was optional and another alternative metadata store was available. Since
that store is now removed, Solr is always available (internally or
and adjusted xslt, for solr snippets (&hl=true) to decode the xml encoded html <b> tag by adding disable-output-escaping
(still open item description may be double as dc: tag and rss.description tag)
- author facet is based on omitted author_sxt field
- adjust to make author nav available on exist of author field but keep using author_sxt to construct the facet (why!?)
- add check for querymodifier author in searchevent
- Web servers may now deliver YaCy-specific http header field with a
title and keywords. The new http header fields are:
X-YaCy-Media-Title - to be used for media (image, audio, video) titles
X-YaCy-Media-Keywords - to be used for media (image, audio, video)
- both fields are written to document fields title and keywords and are
searched also during image search.
- to make the usage of arbitrary http header fields (including this new
fields) possible in the /api/push_p.json servlet, a new POST argument is
also introduced to push http header fields. The new POST attribute is
named "responseHeader-X" (where X is the counter). It is allowed to use
this attribute as multi-attribute several times, each can be filled with
a http header line.
- see /api/push_p.html for examples
- to allow manually renew index content for this url (e.g. in case it is a remote search result with metadata only)
- use simply a QuickCrawlLink_p javascript snippet (minimalistic 1st solution)
Filter queries are not actually related to ranking, but user requests
have pointed out that specific boost queries to move results to the end
of the result list are not sufficient. Such boost filters may be better
executed as actual filter and therefore such a filter can now be
statically applied to every search request. A typical use could be the
expression "http_unique_b:true AND www_unique_b:true" which uses the
recently introduced fields http_unique_b and www_unique_b which are true
only for one of the alternatives with/without http(s) and with/without
prefix 'www.' in host names.
The collection field (can be filled i.e. in Crawl Start) can be used to
add categories to YaCy index entries. The usage of that field was
restricted to solr searches and post argument filters as implemented in
commit f7571386a3.
This commit extends collections to a full navigation option in the
standard YaCy search interface. The field is not active by default but
can be activated easily in the /ConfigSearchPage_p.html servlet (just
check the 'Collection' facet field). Collections can now be used for (at
least) two purposes:
- to provide search tenants (through post argument collection)
- to provide self-made category navigation
Search requests may now have (independently from switched on or off
collection facet) a "collection:<collection-name>" modifier attached;
firthermore collection names may use disjunctions using the '|' pipe
symbol. For example, this is a valid search request:
www collection:user|proxy
crawling to the YaCy indexer. Files are uploaded using POST multipart
requests; multiple file uploads are possible as well. Each file has
attached the file date and mime type which is used to get the right
parser for the submitted data. Also an url is submitted which is
assigned to the document.
The CrawlSwitchboard has a new option for default Crawl Profiles which
are assigned dynamically from the new push interface.
requests. The internal representation of post-arguments is String and
therefore not appropriate for byte[] object as submitted by file pushes.
Therefore all pushed files are encoded to base64 _after_ uploading with
an http form (you do not need to do that encoding yourself) to hand-over
the byte[] as string in the post argument.
Servlets which read such files must decode the base64 data to get the
original byte[] array.
This is considered as a temporary solution for file uploads and a proper
implementations would need to consider all attributes as handed over as
Objects with either String or byte[] Object instances. This would be a
major code change and is not done at this time here now. The feature was
submitted to realize a feature as pushed with the next commit.
use alternative delete to fight the sympthom (and fix deletion of host dirs on startup)
Root cause (which class holds a lock on .stack) not found.
- unique-postprocessing was destroying results from other
postprocessings; removed cross-updates as they had been not necessary
- unique-postprocessing did not restrict on same protocol
- inefficient concurrent update cache was redesigned completely
- increased limits for concurrent blocking queues to prevent early
local files can be crawled (intranet mode) url parsing fixed according to RFC 1738 (for unix and windows)
for win like file:///c:/tmp or file://localhost/c:/tmp
for linux like file:///tmp or file://localhost/tmp
Host is ignored and path must be absolute
in peer hash hashing. This should not change anything if java casts long
to int by masking with 0xFFFFFFFFL but you never know. The important
thing is, that the hashCode() should not return numbers that have the
same order as the hash code order because hashing of seeds is used to
remove the order in some places.
besides adjustments in code it makes the servlet settings in web.xml significant.
This applies to solr, gsa and proxy servlet. There is no longer a default setup in code during init (as jetty 9 checks for double definition).
After import the conent is never accessed but may take up a lot of disk space,
also the getLoadedOAIServer (which lists the files in surrogate out) is not used.
Making the surrogate.out obsolete. Removed keeping of xmls after import.