- Do not use spaces in logger identifier name so the log level can be
configured in yacy.logging
- Hold the logger instance to avoid the logging system to look for it
from its name at each appended log message
Before that fix, the startYACY.sh failed when the javastart_Xmx or
javastart_Xms configuration keys were missing for some reason from
yacy.conf file, with the error "Unrecognized option: - Error: Could not
create the Java Virtual Machine."
Previously search navigators/facets elements were sorted only by counts.
Now from the ConfigSearchPage_p.html admin page, sort direction
(ascending/descending) and type (on counts or labels) can be customized
independently for each navigator.
By default when the Snap package is installed, YaCy data is stored in a
versioned user folder, allowing to revert to previous data after a
package refresh for example. But it can consumes much disk space, so it
is now possible to tell YaCy snap not to version its data, with the Snap
configuration setting "data.versioned=false".
- set the chunksize to 100 to meet the max of the embedded solr
- re-enable sorting (the case where we switched it of should be away)
- enable recrawling on remote-solr
Building now wkhtmltopdf (used for snapshots generation) from sources,
as its package is only available on the Alpine edge branch and is not
compatible with the current Alpine (3.8) stable base image used for