As discussed in issue #160 , blacklist entries can indeed currently not
be "complete" regular expressions, but must be structured as a domain
part, a separator character ('/'), and a path part.
Upgraded to InetAccessHandler.
Added InetPathAccessHandler extension to InetAccessHandler to maintain
path patterns capability previously available in IPAccessHandler but
lost in InetAccessHandler.
Filtering on IPv6 addresses is now supported.
Support for deprecated pattern formats such as "192.168." and
"" has been removed, but startup automated migration
should convert such patterns eventually present in serverClient.
Previously named with their ISO 3166-1 country code : this way, when
setting language to "Browser" in ConfigBasic.html, it didn't work
properly when browser preferred language was Chinese or Greek as their
respective language codes are "zh" and "el" (not "cn" and "gr" which are
their country codes)
Previously rendered as a broken URL containing the absolute file path of
a snapshot on the search server.
Now rendered as a valid URL linking to the /api/snapshot API to provide
available snapshot content. Snapshot format is selected among the
available ones in the following order of preference : JPG/PNG, PDF, and
Using unfiltered detailed counts (local and remote entries found before
doubles detection and before applying query modifiers) was confusing and
inconsistent with the total count. It could let think more results are
to come in the next pages, without understanding why they are not
This is to be more easily understandable and to reflect more accurately
the current memory strategies implementations that eventually set the
"proper" state not only because DHT reception.
As mentioned in issue #103, control settings over YaCy disk usage
already existed but lacked a user-friendly way to set them.
I added it to the Performance_p.html administration page with a little
refactoring on the "Resource Observer" fieldset for improved
accessibility and HTML standards respect.
Also added the possibility to enable/disable the autoregulation fonction
from this page.