@ -21,10 +21,13 @@
package net.yacy.cora.order ;
import java.io.Serializable ;
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory ;
import java.lang.reflect.Method ;
import java.util.Comparator ;
import java.util.Random ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.UTF8 ;
@ -161,24 +164,6 @@ public class Base64Order extends AbstractOrder<byte[]> implements ByteOrder, Com
return s ;
public final char [ ] encodeLongCH ( long c , int length ) {
final char [ ] s = new char [ length ] ;
while ( length > 0 ) {
s [ - - length ] = ( char ) this . alpha [ ( byte ) ( c & 0x3F ) ] ;
c > > = 6 ;
return s ;
public final byte [ ] encodeLongSubstr ( long c , int length ) {
final byte [ ] s = new byte [ length ] ;
while ( length > 0 ) {
s [ - - length ] = this . alpha [ ( byte ) ( c & 0x3F ) ] ;
c > > = 6 ;
return s ;
public final void encodeLong ( long c , final byte [ ] b , final int offset , int length ) {
assert offset + length < = b . length ;
while ( length > 0 ) {
@ -213,62 +198,57 @@ public class Base64Order extends AbstractOrder<byte[]> implements ByteOrder, Com
return encode ( UTF8 . getBytes ( in ) ) ;
// we will use this encoding to encode strings with 2^8 values to
// b64-Strings
// we will do that by grouping each three input bytes to four output bytes.
/ * *
* encode arbitrary 2 ^ 8 bit - values to b64 strings . we will do that by grouping each three input bytes to four output bytes .
* @param in
* @return a base64 - encoding of the input if rfc1521compliant = true , otherwise a b64 - encoding of the input .
* /
public final String encode ( final byte [ ] in ) {
if ( in = = null | | in . length = = 0 ) return "" ;
final int lene = in . length * 4 / 3 + 3 ;
final StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder ( lene ) ;
int pos = 0 ;
long l ;
while ( in . length - pos > = 3 ) {
l = ( ( ( ( 0XffL & in [ pos ] ) < < 8 ) + ( 0XffL & in [ pos + 1 ] ) ) < < 8 ) + ( 0XffL & in [ pos + 2 ] ) ;
pos + = 3 ;
out . append ( encodeLongCH ( l , 4 ) ) ;
// now there may be remaining bytes
if ( in . length % 3 ! = 0 ) out . append ( ( in . length % 3 = = 2 ) ? encodeLongSB ( ( ( ( 0XffL & in [ pos ] ) < < 8 ) + ( 0XffL & in [ pos + 1 ] ) ) < < 8 , 4 ) . substring ( 0 , 3 ) : encodeLongSB ( ( ( ( 0XffL & in [ pos ] ) ) < < 8 ) < < 8 , 4 ) . substring ( 0 , 2 ) ) ;
if ( this . rfc1521compliant ) while ( out . length ( ) % 4 > 0 ) out . append ( "=" ) ;
// return result
assert ( ! this . rfc1521compliant | | lene = = out . length ( ) ) & & lene > = out . length ( ) : "lene = " + lene + ", out.len = " + out . length ( ) ;
return out . toString ( ) ;
int rfc1521compliantLength = ( ( in . length + 2 ) / 3 ) * 4 ; // (bytes/bits/chars) = {(0/0/0), (1/8/4), (2/16/4), (3/24/4), (4/32/8), (5/40/8), (6/48/8), (7/56/12), (8/64/12), (9/72/12), ..}
if ( ! this . rfc1521compliant ) rfc1521compliantLength - = in . length % 3 = = 2 ? 1 : in . length % 3 = = 1 ? 2 : 0 ; // non-compliant are shorter (!)
return ASCII . String ( encodeSubstring ( in , rfc1521compliantLength ) ) ;
public final byte [ ] encodeSubstring ( final byte [ ] in , final int sublen ) {
if ( in . length = = 0 ) return null ;
if ( in . length = = 0 ) return new byte [ 0 ] ;
assert sublen < = ( ( in . length + 2 ) / 3 ) * 4 : "sublen = " + sublen + ", expected: " + ( ( in . length + 2 ) / 3 ) * 4 ;
final byte [ ] out = new byte [ sublen ] ;
int writepos = 0 ;
int pos = 0 ;
long l ;
while ( in . length - pos > = 3 & & writepos < sublen ) {
l = ( ( ( ( 0XffL & in [ pos ] ) < < 8 ) + ( 0XffL & in [ pos + 1 ] ) ) < < 8 ) + ( 0XffL & in [ pos + 2 ] ) ;
pos + = 3 ;
System . arraycopy ( encodeLongSubstr ( l , 4 ) , 0 , out , writepos , 4 ) ;
l = ( ( ( ( 0XffL & in [ pos + + ] ) < < 8 ) | ( 0XffL & in [ pos + + ] ) ) < < 8 ) | ( 0XffL & in [ pos + + ] ) ;
encodeLong ( l , out , writepos , 4 ) ;
writepos + = 4 ;
// now there may be remaining bytes
if ( in . length % 3 ! = 0 & & writepos < sublen ) {
if ( in . length % 3 = = 2 ) {
System . arraycopy ( encodeLongBA ( ( ( ( 0XffL & in [ pos ] ) < < 8 ) + ( 0XffL & in [ pos + 1 ] ) ) < < 8 , 4 ) , 0 , out , writepos , 3 ) ;
long c = ( ( ( 0XffL & in [ pos ] ) < < 8 ) + ( 0XffL & in [ pos + 1 ] ) ) < < 2 ;
out [ writepos + 2 ] = this . alpha [ ( byte ) ( c & 0x3F ) ] ; c > > = 6 ;
out [ writepos + 1 ] = this . alpha [ ( byte ) ( c & 0x3F ) ] ; c > > = 6 ;
out [ writepos ] = this . alpha [ ( byte ) ( c & 0x3F ) ] ; c > > = 6 ;
writepos + = 3 ;
if ( this . rfc1521compliant & & writepos < sublen ) out [ writepos + + ] = '=' ;
} else {
System . arraycopy ( encodeLongBA ( ( ( ( 0XffL & in [ pos ] ) ) < < 8 ) < < 8 , 4 ) , 0 , out , writepos , 2 ) ;
long c = ( 0XffL & in [ pos ] ) < < 4 ;
out [ writepos + 1 ] = this . alpha [ ( byte ) ( c & 0x3F ) ] ; c > > = 6 ;
out [ writepos ] = this . alpha [ ( byte ) ( c & 0x3F ) ] ; c > > = 6 ;
writepos + = 2 ;
if ( this . rfc1521compliant ) { if ( writepos < sublen ) out [ writepos + + ] = '=' ; if ( writepos < sublen ) out [ writepos + + ] = '=' ; }
if ( this . rfc1521compliant ) while ( writepos % 4 > 0 & & writepos < sublen ) out [ writepos ] = '=' ;
//assert encode(in).substring(0, sublen).equals(ASCII.String(out));
return out ;
public final String decodeString ( final String in ) {
return UTF8 . String ( decode ( in ) ) ;
final static Pattern cr = Pattern . compile ( "\n" ) ;
public final byte [ ] decode ( String in ) {
if ( ( in = = null ) | | ( in . isEmpty ( ) ) ) return new byte [ 0 ] ;
in = cr . matcher ( in ) . replaceAll ( "" ) ;
try {
int posIn = 0 ;
int posOut = 0 ;
@ -607,43 +587,73 @@ public class Base64Order extends AbstractOrder<byte[]> implements ByteOrder, Com
System . out . println ( ( ( double ) Base64Order . enhancedCoder . cardinal ( s [ 1 ] . getBytes ( ) ) ) / ( ( double ) Long . MAX_VALUE ) ) ;
if ( "-test" . equals ( s [ 0 ] ) ) {
System . out . println ( "Pid: " + ManagementFactory . getRuntimeMXBean ( ) . getName ( ) ) ;
// do some checks
Random r = new Random ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ;
Random r = new Random ( 0 ) ; // not real random to be able to reproduce the test
try {
// use the class loader to call sun.misc.BASE64Encoder, the sun base64 encoder
// we do not instantiate that class here directly since that provokes a
// "warning: sun.misc.BASE64Encoder is internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release"
// encode with enhancedCoder, decode with standard RFC 1521 base64
Class < ? > rfc1521Decoder_class = Class . forName ( "sun.misc.BASE64Decoder" ) ;
Object rfc1521Decoder = rfc1521Decoder_class . newInstance ( ) ;
Method rfc1521Decoder_decodeBuffer = rfc1521Decoder_class . getMethod ( "decodeBuffer" , String . class ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 100000 ; i + + ) {
String challenge = Long . toString ( r . nextLong ( ) ) ;
String eb64 = enhancedCoder . encode ( UTF8 . getBytes ( challenge ) ) ;
String rfc1521 = new String ( eb64 ) ;
while ( rfc1521 . length ( ) % 4 ! = 0 ) rfc1521 + = "=" ;
rfc1521 = rfc1521 . replace ( '-' , '+' ) . replace ( '_' , '/' ) ;
System . out . println ( "Encode enhancedB64 + Decode RFC1521: Challenge=" + challenge + ", eb64=" + eb64 + ", rfc1521=" + rfc1521 ) ;
if ( ! UTF8 . String ( ( byte [ ] ) rfc1521Decoder_decodeBuffer . invoke ( rfc1521Decoder , rfc1521 ) ) . equals ( challenge ) ) System . out . println ( "Encode Fail for " + challenge ) ;
// encode with enhancedCoder, decode with standard RFC 1521 base64
Class < ? > rfc1521Encoder_class = Class . forName ( "sun.misc.BASE64Encoder" ) ;
Object rfc1521Encoder = rfc1521Encoder_class . newInstance ( ) ;
Method rfc1521Encoder_encode = rfc1521Encoder_class . getMethod ( "encode" , byte [ ] . class ) ;
// sun.misc.BASE64Encoder rfc1521Encoder = new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 100000 ; i + + ) {
System . out . println ( "preparing tests.." ) ;
// prepare challenges and results with rfc1521Encoder
int count = 100000 ;
String [ ] challenges = new String [ count ] ;
String [ ] rfc1521Encoded = new String [ count ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + ) {
int len = r . nextInt ( 10000 ) ;
StringBuilder challenge = new StringBuilder ( len ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < len ; j + + ) challenge . append ( ( char ) ( 32 + r . nextInt ( 64 ) ) ) ;
challenges [ i ] = challenge . toString ( ) ;
rfc1521Encoded [ i ] = ( String ) rfc1521Encoder_encode . invoke ( rfc1521Encoder , UTF8 . getBytes ( challenges [ i ] ) ) ;
// starting tests
long start = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
for ( boolean rfc1521Compliant : new boolean [ ] { false , true } ) {
System . out . println ( "starting tests, rfc1521Compliant = " + rfc1521Compliant + " ..." ) ;
String eb64 , rfc1521 ;
// encode with enhancedCoder, decode with standard RFC 1521 base64
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + ) {
if ( rfc1521Compliant ) {
rfc1521 = Base64Order . standardCoder . encode ( UTF8 . getBytes ( challenges [ i ] ) ) ;
} else {
eb64 = Base64Order . enhancedCoder . encode ( UTF8 . getBytes ( challenges [ i ] ) ) ;
rfc1521 = new String ( eb64 ) ;
while ( rfc1521 . length ( ) % 4 ! = 0 ) rfc1521 + = "=" ;
rfc1521 = rfc1521 . replace ( '-' , '+' ) . replace ( '_' , '/' ) ;
String rfc1521Decoded = UTF8 . String ( ( byte [ ] ) rfc1521Decoder_decodeBuffer . invoke ( rfc1521Decoder , rfc1521 ) ) ;
if ( ! rfc1521Decoded . equals ( challenges [ i ] ) ) System . out . println ( "Encode enhancedB64 + Decode RFC1521: Fail for " + challenges [ i ] ) ;
// encode with enhancedCoder, decode with standard RFC 1521 base64
String challenge = Long . toString ( r . nextLong ( ) ) ;
String rfc1521 = ( String ) rfc1521Encoder_encode . invoke ( rfc1521Encoder , UTF8 . getBytes ( challenge ) ) ;
String eb64 = new String ( rfc1521 ) ;
while ( eb64 . endsWith ( "=" ) ) eb64 = eb64 . substring ( 0 , eb64 . length ( ) - 1 ) ;
eb64 = eb64 . replace ( '+' , '-' ) . replace ( '/' , '_' ) ;
System . out . println ( "Encode RFC1521 + Decode enhancedB64: Challenge=" + challenge + ", rfc1521=" + rfc1521 + ", eb64=" + eb64 ) ;
if ( ! UTF8 . String ( enhancedCoder . decode ( eb64 ) ) . equals ( challenge ) ) System . out . println ( "Encode Fail for " + challenge ) ;
// sun.misc.BASE64Encoder rfc1521Encoder = new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + ) {
// encode with enhancedCoder, decode with standard RFC 1521 base64
rfc1521 = new String ( rfc1521Encoded [ i ] ) ;
if ( rfc1521Compliant ) {
String standardCoderDecoded = UTF8 . String ( Base64Order . standardCoder . decode ( rfc1521 ) ) ;
if ( ! standardCoderDecoded . equals ( challenges [ i ] ) ) System . out . println ( "Encode RFC1521 + Decode enhancedB64: Fail for " + rfc1521 ) ;
} else {
eb64 = new String ( rfc1521 ) ;
while ( eb64 . endsWith ( "=" ) ) eb64 = eb64 . substring ( 0 , eb64 . length ( ) - 1 ) ;
eb64 = eb64 . replace ( '+' , '-' ) . replace ( '/' , '_' ) ;
String enhancedCoderDecoded = UTF8 . String ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder . decode ( eb64 ) ) ;
if ( ! enhancedCoderDecoded . equals ( challenges [ i ] ) ) System . out . println ( "Encode RFC1521 + Decode enhancedB64: Fail for " + eb64 ) ;
long time = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - start ;
System . out . println ( "time: " + ( time / 1000 ) + " seconds, " + ( 1000 * time / count ) + " ms / 1000 steps" ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;