@ -53,14 +53,18 @@ public class Table_API_p {
int startRecord = 0;
int maximumRecords = 25;
Pattern query = QueryParams.catchall_pattern;
if (post != null && post.containsKey("startRecord")) startRecord = post.getInt("startRecord", 0);
if (post != null && post.containsKey("maximumRecords")) maximumRecords = post.getInt("maximumRecords", 0);
if (post != null && post.containsKey("startRecord")) {
startRecord = post.getInt("startRecord", 0);
if (post != null && post.containsKey("maximumRecords")) {
maximumRecords = post.getInt("maximumRecords", 0);
if (post != null && post.containsKey("query") && !post.get("query", "").isEmpty()) {
query = Pattern.compile(".*" + post.get("query", "") + ".*");
startRecord = 0;
maximumRecords = 1000;
final boolean inline = (post != null && post.getBoolean("inline",false));
final boolean inline = (post != null && post.getBoolean("inline", false));
prop.put("inline", (inline) ? 1 : 0);
@ -70,10 +74,19 @@ public class Table_API_p {
String pk;
if (post != null && post.containsKey("repeat_select") && ((pk = post.get("pk")) != null)) try {
final String action = post.get("repeat_select", "off");
boolean scheduleevent = false; // flag if schedule info of row changes
String current_schedule_pk = ""; // pk of changed schedule data row
if (post != null && post.containsKey("scheduleevent")) {
scheduleevent = post.get("scheduleevent", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true");
prop.put("scheduleevent", "false");
current_schedule_pk = post.get("current_schedule_pk", "");
if (scheduleevent && !current_schedule_pk.isEmpty()) {
if (post != null && post.containsKey("repeat_select_" + current_schedule_pk) ) {
try {
final String action = post.get("repeat_select_" + current_schedule_pk, "off");
if (action.equals("on")) {
Tables.Row row = sb.tables.select(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME, pk.getBytes());
Tables.Row row = sb.tables.select(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME, current_schedule_pk.getBytes());
if (row != null) {
row.put(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_SCHEDULE_UNIT, "days");
@ -86,10 +99,12 @@ public class Table_API_p {
} catch (RowSpaceExceededException e) {
if (post != null && post.containsKey("repeat_time") && ((pk = post.get("pk")) != null)) try {
final String action = post.get("repeat_time", "off");
final Tables.Row row = sb.tables.select(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME, pk.getBytes());
if (post != null && post.containsKey("repeat_time_" + current_schedule_pk) ) {
try {
final String action = post.get("repeat_time_" + current_schedule_pk, "off");
final Tables.Row row = sb.tables.select(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME, current_schedule_pk.getBytes());
if (row != null) {
if ("off".equals(action)) {
@ -104,17 +119,27 @@ public class Table_API_p {
} catch (RowSpaceExceededException e) {
if (post != null && post.containsKey("repeat_unit") && ((pk = post.get("pk")) != null)) try {
final String action = post.get("repeat_unit", "seldays");
final Tables.Row row = sb.tables.select(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME, pk.getBytes());
if (post != null && post.containsKey("repeat_unit_" + current_schedule_pk) ) {
try {
final String action = post.get("repeat_unit_" + current_schedule_pk, "seldays");
final Tables.Row row = sb.tables.select(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME, current_schedule_pk.getBytes());
if (row != null) {
int time = row.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_SCHEDULE_TIME, 1);
row.put(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_SCHEDULE_UNIT, action.substring(3));
if (action.equals("selminutes") && time > 0 && time < 10) row.put(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_SCHEDULE_TIME, 10);
if (action.equals("selminutes") && time > 50) row.put(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_SCHEDULE_TIME, 50);
if (action.equals("selhours") && time > 23) row.put(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_SCHEDULE_TIME, 23);
if (action.equals("seldays") && time > 30) row.put(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_SCHEDULE_TIME, 30);
if (action.equals("selminutes") && time > 0 && time < 10) {
if (action.equals("selminutes") && time > 50) {
if (action.equals("selhours") && time > 23) {
if (action.equals("seldays") && time > 30) {
WorkTables.calculateAPIScheduler(row, false);
sb.tables.update(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME, row);
@ -123,9 +148,10 @@ public class Table_API_p {
} catch (RowSpaceExceededException e) {
if (post != null && !post.get("deleterows", "").isEmpty()) {
for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry: post.entrySet()) {
for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : post.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().startsWith("mark_")) {
try {
sb.tables.delete(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME, entry.getValue().substring(5).getBytes());
@ -139,7 +165,7 @@ public class Table_API_p {
if (post != null && !post.get("execrows", "").isEmpty()) {
// create a time-ordered list of events to execute
final Set<String> pks = new TreeSet<String>();
for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry: post.entrySet()) {
for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : post.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().startsWith("mark_")) {
@ -157,8 +183,11 @@ public class Table_API_p {
boolean dark = true;
while (resultIterator.hasNext()) {
record = resultIterator.next();
if (record == null) continue;
prop.put("showexec_list_" + count + "_dark", ((dark) ? 1 : 0) ); dark=!dark;
if (record == null) {
prop.put("showexec_list_" + count + "_dark", ((dark) ? 1 : 0));
dark = !dark;
prop.put("showexec_list_" + count + "_status", record.getValue());
prop.put("showexec_list_" + count + "_url", record.getKey());
@ -186,17 +215,27 @@ public class Table_API_p {
// first prepare a list
while (mapIterator.hasNext()) {
r = mapIterator.next();
if (r == null) continue;
if (r == null) {
type = UTF8.String(r.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_TYPE));
if (!typefilter.matcher(type).matches()) continue;
if (!typefilter.matcher(type).matches()) {
comment = UTF8.String(r.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_COMMENT));
if (!query.matcher(comment).matches()) continue;
if (c >= startRecord) table.add(r);
if (!query.matcher(comment).matches()) {
if (c >= startRecord) {
if (table.size() >= maximumRecords) break;
if (table.size() >= maximumRecords) {
// then work on the list
for (final Tables.Row row: table) {
for (final Tables.Row row : table) {
final Date now = new Date();
final Date date = row.containsKey(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_DATE) ? row.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_DATE, now) : null;
final Date date_recording = row.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_DATE_RECORDING, date);
@ -206,7 +245,8 @@ public class Table_API_p {
final String unit = row.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_SCHEDULE_UNIT, "days");
final int time = row.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_SCHEDULE_TIME, 0);
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_inline", inline ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_dark", dark ? 1 : 0); dark=!dark;
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_dark", dark ? 1 : 0);
dark = !dark;
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_pk", UTF8.String(row.getPK()));
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_count", count);
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_callcount", callcount);
@ -233,7 +273,7 @@ public class Table_API_p {
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_scheduler_selectedHours", 0);
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_scheduler_selectedDays", 0);
if (unit.equals("minutes")) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 5 ; i++) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_scheduler_scale_" + i + "_time", i * 10);
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_scheduler_scale_" + i + "_selected", 0);
@ -241,7 +281,7 @@ public class Table_API_p {
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_scheduler_scale", 6);
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_scheduler_selectedMinutes", 1);
} else if (unit.equals("hours")) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 23 ; i++) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 23; i++) {
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_scheduler_scale_" + i + "_time", i);
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_scheduler_scale_" + i + "_selected", 0);
@ -249,7 +289,7 @@ public class Table_API_p {
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_scheduler_scale", 24);
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_scheduler_selectedHours", 1);
} else {
for (int i = 1; i <= 30 ; i++) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i++) {
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_scheduler_scale_" + i + "_time", i);
prop.put("showtable_list_" + count + "_scheduler_scale_" + i + "_selected", 0);
@ -307,5 +347,4 @@ public class Table_API_p {
// return rewrite properties
return prop;