attached, the metadata is not written to the metadata-db, even if it is
enabled but instead to solr. This prevents that metadata is written in
two store systems at the same time. It is also the next step to migrate
the current metadata-db to solr.
metadata representation from the solr index. This shall replace metadata
from the built-in database in the future.
- added the Solr-driven metadata into the search index of YaCy which
makes it now possible to run YaCy without the old metadata index. This
is a major stept forward to a full migration to Solr.
writings to the Metadata-DB are now also done to solr. This includes
metadata transfer during search and rwi transfer.
The new/added solr fields are:
## time when resource was loaded
## date until resource shall be considered as fresh
## id of the host, a 6-byte hash that is part of the document id
## ids of referrer to this document
## the md5 of the raw source
## the name of the publisher of the document
## the language used in the document; starts with primary language
## an external ranking value
## the size of the raw source
## number of links to audio resources
## number of links to video resources
## number of links to application resources
or will be superfluous or subject of complete redesign after the
migration to solr. Removing these things now will make the transition to
solr more simple.
- by default, a (empty) solr storage instance is created at
- the index is written if in /IndexFederated_p.html the flag "embedded
solr search index" is switched on
- a standard solr query interface is available now with a new servlet at
To test this, do the following:
- switch to webportal mode
- switch on the feature as described
- do a crawl. this fills the solr index. The normal YaCy search will NOT
work now!
- do a solr query, like:*:*
play with different search fields as you can see in
You can use the standard solr query attributes as described in
the segments had been there to create a tenant-infrastructure but were
never be used since that was all much too complex. There will be a
replacement using a solr navigation using a segment field in the search
0-values and no empty strings are written). This may save a lot of
memory (in ram and on disc) if excessive 0-values or empty strings
- do not allow default boolean values for checkboxes because that does
not make sense: browsers may omit the checkbox attribute name if the box
is not checked. A default value 'true' would not comply with the
semantic of the browsers response.
- add a checkbox in IndexFederated_p for the lazy initialization of solr
- new limit to use the table copy (instead of flag): 400MB available. If
less is available, then a copy is never used. If more is available, then
it can be used if there is a remaining space of at least 200MB
- flush caches more often: flush the Digest cache
- added log warnings in case that search processes run into time-out
- better concurrency for Integer formatter (used a non-synchronized
formatter before)
- bugfix for search termination (a poison pill was missing)
- added timeout parameters for search (again) -> target is, that they
are never reached.
- search request are now made using a map boundary
- search results are only computed for the map boundary
- the number of results is adopted to the results in the visible range
- added a double-buffering for the search result markers
- added a search query option for the search results: