New "Media Type detection" section in the advanced crawl start page
allow to choose between :
- not loading URLs with unknown or unsupported file extension without
checking the actual Media Type (relying Content-Type header for now).
This was the old default behavior, faster, but not really accurate.
- always cross check URL file extension against the actual Media Type.
This lets properly parse URLs ending with an apparently odd file
extension, but which have actually a supported Media Type such as
Sample URLs with misleading file extensions added as documentation in
the crawl start page.
fixes issue #244
As reported by @vikulin in issue #187, crawling websites using a raw
IPv6 address as host name in their URL failed when running on Microsoft
Windows platforms (FAT32 or NTFS filesystems) when YaCy crawler created
the crawl queue folder, as the ':' character which is part of an IPV6
address is forbidden on these filesystems.
When using the 'From Link-List of URL' as a crawl start, with lists in
the order of one or more thousands of links, the failreason_s Solr field
maximum size (32kb) was exceeded by the string representation of the URL
must-match filter when a crawl URL was rejected because not matching.
This makes possbile to set up much more advanced document crawl filters,
by filtering on one or more document indexed fields before inserting in
the index.
Initializing Thread names using the Thread constructor parameter is
faster as it already sets a thread name even if no customized one is
given, while an additional call to the Thread.setName() function
internally do synchronized access, eventually runs access check on the
security manager and performs a native call.
Profiling a running YaCy server revealed that the total processing time
spent on Thread.setName() for a typical p2p search was in the range of
Recrawl default profile was previously effectively used for crawl
stacker acceptance check, but request entries were indeed still created
with the "snippetGlobalText" profile.
Associate cached content to the last redirection location, instead of
the first URL of a redirection(s) chain :
- for proper base URL processing in parsers (fixes mantis 636 -
- to prevent duplicated content in Solr index when recrawling a
redirected URL
- with only light constraint on known indexed documents load date, as it
can already been controlled by the selection query, and the goal of the
job is indeed to recrawl selected documents now
- using the iffresh cache strategy
Required for proper operation when the default system locale is Turkish,
as dottless and dotted i characters have specific case conversion rules
in this language.
When a crawl is started, a new field to exclude content from scraping is
available. The field can be identified with the class name of div tags.
All text contained in such a div tag where the configured class name(s)
match are not indexed, while the remaining page is indexed.
Previously, when checking for the first time the robots.txt policy on a
unknown host (not cached in the robots table), result was always empty
in the /getpageinfo_p.xml api and in the /CrawlCheck_p.html page. Next
calls returned however the correct information.
Some web servers provide both 'Content-Encoding : "gzip"' and
'Content-Type : "application/x-gzip"' HTTP headers on their ".gz" files.
This was annoying to fail on such resources which are not so uncommon,
while non conforming (see RFC 7231 section for
"Content-Encoding" header specification
Thus enable getpageinfo_p API to return something in a reasonable amount
of time on resources over MegaBytes size range.
Support added first with the generic XML parser, for other formats
regular crawler limits apply as usual.
Especially for Turkish speaking users using "tr" as their system default
locale : strings for technical stuff (URLs, tag names, constants...)
must not be lower cased with the default locale, as 'I' doesn't becomes
'i' like in other locales such as "en", but becomes 'ı'.
Using a Reentrant lock instead of the intrinsic synchronization lock
permits limiting the blocking time to acquire a lock.
Useful on a very busy Cache concurrently accessed by many threads : when
the time to acquire a lock is too high, getting/storing content on the
cache becomes inefficient, and it is then better to fall back to loading
remote resources.
Illustrated by the CacheTest stress test and some traces reported in
mantis 751 ( )