This is to be more easily understandable and to reflect more accurately
the current memory strategies implementations that eventually set the
"proper" state not only because DHT reception.
<imgsrc="env/grafics/i16.gif"width="16"height="16"alt="Exhausted state info"/>
<spanclass="infobox"id="exhaustedStateInfo">Within the last eleven minutes, at least four operations have tried to request memory that would have reduced free space within the minimum required.</span>
<inputname="memoryAcceptDHT"id="memoryAcceptDHT"type="text"size="4"value="#[memoryAcceptDHT]#"title="Amount of memory (in Mebibytes) that should at least be free for proper operation"/><abbrtitle="Mebibyte">MiB</abbr> free space. Disable <abbrtitle="Distributed Hash Table">DHT</abbr>-in below.
@ -1420,10 +1420,15 @@ Memory reserved for <abbr title="Java Virtual Machine">JVM</abbr>==Mémoire allo
Resource Observer==Contrôle des ressources
<abbr title="Distributed Hash Table">DHT</abbr>-Trigger==Déclenchement de <abbr title="Distributed Hash Table">DHT</abbr>
not triggered:==non déclenché :
reset state==réinitialiser
Memory state==État de la mémoire
>exhausted<==>espace libre insuffisant<
reset state==réinitialiser l'état
Enough memory is available for proper operation.==Il y a suffisamment de mémoire à disposition pour un fonctionnement correct.
Within the last eleven minutes, at least four operations have tried to request memory that would have reduced free space within the minimum required.==Durant les onze dernières minutes, au moins quatre opérations ont tenté d'obtenir une quantité de mémoire qui aurait réduit l'espace libre en-deçà du minimum requis.
Minimum required==Minimum requis
Amount of memory (in Mebibytes) that should at least be free for proper operation==Quantité de mémoire minimale (en Mébioctets) qui devrait rester disponible pour un fonctionnement correct
Disable <abbr title="Distributed Hash Table">DHT</abbr>-in below.==Désactive la réception de <abbr title="Distributed Hash Table">DHT</abbr> en-dessous.
Free space disk==Espace disque disponible
Steady-state minimum==Valeur nominale
Amount of space (in Mebibytes) that should be kept free as steady state==Espace disque nominal (en Mébioctets) à laisser libre
<source>Within the last eleven minutes, at least four operations have tried to request memory that would have reduced free space within the minimum required.</source>