@ -830,44 +830,6 @@ public class yacysearch {
prop . put ( "num-results_globalresults_remoteIndexCount" , Formatter . number ( theSearch . remote_rwi_available . get ( ) + theSearch . remote_solr_available . get ( ) , true ) ) ;
prop . put ( "num-results_globalresults_remoteIndexCount" , Formatter . number ( theSearch . remote_rwi_available . get ( ) + theSearch . remote_solr_available . get ( ) , true ) ) ;
prop . put ( "num-results_globalresults_remotePeerCount" , Formatter . number ( theSearch . remote_rwi_peerCount . get ( ) + theSearch . remote_solr_peerCount . get ( ) , true ) ) ;
prop . put ( "num-results_globalresults_remotePeerCount" , Formatter . number ( theSearch . remote_rwi_peerCount . get ( ) + theSearch . remote_solr_peerCount . get ( ) , true ) ) ;
// compose page navigation
final StringBuilder resnav = new StringBuilder ( 200 ) ;
resnav . append ( "<ul class=\"pagination\">" ) ;
final int thispage = startRecord / theQuery . itemsPerPage ( ) ;
if ( thispage = = 0 ) {
resnav . append ( "<li class=\"disabled\"><a href=\"#\">«</a></li>" ) ;
} else {
resnav . append ( "<li><a id=\"prevpage\" href=\"" ) ;
resnav . append ( QueryParams . navurl ( "html" , thispage - 1 , theQuery , null ) . toString ( ) ) ;
resnav . append ( "\">«</a></li>" ) ;
final int numberofpages = Math . min ( 10 , 1 + ( ( theSearch . getResultCount ( ) - 1 ) / theQuery . itemsPerPage ( ) ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numberofpages ; i + + ) {
if ( i = = thispage ) {
resnav . append ( "<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\">" ) ;
resnav . append ( i + 1 ) ;
resnav . append ( "</a></li>" ) ;
} else {
resnav . append ( "<li><a href=\"" ) ;
resnav . append ( QueryParams . navurl ( "html" , i , theQuery , null ) . toString ( ) ) ;
resnav . append ( "\">" + ( i + 1 ) + "</a></li>" ) ;
if ( thispage > = numberofpages ) {
resnav . append ( "<li><a href=\"#\">»</a></li>" ) ;
} else {
resnav . append ( "<li><a id=\"nextpage\" href=\"" ) ;
resnav . append ( QueryParams . navurl ( "html" , thispage + 1 , theQuery , null ) . toString ( ) ) ;
resnav . append ( "\">»</a>" ) ;
resnav . append ( "</ul>" ) ;
final String resnavs = resnav . toString ( ) ;
prop . put ( "num-results_resnav" , resnavs ) ;
prop . put ( "pageNavBottom" , ( theSearch . getResultCount ( ) - startRecord > 6 ) ? 1 : 0 ) ; // if there are more results than may fit on the page we add a navigation at the bottom
prop . put ( "pageNavBottom_resnav" , resnavs ) ;
// generate the search result lines; the content will be produced by another servlet
// generate the search result lines; the content will be produced by another servlet
for ( int i = 0 ; i < theQuery . itemsPerPage ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < theQuery . itemsPerPage ( ) ; i + + ) {
prop . put ( "results_" + i + "_item" , startRecord + i ) ;
prop . put ( "results_" + i + "_item" , startRecord + i ) ;