@ -70,8 +70,7 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
private RankingProcess rankedCache; // ordered search results, grows dynamically as all the query threads enrich this container
private ResultFetcher results;
// class variables for search abstracts
private final IndexAbstracts rcAbstracts; // cache for index abstracts; word:TreeMap mapping where the embedded TreeMap is a urlhash:peerlist relation
private final SecondarySearchSuperviser secondarySearchSuperviser;
// class variables for remote searches
private yacySearch[] primarySearchThreads, secondarySearchThreads;
@ -93,7 +92,8 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
this.peers = peers;
this.crawlResults = crawlResults;
this.query = query;
this.rcAbstracts = (query.queryHashes.size() > 1) ? new IndexAbstracts() : null; // generate abstracts only for combined searches
this.secondarySearchSuperviser = (query.queryHashes.size() > 1) ? new SecondarySearchSuperviser() : null; // generate abstracts only for combined searches
//if (this.secondarySearchSuperviser != null) this.secondarySearchSuperviser.start();
this.primarySearchThreads = null;
this.secondarySearchThreads = null;
this.preselectedPeerHashes = preselectedPeerHashes;
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
@ -331,25 +331,91 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
boolean secondarySearchStartet = false;
void prepareSecondarySearch() {
if (secondarySearchStartet) return; // don't do this twice
public class SecondarySearchSuperviser extends Thread {
if ((rcAbstracts == null) || (rcAbstracts.size() != query.queryHashes.size())) return; // secondary search not possible (yet)
this.secondarySearchStartet = true;
// cache for index abstracts; word:TreeMap mapping where the embedded TreeMap is a urlhash:peerlist relation
// this relation contains the information where specific urls can be found in specific peers
TreeMap<String, TreeMap<String, String>> abstractsCache;
// catch up index abstracts and join them; then call peers again to submit their urls
System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT: " + rcAbstracts.size() + " word references caught, " + query.queryHashes.size() + " needed");
public SecondarySearchSuperviser() {
this.abstractsCache = new TreeMap<String, TreeMap<String, String>>();
Iterator i = rcAbstracts.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry entry;
* add a single abstract to the existing set of abstracts
* @param wordhash
* @param singleAbstract // a mapping from url-hashes to a string of peer-hashes
public void addAbstract(String wordhash, TreeMap<String, String> singleAbstract) {
synchronized (abstractsCache) {
TreeMap<String, String> oldAbstract = abstractsCache.get(wordhash);
if (oldAbstract == null) {
// new abstracts in the cache
abstractsCache.put(wordhash, singleAbstract);
} else {
// extend the abstracts in the cache: join the single abstracts
for (Map.Entry<String, String> oneref: singleAbstract.entrySet()) {
String urlhash = oneref.getKey();
String peerlistNew = oneref.getValue();
String peerlistOld = oldAbstract.get(urlhash);
if (peerlistOld == null) {
oldAbstract.put(urlhash, peerlistNew);
} else {
oldAbstract.put(urlhash, peerlistOld + peerlistNew);
// abstractsCache.put(wordhash, oldAbstract);
private String wordsFromPeer(final String peerhash, final String urls) {
Map.Entry<String, TreeMap<String, String>> entry;
String word, peerlist, url, wordlist = "";
TreeMap<String, String> urlPeerlist;
int p;
boolean hasURL;
synchronized (this) {
final Iterator<Map.Entry <String, TreeMap<String, String>>> i = this.abstractsCache.entrySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = (Map.Entry) i.next();
System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT: hash " + (String) entry.getKey() + ": " + ((query.queryHashes.contains((String) entry.getKey())) ? "NEEDED" : "NOT NEEDED") + "; " + ((TreeMap) entry.getValue()).size() + " entries");
entry = i.next();
word = entry.getKey();
urlPeerlist = entry.getValue();
hasURL = true;
for (int j = 0; j < urls.length(); j = j + 12) {
url = urls.substring(j, j + 12);
peerlist = urlPeerlist.get(url);
p = (peerlist == null) ? -1 : peerlist.indexOf(peerhash);
if ((p < 0) || (p % 12 != 0)) {
hasURL = false;
final TreeMap<String, String> abstractJoin = (rcAbstracts.size() == query.queryHashes.size()) ? SetTools.joinConstructive(rcAbstracts.values(), true) : new TreeMap<String, String>();
if (!abstractJoin.isEmpty()) {
if (hasURL) wordlist += word;
return wordlist;
public void run() {
try {Thread.sleep(5000);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
private void prepareSecondarySearch() {
if (abstractsCache == null || abstractsCache.size() != query.queryHashes.size()) return; // secondary search not possible (yet)
// catch up index abstracts and join them; then call peers again to submit their urls
System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT: " + abstractsCache.size() + " word references caught, " + query.queryHashes.size() + " needed");
for (Map.Entry<String, TreeMap<String, String>> entry: abstractsCache.entrySet()) {
System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT: hash " + entry.getKey() + ": " + ((query.queryHashes.has(entry.getKey().getBytes()) ? "NEEDED" : "NOT NEEDED") + "; " + entry.getValue().size() + " entries"));
final TreeMap<String, String> abstractJoin = (abstractsCache.size() == query.queryHashes.size()) ? SetTools.joinConstructive(abstractsCache.values(), true) : new TreeMap<String, String>();
if (abstractJoin.isEmpty()) return;
//System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT: index abstracts delivered " + abstractJoin.size() + " additional results for secondary search");
// generate query for secondary search
final TreeMap<String, String> secondarySearchURLs = new TreeMap<String, String>(); // a (peerhash:urlhash-liststring) mapping
@ -363,7 +429,7 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
entry1 = i1.next();
url = entry1.getKey();
ps = entry1.getValue();
//System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT: url " + url + ": from peers " + peers);
System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT: url " + url + ": from peers " + peers);
mypeercount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < ps.length(); j = j + 12) {
peer = ps.substring(j, j + 12);
@ -386,20 +452,20 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
peer = entry1.getKey();
if (peer.equals(mypeerhash)) continue; // we dont need to ask ourself
urls = entry1.getValue();
words = rcAbstracts.wordsFromPeer(peer, urls);
words = wordsFromPeer(peer, urls);
assert words.length() >= 12 : "words = " + words;
//System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT ***: peer " + peer + " has urls: " + urls);
//System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT ***: peer " + peer + " from words: " + words);
System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT ***: peer " + peer + " has urls: " + urls);
System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT ***: peer " + peer + " from words: " + words);
secondarySearchThreads[c++] = yacySearch.secondaryRemoteSearch(
words, "", urls, this.query.getSegment(), peers, crawlResults, this.rankedCache, peer, Switchboard.urlBlacklist,
words, "", urls, query.getSegment(), peers, crawlResults, rankedCache, peer, Switchboard.urlBlacklist,
query.ranking, query.constraint, preselectedPeerHashes);
//} else {
//System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT: no success using index abstracts from remote peers");
public void remove(final WordReferenceVars reference) {