@ -33,20 +33,14 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.Map.Entry ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.feed.RSSMessage ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.MultiProtocolURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.lod.vocabulary.DublinCore ;
import net.yacy.cora.lod.vocabulary.Geo ;
import net.yacy.cora.lod.vocabulary.YaCyMetadata ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.HeaderFramework ;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.Response ;
import net.yacy.search.schema.CollectionConfiguration ;
import net.yacy.search.schema.CollectionSchema ;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document ;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField ;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse ;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument ;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList ;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList ;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.SimpleOrderedMap ;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.XML ;
@ -58,7 +52,21 @@ import org.apache.solr.search.DocIterator;
import org.apache.solr.search.DocList ;
import org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher ;
public class OpensearchResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter , EmbeddedSolrResponseWriter {
import net.yacy.cora.document.feed.RSSMessage ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.MultiProtocolURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.lod.vocabulary.DublinCore ;
import net.yacy.cora.lod.vocabulary.Geo ;
import net.yacy.cora.lod.vocabulary.YaCyMetadata ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.HeaderFramework ;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.Response ;
import net.yacy.search.schema.CollectionConfiguration ;
import net.yacy.search.schema.CollectionSchema ;
/ * *
* Solr response writer producing an OpenSearch representation in RSS 2.0 format .
* @see < a href = "https://github.com/dewitt/opensearch/blob/master/opensearch-1-1-draft-6.md#example-of-opensearch-response-elements-in-rss-20" > Example of OpenSearch response elements in RSS 2.0 < / a >
* /
public class OpensearchResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter , SolrjResponseWriter {
// define a list of simple YaCySchema -> RSS Token matchings
private static final Map < String , String > field2tag = new HashMap < String , String > ( ) ;
@ -81,7 +89,7 @@ public class OpensearchResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter, EmbeddedSo
private String title ;
public static class ResHead {
public int offset , rows , numFound ;
public long offset , rows , numFound ;
//public int status, QTime;
//public String df, q, wt;
//public float maxScore;
@ -107,33 +115,139 @@ public class OpensearchResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter, EmbeddedSo
public void write ( final Writer writer , final SolrQueryRequest request , final SolrQueryResponse rsp ) throws IOException {
NamedList < ? > values = rsp . getValues ( ) ;
final NamedList < ? > values = rsp . getValues ( ) ;
final Object responseObj = rsp . getResponse ( ) ;
assert values . get ( "responseHeader" ) ! = null ;
assert values . get ( "response" ) ! = null ;
SimpleOrderedMap < Object > responseHeader = ( SimpleOrderedMap < Object > ) rsp . getResponseHeader ( ) ;
DocList response = ( ( ResultContext ) values . get ( "response" ) ) . getDocList ( ) ;
final NamedList < Object > responseHeader = rsp . getResponseHeader ( ) ;
write ( writer , request , values , responseHeader , responseObj ) ;
public void write ( Writer writer , SolrQueryRequest request , String coreName , QueryResponse rsp ) throws IOException {
final NamedList < Object > values = rsp . getResponse ( ) ;
final NamedList < ? > responseHeader = rsp . getResponseHeader ( ) ;
final SolrDocumentList documents = rsp . getResults ( ) ;
write ( writer , request , values , responseHeader , documents ) ;
/ * *
* Append to the writer the OpenSearch RSS representation of the Solr results .
* @param writer an open output writer . Must not be null .
* @param request the initial Solr request . Must not be null .
* @param values the response values . Must not be null .
* @param rsp the Solr response header .
* @throws IOException when a write error occurred
* /
private void write ( final Writer writer , final SolrQueryRequest request , final NamedList < ? > values ,
final NamedList < ? > responseHeader , final Object responseObj ) throws IOException {
final ResHead resHead = new ResHead ( ) ;
final int responseCount ;
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
SimpleOrderedMap < Object > facetCounts = ( SimpleOrderedMap < Object > ) values . get ( "facet_counts" ) ;
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
SimpleOrderedMap < Object > facetFields = facetCounts = = null | | facetCounts . size ( ) = = 0 ? null : ( SimpleOrderedMap < Object > ) facetCounts . get ( "facet_fields" ) ;
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
SimpleOrderedMap < Object > highlighting = ( SimpleOrderedMap < Object > ) values . get ( "highlighting" ) ;
Map < String , LinkedHashSet < String > > snippets = highlighting ( highlighting ) ;
final Map < String , LinkedHashSet < String > > snippets = highlighting ( highlighting ) ;
if ( responseObj instanceof ResultContext ) {
/* Regular response object */
final DocList documents = ( ( ResultContext ) responseObj ) . getDocList ( ) ;
resHead . offset = documents . offset ( ) ; // equal to 'start' Solr param
resHead . numFound = documents . matches ( ) ;
responseCount = documents . size ( ) ;
writeHeader ( writer , responseHeader , resHead ) ;
// parse response header
ResHead resHead = new ResHead ( ) ;
NamedList < ? > val0 = ( NamedList < ? > ) responseHeader . get ( "params" ) ;
writeDocs ( writer , documents , request , responseCount , snippets ) ;
} else if ( responseObj instanceof SolrDocumentList ) {
/ *
* The response object can be a SolrDocumentList when the response is partial ,
* for example when the allowed processing time has been exceeded
* /
final SolrDocumentList documents = ( ( SolrDocumentList ) responseObj ) ;
resHead . offset = documents . getStart ( ) ; // equal to 'start' Solr param
resHead . numFound = documents . getNumFound ( ) ;
responseCount = documents . size ( ) ;
writeHeader ( writer , responseHeader , resHead ) ;
writeDocs ( writer , documents , responseCount , snippets ) ;
} else {
throw new IOException ( "Unable to process Solr response format" ) ;
openTag ( writer , "yacy:navigation" ) ;
// the facets can be created with the options &facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.field=host_s&facet.field=url_file_ext_s&facet.field=url_protocol_s&facet.field=author_sxt
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
NamedList < Integer > domains = facetFields = = null ? null : ( NamedList < Integer > ) facetFields . get ( CollectionSchema . host_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
NamedList < Integer > filetypes = facetFields = = null ? null : ( NamedList < Integer > ) facetFields . get ( CollectionSchema . url_file_ext_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
NamedList < Integer > protocols = facetFields = = null ? null : ( NamedList < Integer > ) facetFields . get ( CollectionSchema . url_protocol_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
NamedList < Integer > authors = facetFields = = null ? null : ( NamedList < Integer > ) facetFields . get ( CollectionSchema . author_sxt . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
NamedList < Integer > collections = facetFields = = null ? null : ( NamedList < Integer > ) facetFields . get ( CollectionSchema . collection_sxt . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
if ( domains ! = null ) {
openTag ( writer , "yacy:facet name=\"domains\" displayname=\"Domains\" type=\"String\" min=\"0\" max=\"0\" mean=\"0\"" ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , Integer > entry : domains ) facetEntry ( writer , "site" , entry . getKey ( ) , Integer . toString ( entry . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "yacy:facet" ) ;
if ( filetypes ! = null ) {
openTag ( writer , "yacy:facet name=\"filetypes\" displayname=\"Filetypes\" type=\"String\" min=\"0\" max=\"0\" mean=\"0\"" ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , Integer > entry : filetypes ) facetEntry ( writer , "filetype" , entry . getKey ( ) , Integer . toString ( entry . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "yacy:facet" ) ;
if ( protocols ! = null ) {
openTag ( writer , "yacy:facet name=\"protocols\" displayname=\"Protocols\" type=\"String\" min=\"0\" max=\"0\" mean=\"0\"" ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , Integer > entry : protocols ) facetEntry ( writer , "protocol" , entry . getKey ( ) , Integer . toString ( entry . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "yacy:facet" ) ;
if ( authors ! = null ) {
openTag ( writer , "yacy:facet name=\"authors\" displayname=\"Authors\" type=\"String\" min=\"0\" max=\"0\" mean=\"0\"" ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , Integer > entry : authors ) facetEntry ( writer , "author" , entry . getKey ( ) , Integer . toString ( entry . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "yacy:facet" ) ;
if ( collections ! = null ) {
openTag ( writer , "yacy:facet name=\"collections\" displayname=\"Collections\" type=\"String\" min=\"0\" max=\"0\" mean=\"0\"" ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , Integer > entry : collections ) facetEntry ( writer , "collection" , entry . getKey ( ) , Integer . toString ( entry . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "yacy:facet" ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "yacy:navigation" ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "channel" ) ;
writer . write ( "</rss>\n" . toCharArray ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* Append to the writer the header of the OpenSearch RSS representation .
* @param writer an open output writer . Must not be null .
* @param responseHeader the Solr response header . Must not be null .
* @param resHead the calculated results head . Must not be null .
* @throws IOException when an unexpected error occurred while writing
* /
private void writeHeader ( final Writer writer , final NamedList < ? > responseHeader , final ResHead resHead )
throws IOException {
// parse response header
final NamedList < ? > val0 = ( NamedList < ? > ) responseHeader . get ( "params" ) ;
resHead . rows = Integer . parseInt ( ( String ) val0 . get ( "rows" ) ) ;
resHead . offset = response . offset ( ) ; // equal to 'start'
resHead . numFound = response . matches ( ) ;
//resHead.df = (String) val0.get("df");
//resHead.q = (String) val0.get("q");
//resHead.wt = (String) val0.get("wt");
//resHead.status = (Integer) responseHeader.get("status");
//resHead.QTime = (Integer) responseHeader.get("QTime");
//resHead.maxScore = response.maxScore();
// write header
writer . write ( (
@ -148,21 +262,170 @@ public class OpensearchResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter, EmbeddedSo
" xmlns:geo=\"" + Geo . NAMESPACE + "\"\n" +
">\n" ) . toCharArray ( ) ) ;
openTag ( writer , "channel" ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , "opensearch:totalResults" , Integer . toString ( resHead . numFound ) ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , "opensearch:startIndex" , Integer . toString ( resHead . offset ) ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , "opensearch:itemsPerPage" , Integer . toString ( resHead . rows ) ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , "opensearch:totalResults" , Long . toString ( resHead . numFound ) ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , "opensearch:startIndex" , Long . toString ( resHead . offset ) ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , "opensearch:itemsPerPage" , Long . toString ( resHead . rows ) ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , RSSMessage . Token . title . name ( ) , this . title ) ;
writer . write ( "<atom:link rel=\"search\" href=\"/opensearchdescription.xml\" type=\"application/opensearchdescription+xml\"/>" ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , "description" , "Search Result" ) ;
//solitaireTag(writer, "link", "");
//solitaireTag(writer, "image", "");
/ * *
* Append to the writer the OpenSearch RSS representation of Solr documents .
* @param writer an open output writer . Must not be null .
* @param documents the documents to render . Must not be null .
* @param responseCount the number of documents to process
* @param snippets snippets Solr computed text snippets ( highlighting ) .
* @throws IOException when an unexpected error occurred while writing
* /
private void writeDocs ( final Writer writer , final SolrDocumentList documents , final int responseCount ,
final Map < String , LinkedHashSet < String > > snippets ) throws IOException {
// parse body
String urlhash = null ;
MultiProtocolURL url = null ;
final Iterator < SolrDocument > iterator = documents . iterator ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < responseCount ; i + + ) {
openTag ( writer , "item" ) ;
SolrDocument doc = iterator . next ( ) ;
List < String > texts = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
List < String > descriptions = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
String docTitle = "" ;
List < Object > images_protocol_obj = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
List < String > images_stub = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
for ( final Entry < String , Object > fieldEntry : doc ) {
final String fieldName = fieldEntry . getKey ( ) ;
final Object value = fieldEntry . getValue ( ) ;
if ( value = = null ) {
continue ;
// parse body
final int responseCount = response . size ( ) ;
// apply generic matching rule
String stag = field2tag . get ( fieldName ) ;
if ( stag ! = null ) {
solitaireTag ( writer , stag , value . toString ( ) ) ;
continue ;
// take apart the url
if ( CollectionSchema . sku . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) ) {
url = writeLink ( writer , value . toString ( ) ) ;
continue ;
// if the rule is not generic, use the specific here
if ( CollectionSchema . id . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) ) {
urlhash = value . toString ( ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , RSSMessage . Token . guid . name ( ) , urlhash , "isPermaLink=\"false\"" ) ;
continue ;
if ( CollectionSchema . title . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) ) {
if ( value instanceof Iterable < ? > ) {
/* Handle multivalued field */
for ( final Object valueItem : ( Iterable < ? > ) value ) {
docTitle = valueItem . toString ( ) ;
texts . add ( docTitle ) ;
} else {
docTitle = value . toString ( ) ;
texts . add ( docTitle ) ;
continue ;
if ( CollectionSchema . last_modified . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) & & value instanceof Date ) {
solitaireTag ( writer , RSSMessage . Token . pubDate . name ( ) , HeaderFramework . formatRFC1123 ( ( Date ) value ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( CollectionSchema . description_txt . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) ) {
if ( value instanceof Iterable < ? > ) {
/* Handle multivalued field */
for ( final Object valueItem : ( Iterable < ? > ) value ) {
final String description = valueItem . toString ( ) ;
descriptions . add ( description ) ;
texts . add ( description ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , DublinCore . Description . getURIref ( ) , description ) ;
} else {
final String description = value . toString ( ) ;
descriptions . add ( description ) ;
texts . add ( description ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , DublinCore . Description . getURIref ( ) , description ) ;
continue ;
if ( CollectionSchema . text_t . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) ) {
texts . add ( value . toString ( ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( CollectionSchema . size_i . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) & & value instanceof Integer ) {
int size = ( ( Integer ) value ) . intValue ( ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , YaCyMetadata . size . getURIref ( ) , Integer . toString ( size ) ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , YaCyMetadata . sizename . getURIref ( ) , RSSMessage . sizename ( size ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( CollectionSchema . h1_txt . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) | | CollectionSchema . h2_txt . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) | |
CollectionSchema . h3_txt . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) | | CollectionSchema . h4_txt . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) | |
CollectionSchema . h5_txt . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) | | CollectionSchema . h6_txt . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) ) {
if ( value instanceof Iterable < ? > ) {
// because these are multi-valued fields, there can be several of each
for ( final Object valueItem : ( Iterable < ? > ) value ) {
texts . add ( valueItem . toString ( ) ) ;
} else {
texts . add ( value . toString ( ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( CollectionSchema . images_protocol_sxt . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) ) {
if ( value instanceof Iterable < ? > ) {
/* Handle multivalued field */
for ( final Object valueItem : ( Iterable < ? > ) value ) {
images_protocol_obj . add ( valueItem . toString ( ) ) ;
} else {
images_protocol_obj . add ( value . toString ( ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( CollectionSchema . images_urlstub_sxt . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) ) {
if ( value instanceof Iterable < ? > ) {
/* Handle multivalued field */
for ( final Object valueItem : ( Iterable < ? > ) value ) {
images_stub . add ( valueItem . toString ( ) ) ;
} else {
images_stub . add ( value . toString ( ) ) ;
continue ;
final Object keywordsObj = doc . get ( CollectionSchema . keywords . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
final String keywords = ( keywordsObj instanceof String ) ? ( String ) keywordsObj : null ;
writeDocEnd ( writer , snippets , urlhash , url , keywords , texts , descriptions , docTitle , images_protocol_obj ,
images_stub ) ;
/ * *
* Append to the writer the OpenSearch RSS representation of Solr documents .
* @param writer an open output writer . Must not be null .
* @param documents the documents to render . Must not be null .
* @param responseCount the number of documents to process
* @param snippets Solr computed text snippets ( highlighting ) .
* @throws IOException when an unexpected error occurred while writing
* /
private void writeDocs ( final Writer writer , final DocList documents , final SolrQueryRequest request , final int responseCount ,
final Map < String , LinkedHashSet < String > > snippets ) throws IOException {
// parse body
SolrIndexSearcher searcher = request . getSearcher ( ) ;
DocIterator iterator = response . iterator ( ) ;
String urlhash = null ;
MultiProtocolURL url = null ;
final DocIterator iterator = documents . iterator ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < responseCount ; i + + ) {
openTag ( writer , "item" ) ;
int id = iterator . nextDoc ( ) ;
@ -171,7 +434,7 @@ public class OpensearchResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter, EmbeddedSo
int fieldc = fields . size ( ) ;
List < String > texts = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
List < String > descriptions = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
String t itle = "" ;
String docT itle = "" ;
List < Object > images_protocol_obj = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
List < String > images_stub = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < fieldc ; j + + ) {
@ -187,14 +450,7 @@ public class OpensearchResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter, EmbeddedSo
// take apart the url
if ( CollectionSchema . sku . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) ) {
String u = value . stringValue ( ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , RSSMessage . Token . link . name ( ) , u ) ;
try {
url = new MultiProtocolURL ( u ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , YaCyMetadata . host . getURIref ( ) , url . getHost ( ) ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , YaCyMetadata . path . getURIref ( ) , url . getPath ( ) ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , YaCyMetadata . file . getURIref ( ) , url . getFileName ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException e ) { }
url = writeLink ( writer , value . stringValue ( ) ) ;
continue ;
@ -205,8 +461,8 @@ public class OpensearchResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter, EmbeddedSo
continue ;
if ( CollectionSchema . title . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) ) {
t itle = value . stringValue ( ) ;
texts . add ( t itle) ;
docT itle = value . stringValue ( ) ;
texts . add ( docT itle) ;
continue ;
if ( CollectionSchema . last_modified . getSolrFieldName ( ) . equals ( fieldName ) ) {
@ -248,82 +504,77 @@ public class OpensearchResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter, EmbeddedSo
if ( Math . min ( images_protocol_obj . size ( ) , images_stub . size ( ) ) > 0 ) {
List < String > images_protocol = CollectionConfiguration . indexedList2protocolList ( images_protocol_obj , images_stub . size ( ) ) ;
String imageurl = images_protocol . get ( 0 ) + "://" + images_stub . get ( 0 ) ;
writer . write ( "<media:content medium=\"image\" url=\"" ) ;
XML . escapeCharData ( imageurl , writer ) ; writer . write ( "\"/>\n" ) ;
} else {
if ( url ! = null & & Response . docTypeExt ( MultiProtocolURL . getFileExtension ( url . getFile ( ) ) . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) ) = = Response . DT_IMAGE ) {
writer . write ( "<media:content medium=\"image\" url=\"" ) ;
XML . escapeCharData ( url . toNormalform ( true ) , writer ) ; writer . write ( "\"/>\n" ) ;
final Object keywordsObj = doc . get ( CollectionSchema . keywords . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
final String keywords = ( keywordsObj instanceof String ) ? ( String ) keywordsObj : null ;
// compute snippet from texts
solitaireTag ( writer , RSSMessage . Token . title . name ( ) , title . length ( ) = = 0 ? ( texts . size ( ) = = 0 ? "" : texts . get ( 0 ) ) : title ) ;
LinkedHashSet < String > snippet = urlhash = = null ? null : snippets . get ( urlhash ) ;
String tagname = RSSMessage . Token . description . name ( ) ;
if ( snippet = = null | | snippet . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
writer . write ( "<" ) ; writer . write ( tagname ) ; writer . write ( '>' ) ;
for ( String d : descriptions ) {
XML . escapeCharData ( d , writer ) ;
writer . write ( "</" ) ; writer . write ( tagname ) ; writer . write ( ">\n" ) ;
} else {
removeSubsumedTitle ( snippet , title ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , tagname , getLargestSnippet ( snippet ) ) ; // snippet may be size=0
solitaireTag ( writer , DublinCore . Subject . getURIref ( ) , doc . get ( CollectionSchema . keywords . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "item" ) ;
openTag ( writer , "yacy:navigation" ) ;
// the facets can be created with the options &facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.field=host_s&facet.field=url_file_ext_s&facet.field=url_protocol_s&facet.field=author_sxt
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
NamedList < Integer > domains = facetFields = = null ? null : ( NamedList < Integer > ) facetFields . get ( CollectionSchema . host_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
NamedList < Integer > filetypes = facetFields = = null ? null : ( NamedList < Integer > ) facetFields . get ( CollectionSchema . url_file_ext_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
NamedList < Integer > protocols = facetFields = = null ? null : ( NamedList < Integer > ) facetFields . get ( CollectionSchema . url_protocol_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
NamedList < Integer > authors = facetFields = = null ? null : ( NamedList < Integer > ) facetFields . get ( CollectionSchema . author_sxt . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
NamedList < Integer > collections = facetFields = = null ? null : ( NamedList < Integer > ) facetFields . get ( CollectionSchema . collection_sxt . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
if ( domains ! = null ) {
openTag ( writer , "yacy:facet name=\"domains\" displayname=\"Domains\" type=\"String\" min=\"0\" max=\"0\" mean=\"0\"" ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , Integer > entry : domains ) facetEntry ( writer , "site" , entry . getKey ( ) , Integer . toString ( entry . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "yacy:facet" ) ;
if ( filetypes ! = null ) {
openTag ( writer , "yacy:facet name=\"filetypes\" displayname=\"Filetypes\" type=\"String\" min=\"0\" max=\"0\" mean=\"0\"" ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , Integer > entry : filetypes ) facetEntry ( writer , "filetype" , entry . getKey ( ) , Integer . toString ( entry . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "yacy:facet" ) ;
if ( protocols ! = null ) {
openTag ( writer , "yacy:facet name=\"protocols\" displayname=\"Protocols\" type=\"String\" min=\"0\" max=\"0\" mean=\"0\"" ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , Integer > entry : protocols ) facetEntry ( writer , "protocol" , entry . getKey ( ) , Integer . toString ( entry . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "yacy:facet" ) ;
if ( authors ! = null ) {
openTag ( writer , "yacy:facet name=\"authors\" displayname=\"Authors\" type=\"String\" min=\"0\" max=\"0\" mean=\"0\"" ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , Integer > entry : authors ) facetEntry ( writer , "author" , entry . getKey ( ) , Integer . toString ( entry . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "yacy:facet" ) ;
if ( collections ! = null ) {
openTag ( writer , "yacy:facet name=\"collections\" displayname=\"Collections\" type=\"String\" min=\"0\" max=\"0\" mean=\"0\"" ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , Integer > entry : collections ) facetEntry ( writer , "collection" , entry . getKey ( ) , Integer . toString ( entry . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "yacy:facet" ) ;
writeDocEnd ( writer , snippets , urlhash , url , keywords , texts , descriptions , docTitle , images_protocol_obj ,
images_stub ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "yacy:navigation" ) ;
/ * *
* Append the Solr document URL as a RSS link to the writer
* @param writer
* @param sku
* @return a MultiProtocolURL instance or null
* @throws IOException
* /
private MultiProtocolURL writeLink ( final Writer writer , final String sku )
throws IOException {
solitaireTag ( writer , RSSMessage . Token . link . name ( ) , sku ) ;
MultiProtocolURL url ;
try {
url = new MultiProtocolURL ( sku ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , YaCyMetadata . host . getURIref ( ) , url . getHost ( ) ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , YaCyMetadata . path . getURIref ( ) , url . getPath ( ) ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , YaCyMetadata . file . getURIref ( ) , url . getFileName ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException e ) {
url = null ;
return url ;
/ * *
* Append to the writer the end of the RSS OpenSearch representation of the Solr
* document .
* /
private void writeDocEnd ( final Writer writer , final Map < String , LinkedHashSet < String > > snippets , final String urlhash ,
final MultiProtocolURL url , final String keywords , final List < String > texts , final List < String > descriptions , final String docTitle ,
final List < Object > imagesProtocolObjs , final List < String > imagesStubs ) throws IOException {
if ( Math . min ( imagesProtocolObjs . size ( ) , imagesStubs . size ( ) ) > 0 ) {
List < String > imagesProtocols = CollectionConfiguration . indexedList2protocolList ( imagesProtocolObjs , imagesStubs . size ( ) ) ;
String imageurl = imagesProtocols . get ( 0 ) + "://" + imagesStubs . get ( 0 ) ;
writer . write ( "<media:content medium=\"image\" url=\"" ) ;
XML . escapeCharData ( imageurl , writer ) ; writer . write ( "\"/>\n" ) ;
} else {
if ( url ! = null & & Response . docTypeExt ( MultiProtocolURL . getFileExtension ( url . getFile ( ) ) . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) ) = = Response . DT_IMAGE ) {
writer . write ( "<media:content medium=\"image\" url=\"" ) ;
XML . escapeCharData ( url . toNormalform ( true ) , writer ) ; writer . write ( "\"/>\n" ) ;
// compute snippet from texts
solitaireTag ( writer , RSSMessage . Token . title . name ( ) , docTitle . length ( ) = = 0 ? ( texts . size ( ) = = 0 ? "" : texts . get ( 0 ) ) : docTitle ) ;
LinkedHashSet < String > snippet = urlhash = = null ? null : snippets . get ( urlhash ) ;
String tagname = RSSMessage . Token . description . name ( ) ;
if ( snippet = = null | | snippet . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
writer . write ( "<" ) ; writer . write ( tagname ) ; writer . write ( '>' ) ;
for ( String d : descriptions ) {
XML . escapeCharData ( d , writer ) ;
writer . write ( "</" ) ; writer . write ( tagname ) ; writer . write ( ">\n" ) ;
} else {
removeSubsumedTitle ( snippet , docTitle ) ;
solitaireTag ( writer , tagname , getLargestSnippet ( snippet ) ) ; // snippet may be size=0
if ( keywords ! = null ) {
solitaireTag ( writer , DublinCore . Subject . getURIref ( ) , keywords ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "item" ) ;
closeTag ( writer , "channel" ) ;
writer . write ( "</rss>\n" . toCharArray ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* produce snippets from solr ( they call that ' highlighting ' )