rules
in this language.
Introduced through the new configurable setting
network.unit.protocol.https.preferred, defaulting to false for now.
Let choose to prefer using https when available on remote peers to
perform YaCy protocol operations including notably hello or transferRWI.
Not yet implemented for every YaCy protocol operations.
When a crawl is started, a new field to exclude content from scraping is
available. The field can be identified with the class name of div tags.
All text contained in such a div tag where the configured class name(s)
match are not indexed, while the remaining page is indexed.
Upgraded to InetAccessHandler.
Added InetPathAccessHandler extension to InetAccessHandler to maintain
path patterns capability previously available in IPAccessHandler but
lost in InetAccessHandler.
Filtering on IPv6 addresses is now supported.
Support for deprecated pattern formats such as "192.168." and
"" has been removed, but startup automated migration
should convert such patterns eventually present in serverClient.
Allow typing directly internationalized domain names including non ASCII
characters in the search field.
Search is done using the ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) representation.
Default is still http to prevent any regressions, but a new setting is
available to choose https as the preferred protocol to perform remote
New configuration setting 'remotesearch.https.preferred' is manually
editable in yacy.conf file or in Advanced Properties page
Should be enabled as default in the future for improved privacy.
Https could also eventually be used for other peers communications.
Required to properly run on systems with default locale set to Turkish
language, as with this locale the 'i' character has different upper and
lower case flavors than with other locales.