Database Reader for phpBB3 Forums==phpBB3论坛的数据库读取器
Dump Reader for MediaWiki dumps==MediaWiki转储读取器
>Warc Importer<==>Warc导入器<
>Database Reader<==>数据库阅读器<
Database Reader for phpBB3 Forums==phpBB3论坛的数据库阅读器
Dump Reader for MediaWiki dumps==MediaWiki转储阅读器
#File: TransNews_p.html
@ -224,26 +228,26 @@ Translation:==翻译:
negative vote==反对票
positive vote==赞成票
Vote on this translation.==对这个翻译投票。
If you vote positive the translation is added to your local translation list.==如果您投赞成票,翻译将被添加到您的本地翻译列表中。
Vote on this translation==对这个翻译投票
If you vote positive the translation is added to your local translation list==如果您投赞成票,翻译将被添加到您的本地翻译列表中
#File: Autocrawl_p.html
Autocrawler automatically selects and adds tasks to the local crawl queue.==自动爬虫自动选择任务并将其添加到本地爬网队列。
This will work best when there are already quite a few domains in the index.==如果索引中已经有一些域名,这将会工作得最好。
Autocrawler automatically selects and adds tasks to the local crawl queue==自动爬虫自动选择任务并将其添加到本地爬网队列
This will work best when there are already quite a few domains in the index==如果索引中已经有一些域名,这将会工作得最好
Autocralwer Configuration==自动爬虫配置
You need to restart for some settings to be applied==您需要重新启动才能应用一些设置
Enable Autocrawler:==启用自动爬虫:
Deep crawl every:==深入抓取:
Warning: if this is bigger than "Rows to fetch" only shallow crawls will run.==警告:如果这大于“取回行”,只有浅抓取将运行。
Warning: if this is bigger than "Rows to fetch" only shallow crawls will run==警告:如果这大于“取回行”,只有浅抓取将运行
Rows to fetch at once:==一次取回行:
Recrawl only older than # days:==重新抓取只有#天以前的时间:
Recrawl only older than # days:==重新抓取只有 # 天以前的时间:
Get hosts by query:==通过查询获取主机:
Can be any valid Solr query.==可以是任何有效的Solr查询。
Shallow crawl depth (0 to 2):==浅抓取深度(0〜2):
Shallow crawl depth (0 to 2):==浅抓取深度(0至2):
Deep crawl depth (1 to 5):==深度抓取深度(1至5):
Index text:==索引文本:
Index media:==索引媒体:
@ -269,25 +273,25 @@ Parser Configuration==解析器配置
Content Control<==内容控制<
Peer Content Control URL Filter==节点内容控制地址过滤器
With this settings you can activate or deactivate content control on this peer.==使用此设置,您可以激活或取消激活此YaCy节点上的内容控制。
With this settings you can activate or deactivate content control on this peer==使用此设置,您可以激活或取消激活此YaCy节点上的内容控制
Use content control filtering:==使用内容控制过滤:
Enables or disables content control.==启用或禁用内容控制。
Enables or disables content control==启用或禁用内容控制
Use this table to create filter:==使用此表创建过滤器:
Define a table. Default:==定义一个表格。 默认:
Define a table. Default:==定义一个表格. 默认:
Content Control SMW Import Settings==内容控制SMW导入设置
With this settings you can define the content control import settings. You can define a==使用此设置,您可以定义内容控制导入设置。 你可以定义一个
Semantic Media Wiki with the appropriate extensions.==语义媒体百科与适当的扩展。
With this settings you can define the content control import settings. You can define a==使用此设置,您可以定义内容控制导入设置. 你可以定义一个
Semantic Media Wiki with the appropriate extensions==语义媒体百科与适当的扩展
SMW import to content control list:==SMW导入到内容控制列表:
Enable or disable constant background synchronization of content control list from SMW (Semantic Mediawiki). Requires restart!==启用或禁用来自SMW(Semantic Mediawiki)的内容控制列表的恒定后台同步。 需要重启!
SMW import base URL:==SMW导入基URL:
Define base URL for SMW special page "Ask". Example: ==为SMW特殊页面“Ask”定义基础地址。 例:
Define base URL for SMW special page "Ask". Example: ==为SMW特殊页面“Ask”定义基础地址.例:
, where parameter is the url of an external web page.==其中参数是外部网页的网址。
, where parameter is the url of an external web page==其中参数是外部网页的网址
URL Proxy Settings<==URL代理设置<
With this settings you can activate or deactivate URL proxy which is the method used for augmentation.==使用此设置,您可以激活或取消激活用于扩充的URL代理。
Service call: ==服务电话:
>URL proxy:<==>URL 代理:<
Globally enables or disables URL proxy via==全局启用或禁用URL代理通过
Globally enables or disables URL proxy via==全局启用或禁用URL代理通过
Show search results via URL proxy:==通过URL代理显示搜索结果:
Enables or disables URL proxy for all search results. If enabled, all search results will be tunneled through URL proxy.==为所有搜索结果启用或禁用URL代理。 如果启用,所有搜索结果将通过URL代理隧道传输。
Alternatively you may add this javascript to your browser favorites/short-cuts, which will reload the current browser address==或者,您可以将此JavaScript添加到您的浏览器收藏夹/快捷方式,这将重新加载当前的浏览器地址
via the YaCy proxy servlet.==通过YaCy代理servlet。
via the YaCy proxy servlet==通过YaCy代理servlet
or right-click this link and add to favorites:==或右键单击此链接并添加到收藏夹:
Restrict URL proxy use:==限制URL代理使用:
Define client filter. Default: ==定义客户端过滤器。 默认:
Define client filter. Default: ==定义客户端过滤器.默认:
URL substitution:==网址替换:
Define URL substitution rules which allow navigating in proxy environment. Possible values: all, domainlist. Default: domainlist.==定义允许在代理环境中导航的URL替换规则。 可能的值:all,domainlist。 默认:domainlist。
Alternatively you may add this javascript to your browser favorites/short-cuts==或者,您可以将此JavaScript添加到您的浏览器收藏夹/快捷方式,这将重新加载当前的浏览器地址
Enables or disables URL proxy for all search results. If enabled==为所有搜索结果启用或禁用URL代理。 如果启用,所有搜索结果将通过URL代理隧道传输。
Service call:==服务电话:
Define client filter. Default:==定义客户端过滤器。 默认:
Define URL substitution rules which allow navigating in proxy environment. Possible values: all==定义允许在代理环境中导航的URL替换规则。 可能的值:all,domainlist。 默认:domainlist。
Define client filter. Default:==定义客户端过滤器.默认:
Define URL substitution rules which allow navigating in proxy environment. Possible values: all==定义允许在代理环境中导航的URL替换规则.可能的值:all,domainlist.默认:domainlist。
Globally enables or disables URL proxy via==全局启用或禁用URL代理通过
#File: env/templates/submenuMaintenance.template
RAM/Disk Usage & Updates==内存/硬盘 使用 & 更新
Web Cache==Web缓存
Web Cache==网页缓存
Download System Update==下载系统更新
RAM/Disk Usage ==内存/硬盘 使用
RAM/Disk Usage==内存/硬盘 使用
#File: ContentAnalysis_p.html
Content Analysis==内容分析
These are document analysis attributes.==这些是文档分析属性。
These are document analysis attributes==这些是文档分析属性
Double Content Detection==双重内容检测
Double-Content detection is done using a ranking on a 'unique'-Field, named 'fuzzy_signature_unique_b'.==双内容检测是使用名为'fuzzy_signature_unique_b'的'unique'字段上的排名完成的。
This is the minimum length of a word which shall be considered as element of the signature. Should be either 2 or 3.==这是一个应被视为签名的元素单词的最小长度。 应该是2或3。
The quantRate is a measurement for the number of words that take part in a signature computation. The higher the number, the less==quantRate是参与签名计算的单词数量的度量。 数字越高,越少
words are used for the signature.==单词用于签名。
words are used for the signature==单词用于签名
For minTokenLen = 2 the quantRate value should not be below 0.24; for minTokenLen = 3 the quantRate value must be not below 0.5.==对于minTokenLen = 2,quantRate值不应低于0.24; 对于minTokenLen = 3,quantRate值必须不低于0.5。
"Re-Set to default"=="重置为默认"
@ -372,22 +375,21 @@ The quantRate is a measurement for the number of words that take part in a signa
#File: AccessTracker_p.html
Access Tracker==访问跟踪
Server Access Overview==网站访问概况
This is a list of #[num]# requests to the local http server within the last hour.==最近一小时内有 #[num]# 个到本地的访问请求.
This is a list of requests to the local http server within the last hour.==此列表显示最近一小时内到本机的访问请求.
Showing #[num]# requests.==显示 #[num]# 个请求.
This is a list of #[num]# requests to the local http server within the last hour==最近一小时内有 #[num]# 个到本地的访问请求
This is a list of requests to the local http server within the last hour==此列表显示最近一小时内到本机的访问请求
Showing #[num]# requests==显示 #[num]# 个请求
Access Count During==访问时间
last Second==最近1秒
last Minute==最近1分
last 10 Minutes==最近10分
last Hour==最近1小时
last Second==最近1秒
last Minute==最近1分
last 10 Minutes==最近10分
last Hour==最近1小时
The following hosts are registered as source for brute-force requests to protected pages==以下主机作为保护页面强制请求的源
Access Times==访问时间
@ -407,17 +409,17 @@ Expected Results==期望结果
Returned Results==返回结果
Known Results==已知结果
Used Time (ms)==消耗时间(毫秒)
URL fetch (ms)==获取URL(毫秒)
URL fetch (ms)==获取地址(毫秒)
Snippet comp (ms)==片段比较(毫秒)
>User Agent<==>用户代理<
Top Search Words (last 7 Days)==热门搜索词汇(最近7天)
Search Word Hashes==搜索字哈希值
Queries Per Last Hour==小时平均查询
Queries Per Last Hour==查询/小时
Access Dates==访问日期
This is a list of searches that had been requested from remote peer search interface==此列表显示从远端节点所进行的搜索.
This is a list of requests (max. 1000) to the local http server within the last hour.==这是最近一小时内本地http服务器的请求列表(最多1000个).
This is a list of requests (max. 1000) to the local http server within the last hour==这是最近一小时内本地http服务器的请求列表(最多1000个)
@ -436,7 +438,7 @@ Used Blacklist engine:==使用的黑名单引擎:
This function provides an URL filter to the proxy; any blacklisted URL is blocked==提供代理URL过滤;过滤掉自载入时加入进黑名单的URL.
from being loaded. You can define several blacklists and activate them separately.==您可以自定义黑名单并分别激活它们.
You may also provide your blacklist to other peers by sharing them; in return you may==您也可以提供你自己的黑名单列表给其他人;
collect blacklist entries from other peers.==同样,其他人也能将黑名单列表共享给您.
collect blacklist entries from other peers==同样,其他人也能将黑名单列表共享给您
#You can select them here for deletion==您可以从这里选择要删除的项
Add new pattern:==添加新规则:
"Add URL pattern"=="添加URL规则"
"Add URL pattern"=="添加地址规则"
The right '*', after the '/', can be replaced by a <a href="" target="_blank">regular expression</a>.== 在 '/' 后边的 '*' ,可用<a href="" target="_blank">正则表达式</a>表示.<绝对路径<
@ -470,20 +472,20 @@ Activate this list for==为以下条目激活此名单
Show entries:==显示条目:
Entries per page:==页面条目:
Edit existing pattern(s):==编辑现有规则:
"Save URL pattern(s)"=="保存URL规则"
"Save URL pattern(s)"=="保存地址规则"
#File: BlacklistCleaner_p.html
Blacklist Cleaner==黑名单整理
Here you can remove or edit illegal or double blacklist-entries.==在这里您可以删除或者编辑一个非法或者重复的黑名单条目.
Here you can remove or edit illegal or double blacklist-entries==在这里您可以删除或者编辑一个非法或者重复的黑名单条目
Check list==校验名单
Allow regular expressions in host part of blacklist entries.==允许黑名单中主机部分的正则表达式.
Allow regular expressions in host part of blacklist entries==允许黑名单中主机部分的正则表达式
The blacklist-cleaner only works for the following blacklist-engines up to now:==此整理目前只对以下黑名单引擎有效:
Illegal Entries in #[blList]# for==非法条目在 #[blList]#
@ -1782,7 +1787,7 @@ after searching, click-open on the default search engine in the upper right sear
search as rss feed==作为RSS-Feed搜索
click on the red icon in the upper right after a search. this works good in combination with the '/date' ranking modifier. See an==搜索后点击右上方的红色图标. 配合'/date'排名修改, 能取得较好效果.
json search results==JSON搜索结果
json search results==json搜索结果
for ajax developers: get the search rss feed and replace the '.rss' extension in the search result url with '.json'==对AJAX开发者: 获取搜索结果页的RSS-Feed, 并用'.json'替换'.rss'搜索结果链接中的扩展名
@ -1792,18 +1797,18 @@ Index Cleaner==索引整理
Total URLs searched:==搜索到的全部URL:
Blacklisted URLs found:==搜索到的黑名单URL:
Total URLs searched:==搜索到的全部地址:
Blacklisted URLs found:==搜索到的黑名单地址:
Percentage blacklisted:==黑名单占百分比:
last searched URL:==最近搜索到的URL:
last blacklisted URL found:==最近搜索到的黑名单URL:
last searched URL:==最近搜索到的地址:
last blacklisted URL found:==最近搜索到的黑名单地址:
RWIs at Start:==启动时RWIs:
RWIs now:==当前反向字索引:
wordHash in Progress:==处理中的Hash值:
last wordHash with deleted URLs:==已删除网址的Hash值:
Number of deleted URLs in on this Hash:==此Hash中已删除的URL数:
URL-DB-Cleaner - Clean up the database by deletion of blacklisted urls:==URL-DB-清理 - 清理数据库, 会删除黑名单URl:
Number of deleted URLs in on this Hash:==此Hash中已删除的地址数:
URL-DB-Cleaner - Clean up the database by deletion of blacklisted urls:==URL-DB-清理 - 清理数据库, 会删除黑名单地址:
@ -1817,7 +1822,7 @@ The local index currently contains #[wcount]# reverse word indexes==本地索引
RWI Retrieval (= search for a single word)==RWI接收(= 搜索单个单词)
Select Segment:==选择片段:
Retrieve by Word:<==输入单词:<
"Show URL Entries for Word"=="显示关键字相关的URL"
"Show URL Entries for Word"=="显示关键字相关的地址"
Retrieve by Word-Hash==输入单词Hash值
"Show URL Entries for Word-Hash"=="显示关键字Hash值相关的URL"
"Generate List"=="生成列表"
@ -1859,8 +1864,8 @@ to Peer==指定节点
or enter a hash==或者输入节点的Hash值
Sequential List of Word-Hashes==字Hash值的顺序列表
No URL entries related to this word hash==无对应入口URL对于字Hash
>#[count]# URL entries related to this word hash==>#[count]# 个入口URL与此字Hash相关
No URL entries related to this word hash==无对应入口地址对于字Hash
>#[count]# URL entries related to this word hash==>#[count]# 个入口地址与此字Hash相关
Negative Ranking Factors==负向排名因素
Positive Ranking Factors==正向排名因素
@ -1898,14 +1903,21 @@ Blacklist Extension==黑名单扩展
#File: IndexControlURLs_p.html
URL References Administration==参考地址管理
>URL Database Administration<==>地址数据库管理<
The local index currently contains #[ucount]# URL references==目前本地索引含有 #[ucount]# 个参考地址
#URL Retrieval
URL Retrieval==地址获取
Select Segment:==选择片段:
Retrieve by URL:<==输入地址:<
"Show Details for URL"=="显示细节"
Retrieve by URL-Hash==输入地址Hash值
"Show Details for URL"=="显示细节"
"Show Details for URL-Hash"=="显示细节"
>Index Deletion<==>删除索引<
Select Segment:==选择片段:
"Generate List"=="生成列表"
Statistics about top-domains in URL Database==地址数据库中顶级域数据
Show top==显示全部URL中的
@ -2025,13 +2037,23 @@ Import failed:==导入失败:
#File: DictionaryLoader_p.html
Dictionary Loader==功能扩展
>Knowledge Loader<==>知识加载器<
YaCy can use external libraries to enable or enhance some functions. These libraries are not==您可以使用外部插件来增强一些功能. 考虑到程序大小问题,
included in the main release of YaCy because they would increase the application file too much.==这些插件并未被包含在主程序中.
You can download additional files here.==您可以在这下载扩展文件.
Geolocalization will enable YaCy to present locations from OpenStreetMap according to given search words.==根据关键字, YaCy能从OpenStreetMap获得的位置信息.
Dictionary Loader==功能扩展
With this file it is possible to find cities with a population > 1000 all over the world.==使用此文件能够找到全世界平均人口大于1000的城市.
>Download from<==>下载来源<
>Storage location<==>存储位置<
@ -2207,12 +2229,12 @@ Each time a xml surrogate file appears in /DATA/SURROGATES/in, the YaCy indexer
When a surrogate file is finished with indexing, it is moved to /DATA/SURROGATES/out==当索引完成时, xml文件会被移动到 /DATA/SURROGATES/out
You can recycle processed surrogate files by moving them from /DATA/SURROGATES/out to /DATA/SURROGATES/in==您可以将文件从/DATA/SURROGATES/out 移动到 /DATA/SURROGATES/in 以重复索引.
Import Process==导入进程
Wiki Entries==Wiki条目
Wiki Entries==百科条目
articles per second<==个文章每秒<
articles per second<==文章/秒<
Running Time:==运行时间:
@ -2223,7 +2245,7 @@ Remaining Time:==剩余时间:
#File: IndexImportOAIPMH_p.html
#OAI-PMH Import==OAI-PMH Import
Results from the import can be monitored in the <a href="CrawlResults.html?process=7">indexing results for surrogates==导入结果<a href="CrawlResults.html?process=7">监视
Single request import==单个导入请求
This will submit only a single request as given here to a OAI-PMH server and imports records into the index==向OAI-PMH服务器提交如下导入请求, 并将返回记录导入索引
@ -2304,8 +2326,8 @@ The following form is a simplified crawl start that uses the proper values for a
Just insert the front page URL of your forum. After you started the crawl you may want to get back==将论坛首页填入表格. 开始crawl后,
to this page to read the integration hints below.==您可能需要返回此页面阅读以下提示.
URL of the phpBB3 forum main page==phpBB3论坛主页
This is a crawl start point==这是crawl起始点
"Get content of phpBB3: crawl forum pages"=="获取phpBB3内容: crawl论坛页面"
This is a crawl start point==这是抓取起始点
"Get content of phpBB3: crawl forum pages"=="获取phpBB3内容: 抓取论坛页面"
Inserting a Search Window to phpBB3==在phpBB3中添加搜索框
To integrate a search window into phpBB3, you must insert some code into a forum template.==在论坛模板中添加以下代码以将搜索框集成到phpBB3中.
There are several templates that can be used for phpBB3, but in this guide we consider that==phpBB3中有多种模板,
@ -2367,7 +2389,7 @@ Available after successful loading of rss feed in preview==仅在读取rss feed
"Add Selected Items to Index (full content of url)"=="添加选中条目到索引(URL中全部内容)"
"Add Selected Items to Index (full content of url)"=="添加选中条目到索引(地址中全部内容)"
#File: Messages_p.html
@ -2431,9 +2453,9 @@ YaCy Network<==YaCy网络<
>Online Peers<==>在线节点<
>Number of<br/>Documents<==>文件<br/>数目<
Indexing Speed:==索引速度:
Pages Per Minute (PPM)==页面每分钟(PPM)
Pages Per Minute (PPM)==页面/分钟(PPM)
Query Frequency:==请求频率:
Queries Per Hour (QPH)==请求每小时(QPH)
Queries Per Hour (QPH)==请求/小时(QPH)
>Last Hour<==>1小时前<
>Last Week<==>最近一周<
@ -2502,16 +2524,19 @@ Your Peer:==您的节点:
>Sent DHT<==>已发送DHT<
>Received DHT<==>已接受DHT<
>Word Chunks<==>词汇块<
Connects<br/>per hour==连接/小时
>dark green font<==>深绿色字<
@ -2750,10 +2775,10 @@ This is the time delta between accessing of the same domain during a crawl.==这
The crawl balancer tries to avoid that domains are==crawl平衡器能够避免频繁地访问同一域名,
accessed too often, but if the balancer fails (i.e. if there are only links left from the same domain), then these minimum==如果平衡器失效(比如相同域名下只剩链接了), 则此有此间歇
With these settings you can configure if you have an account on a public accessible==如果您有一个公共服务器的账户, 可在此设置
server where you can host a seed-list file.==seed列表文件相关选项.
server where you can host a seed-list file.==种子列表文件相关选项.
General Settings:==通用设置:
If you enable one of the available uploading methods, you will become a principal peer.==如果节点使用了以下某种上传方式, 则本机节点会成为主要节点.
Your peer will then upload the seed-bootstrap information periodically,==您的节点会定期上传seed启动信息,
but only if there have been changes to the seed-list.==前提是seed列表有变更.
Your peer will then upload the seed-bootstrap information periodically,==您的节点会定期上传种子启动信息,
but only if there have been changes to the seed-list.==前提是种子列表有变更.
Upload Method==上传方式
Retry Uploading==重试上传
Here you can specify which upload method should be used.==在此指定上传方式.
Select 'none' to deactivate uploading.==选择'none'关闭上传
The URL that can be used to retrieve the uploaded seed file, like==能够上传seed文件的链接, 比如
The URL that can be used to retrieve the uploaded seed file, like==能够上传种子文件的链接, 比如
@ -3399,7 +3424,10 @@ Please send us feed-back!==可以给我们一个反馈嘛!
We don't track YaCy users, YaCy does not send 'home-pings', we do not even know how many people use YaCy as their private search engine.==我们不跟踪YAY用户,YaCy不发送“回家Ping”,我们甚至不知道有多少人使用Yyas作为他们的私人搜索引擎。
Therefore we like to ask you: do you like YaCy?==所以我们想问你:你喜欢YaCy吗?
Will you use it again... if not, why?==你会再次使用它吗?如果不是,为什么?
Is it possible that we change a bit to suit your needs?==我们有可能改变一下以满足您的需求吗?
Is it possible that we change a bit to suit your needs==我们有可能改变一下以满足您的需求吗
Please send us feed-back about your experience with an==请向我们发送有关您的体验的回馈
Professional Support==专业级支持
If you are a professional user and you would like to use YaCy in your company in combination with consulting services by YaCy specialists, please see==如果您是专业用户,并且希望在公司中使用YaCy并获得YaCy专家的咨询服务,请参阅
Then YaCy will restart.==然后YaCy会重新启动.
If you can't reach YaCy's interface after 5 minutes restart failed.==如果5分钟后不能访问此页面说明重启失败.
Installing release==正在安装
@ -3442,21 +3470,26 @@ Show surftips to everyone==所有人均可使用建议
#File: Table_API_p.html
: Peer Steering==: 节点向导
Steering of API Actions<==API动作向导<
>Process Scheduler<==>进程调度器<
This table shows actions that had been issued on the YaCy interface==此表显示YaCy用于
to change the configuration or to request crawl actions.==改变配置或者处理抓取请求的动作接口函数.
These recorded actions can be used to repeat specific actions and to send them==它们用于重复执行某一指定动作,
to a scheduler for a periodic execution.==或者用于周期执行一系列动作.