When starting a crawl from a file containing thousands of links,
configuration setting "crawler.MaxActiveThreads" is effective to prevent
saturating the system with too many outgoing HTTP connections threads
launched by the crawler.
But robots.txt was not affected by this setting and was indefinitely
increasing the number of concurrently loading threads until most ot the
connections timed out.
To improve performance control, added a pool of threads for Robots.txt,
consistently used in its ensureExist() and massCrawlCheck() methods.
The Robots.txt threads pool max size can now be configured in the
/PerformanceQueus_p.html page, or with the new
"robots.txt.MaxActiveThreads" setting, initialized with the same default
value as the crawler.
to save the resources and keep handler chain small if the feature is not used.
+add a warning message on settingsack_p page to restart on first activation
bayesian filters. This can be used to classify documents during
indexing-time using a pre-definied bayesian filter.
New wordings:
- a context is a class where different categories are possible. The
context name is equal to a facet name.
- a category is a facet type within a facet navigation. Each context
must have several categories, at least one custom name (things you want
to discover) and one with the exact name "negative".
To use this, you must do:
- for each context, you must create a directory within
DATA/CLASSIFICATION with the name of the context (the facet name)
- within each context directory, you must create text files with one
document each per line for every categroy. One of these categories MUST
have the name 'negative.txt'.
Then, each new document is classified to match within one of the given
categories for each context.
If remote crawl option is not activated, skip init of remoteCrawlJob to save the resources of queue and ideling thread.
Deploy of the remoteCrawlJob deferred on activation of the option.
keeping surrogates after processing is essential for some users. If the
space they are taking is too high, please set up an automatic deletion
process (like a cronjob).
This is intended for peers who want to participate in the P2P network but don't wish to load/fill-up their index with metadata of every received search result.
The DHT transfer is not effected by this option (and will work as usual, so that a peer disabling the new store to index switch still receives and holds the metadata according to DHT rules).
Downside for the local peer is that search speed will not improve if search terms are only avail. remote or by quick hits in local index.
To be able to improve the local index a Click-Servlet option was added additionally.
If switched on, all search result links point to this servlet, which forwards the users browser (by html header) to the desired page and feeds the page to the fulltext-index.
The servlet accepts a parameter defining the action to perform (see defaults/web.xml, index, crawl, crawllinks)
The option check-boxes are placed in ConfigPortal.html
parsing into individual pages and add them all using different URLs.
These constructed urls are generated from the source url with an
appended page=<pagenumber> attribute to the url get/post properties.
This will distinguish the different page entries. The search result list
will then replace the post parameter with a url anchor # mark which
causes that the original url is presented in the search result. These
URLs can be opened directly on the correct page using pdf.js which is
now built-in into firefox. That means: if you find a search hit on page
5 and click on the search result, firefox will open the pdf viewer and
shows page 5.
This is the first element of a new 'decoration' component which may hold
switches for different external appearance parameters.
The first switch in that context is decoration.audio (as usual in
yacy.init). This value is set to false by default, that means the audio
feedback element is switched off by default. To switch it on, set
decoration.audio = true (using /ConfigProperties_p.html). You will then
hear sounds for the following events:
- remote searches
- incoming dht transmissions
- new documents from the crawler
Sound clips are stored in htroot/env/soundclips/ which is done so
because a future implementation will read these files using the http
client and with configurable urls which will make it very easy for the
user to replace the given sounds with own sounds.
Filter queries are not actually related to ranking, but user requests
have pointed out that specific boost queries to move results to the end
of the result list are not sufficient. Such boost filters may be better
executed as actual filter and therefore such a filter can now be
statically applied to every search request. A typical use could be the
expression "http_unique_b:true AND www_unique_b:true" which uses the
recently introduced fields http_unique_b and www_unique_b which are true
only for one of the alternatives with/without http(s) and with/without
prefix 'www.' in host names.
After import the conent is never accessed but may take up a lot of disk space,
also the getLoadedOAIServer (which lists the files in surrogate out) is not used.
Making the surrogate.out obsolete. Removed keeping of xmls after import.
The resource observer is now able to recognize free disk space AND
available space for YaCy. The amount of space which is assigned for YaCy
are defined in new settings in the configuration file.
Furthermore, there is now a cleanup process which deletes files in case
that an autodelete is activated. The autodelete is now BY DEFAULT ON if
the disk space is low, which means that YaCy starts to delete documents
when the disk is full!
introduced, it was also used for search facets. The generic search
facets are now deduced from generic solr fields which makes jena as tool
for facet semantics superfluous.
- since specific heuristic Twitter & Blekko is not longer available or redundant with OpenSearchHeuristic,
adjusted ConfigHeuristic to use OpensearchHeuristic settings only.
For this the default OSD search target list is made available (copied) by default and the other configs are removed.
- the return of QueryGoal.getOriginalQueryString includes the queryModifier, which are held separately in a modifier object,
but in most (all) cases just the query term is expected, clarified and renamed it to QueryGoal.getQueryString which returns
just the search term (if needed a .getOrigianlQueryString could be implemented in Queryparameters, adding the modifiers)
- started to adjust internal html href references from absolute to relative (currently it is mixed).
For future development we should prefer relative href targets (less trouble with context aware servlets)
as BASIC were pwd is transmitted near clear text (B64enc).
This has some implication as RFC 2617 requires and recommends a password hash MD5(user:realm:pwd) for DIGEST.
!!! before activating DIGEST you have to reassign all passwords !!! to allow new calculation of the hash
- default authentication is still BASIC
- configuration at this time only manually in (DATA/settings) or defaults/web.xml (<auth-method>
- the realmname is in defaults/yacy.init adminRealm=YaCy-AdminUI
- fyi: the realmname is shown on login screen
- changing the realm name invalidates all passwords - but for security you are encouraged to do so (as localhostadmin)
- implemented to support both, old hashes for BASIC and new hashes for BASIC and DIGEST
- to differentiate old / new hash the in Jetty used hash-prefix "MD5:" is used for new pwd-hashes ( "MD5:hash" )
- all non-dht targets (previously separated into 'robinson' for dht-like
queries and 'node' for solr queries) are non 'extra' peers, which are
queries using solr
- these extra-peers are now selected using a ranking on last-seen,
peer-tag-matches, node-peer flags, peer age, and link count. The ranking
is done using a weight and a random factor.
- the number of extra peers is 50% of the dht peers
- the dht peers now exclude too young peers to prevent bad results
during strong growth of the network
- the number of dht peers (and therefore extra-peers) is reduced when
the memory of the peer is low and/or some documents still appear in the
indexing-queue. This shall prevent a peer from deadlocks when p2p
queries are made in a fast sequence on weak hardware.
as path for solr index dumps (instead of the SEGMENTS path). This will
make a maintenance of index backups easier. It will also provide a tool
to migrate from an freeworld index to a webportal index.
the right content domain (i.e. identifying that it is an image, text
etc.) because it used the file extension and not an existing mime type
- fixed the new setting that images shall be loaded for a better image
- both fixes together makes it now possible to crawl
commons.wikimedia.org which makes use of 'funny' document names (i.e.
ending with .jpg while the document is html)
in intranets and the internet can now choose to appear as Googlebot.
This is an essential necessity to be able to compete in the field of
commercial search appliances, since most web pages are these days
optimized only for Google and no other search platform any more. All
commercial search engine providers have a built-in fake-Google User
Agent to be able to get the same search index as Google can do. Without
the resistance against obeying to robots.txt in this case, no
competition is possible any more. YaCy will always obey the robots.txt
when it is used for crawling the web in a peer-to-peer network, but to
establish a Search Appliance (like a Google Search Appliance, GSA) it is
necessary to be able to behave exactly like a Google crawler.
With this change, you will be able to switch the user agent when portal
or intranet mode is selected on per-crawl-start basis. Every crawl start
can have a different user agent.