@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ import java.util.logging.Logger;
public final class serverLog {
// // log-level categories
// log-level categories
public static final int LOGLEVEL_ZERO = Level . OFF . intValue ( ) ; // no output at all
public static final int LOGLEVEL_SEVERE = Level . SEVERE . intValue ( ) ; // system-level error, internal cause, critical and not fixeable (i.e. inconsistency)
public static final int LOGLEVEL_WARNING = Level . WARNING . intValue ( ) ; // uncritical service failure, may require user activity (i.e. input required, wrong authorization)
public static final int LOGLEVEL_CONFIG = Level . CONFIG . intValue ( ) ; // regular system status information (i.e. start-up messages)
public static final int LOGLEVEL_INFO = Level . INFO . intValue ( ) ; // regular action information (i.e. any httpd request URL)
public static final int LOGLEVEL_FINE = Level . FINE . intValue ( ) ; // in-function status debug output
// // these categories are also present as character tokens
// these categories are also present as character tokens
public static final char LOGTOKEN_ZERO = 'Z' ;
public static final char LOGTOKEN_SEVERE = 'E' ;
public static final char LOGTOKEN_WARNING = 'W' ;
@ -92,54 +92,44 @@ public final class serverLog {
public void logFine ( String message ) { this . theLogger . fine ( message ) ; }
public void logFine ( String message , Throwable thrown ) { this . theLogger . log ( Level . FINE , message , thrown ) ; }
// static log messages: log everything
private static void log ( String appName , int messageLevel , String message ) {
Logger . getLogger ( appName ) . log ( Level . parse ( Integer . toString ( messageLevel ) ) , message ) ;
private void log ( Level level , String msg , Throwable thrown ) {
this . theLogger . log ( level , msg , thrown ) ;
public static void logSevere ( String appName , String message ) {
Logger . getLogger ( appName ) . severe ( message ) ;
public static void logSevere ( String appName , String message , Throwable thrown ) {
Logger . getLogger ( appName ) . log ( Level . SEVERE , message , thrown ) ;
public static void logWarning ( String appName , String message ) {
Logger . getLogger ( appName ) . warning ( message ) ;
public static void logWarning ( String appName , String message , Throwable thrown ) {
Logger . getLogger ( appName ) . log ( Level . WARNING , message , thrown ) ;
public static void logConfig ( String appName , String message ) {
Logger . getLogger ( appName ) . config ( message ) ;
public static void logConfig ( String appName , String message , Throwable thrown ) {
Logger . getLogger ( appName ) . log ( Level . CONFIG , message , thrown ) ;
public static void logInfo ( String appName , String message ) {
Logger . getLogger ( appName ) . info ( message ) ;
public static void logInfo ( String appName , String message , Throwable thrown ) {
Logger . getLogger ( appName ) . log ( Level . INFO , message , thrown ) ;
public static void logFine ( String appName , String message ) {
Logger . getLogger ( appName ) . finest ( message ) ;
public static void logFine ( String appName , String message , Throwable thrown ) {
Logger . getLogger ( appName ) . log ( Level . FINEST , message , thrown ) ;
public static final void configureLogging ( File loggingConfigFile ) throws SecurityException , FileNotFoundException , IOException {
FileInputStream fileIn = null ;
try {
System . out . println ( "STARTUP: Trying to load logging configuration from file " + loggingConfigFile . toString ( ) ) ;
@ -156,7 +146,6 @@ public final class serverLog {
// generating the root logger
Logger logger = Logger . getLogger ( "" ) ;
// System.setOut(new PrintStream(new LoggerOutputStream(Logger.getLogger("STDOUT"),Level.FINEST)));
// System.setErr(new PrintStream(new LoggerOutputStream(Logger.getLogger("STDERR"),Level.SEVERE)));
} finally {