Commit Graph

55 Commits (43586a2ace91edb1d4fa8e86f6fb9bdfa713afbe)

Author SHA1 Message Date
orbiter ed4371dcf3 enhanced navigation implementation and enhanced tag cloud computation
15 years ago
orbiter b7acd92ce4 Auto-Suggestions for YaCy Search:
15 years ago
orbiter 0d363a94d7 more performance hacks
15 years ago
orbiter 6e6994e328 latest bugfixes to search and indexing function after test of demo presentation
15 years ago
orbiter aacf572a26 - enhancements for search speed
15 years ago
orbiter 10a9cb1971 simplified snippet computation process and separated the algorithm into two classes
15 years ago
orbiter 84a023cbc8 fixed several search bugs
15 years ago
orbiter 29fe401f93 - some layout and text enhancement for site crawl start
15 years ago
orbiter 34e2f7f487 enhanced snippet fetch strategy: concurrent snippet fetch even for offline-snippet searches. This improves speed since it is now possible to fetch snippets offline and parsing of source files from the htcache can be enhanced using concurrency. This improves local and remote search.
15 years ago
orbiter 0cf006865e refactoring and enhanced concurrency
15 years ago
orbiter 64860dc1bb enhanced search event logging (to be used for further improvements)
15 years ago
orbiter 348dece62f redesign of the SortStack and SortStore classes:
15 years ago
orbiter fb828f3767 - performance enhancements in search response time using faster query ID computation and an ID cache
15 years ago
orbiter 9c0c94683c because of a bug in search result caching count search results had not been generated as fast as possible.
15 years ago
orbiter 7fdb17bb96 redirect uncaught exceptions to logging + small other changes
15 years ago
orbiter 7bcfa033c9 more abstraction of the htcache when using the LoaderDispatcher:
15 years ago
orbiter 11639aef35 - added new protocol loader for 'file'-type URLs
15 years ago
orbiter 90c3e5d6f6 - cleanup, removed unused imports
15 years ago
orbiter 93ea0a4789 enhanced remove operation in search consequences (which are triggered when the snippet fetch proves that the word has disappeared from the page that was stored in the index)
15 years ago
orbiter 1a8a134e0c continuing String-hash - to - byte[]-hash redesign that was started in SVN 6775 and continued in SVN 6790
15 years ago
orbiter 55d8e686ea performance hacks
15 years ago
orbiter 1e8e79b9ef redesign of reference hash (URL-hash) parameter hand-over:
15 years ago
orbiter bb63c5d075 using a Pattern object with precompiled regular expressions to apply must-match constraints to search results: should speed up pre-sorting of search results and should cause richer search result sets
15 years ago
orbiter bfb518cd47 some refactoring to get the LoaderDispatcher a little bit more independent from the switchboard
15 years ago
orbiter 884b262130 - added a new Wiki Namespace Navigator
15 years ago
orbiter 7fdf59a77f misc NPE check
15 years ago
orbiter dd459281c8 applied code changes that are recommended by PMD
15 years ago
orbiter bb2e03761c - fix for deadlock with 100% CPU during search
15 years ago
orbiter a37878b7d5 url parser regex performance hack
15 years ago
orbiter 8281e29963 - more configuration for profiling graph (number of events)
15 years ago
orbiter 4782d2c438 fix for search bug that appeared when looking at page 3 of results or further
16 years ago
orbiter 29fde9ed49 better control of ranking order in sort stack
16 years ago
orbiter 4a5100789f replaced _all_ size() == 0 with isEmpty() and all size() > 0 with !isEmpty(). The isEmpty() method is much faster in some cases, especially when used to access badly balanced hashtables where an size() operation becomes a large iteration.
16 years ago
orbiter 491ba6a1ba - some refactoring in workflow
16 years ago
orbiter 23aef43786 - better synchronization in SortStack
16 years ago
orbiter 4df88a4e7a - fixes for missing or bad hashCode computation
16 years ago
orbiter dbdf2570ba added comparator and more fixes for SortStack/SortStore
16 years ago
orbiter 1dff620181 Better implementation of SortStack and SortStore and adoptions in all using classes to implement the necessary Comparable interface and hash code computation.
16 years ago
orbiter 06d0dcde20 more enhancements to image search
16 years ago
orbiter 4c6312d103 enhanced image search
16 years ago
orbiter 29fe436e36 - fixed post-ranking including prefer mask
16 years ago
orbiter 4431b9767e added about 450 replacements for printStackTrace() methods to pipe such traces into the log at DATA/LOG/
16 years ago
orbiter 3528b970d6 - refactoring
16 years ago
orbiter b79f4f062f refactoring of yacy documents and parsers: they depend now only on the kelondro classes
16 years ago
orbiter ce8dc575ca refactoring
16 years ago
orbiter bea3b99aff moved table and util classes
16 years ago
orbiter f677d534b1 start of a really extensive refactoring which will produce a hierarchical package structure with the domain as package root
16 years ago
orbiter 735e2737e3 * added index segments
16 years ago
orbiter 54c7cbf1d9 - fast result for local search in case that less than 10 hits exists
16 years ago
orbiter 3be54e1891 fix to rule when to use a ram table copy
16 years ago