@ -28,11 +28,13 @@ import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Random ;
import java.util.Set ;
import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils ;
import de.anomic.server.serverMemory ;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog ;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeedDB ;
public class kelondroRowCollection {
@ -52,6 +54,8 @@ public class kelondroRowCollection {
private static final int exp_order_bound = 5 ;
private static final int exp_collection = 6 ;
private static int processors = Runtime . getRuntime ( ) . availableProcessors ( ) ;
public kelondroRowCollection ( kelondroRowCollection rc ) {
this . rowdef = rc . rowdef ;
this . chunkcache = rc . chunkcache ;
@ -187,11 +191,9 @@ public class kelondroRowCollection {
public synchronized void trim ( boolean plusGrowFactor ) {
if ( chunkcache . length = = 0 )
return ;
if ( chunkcache . length = = 0 ) return ;
int needed = chunkcount * rowdef . objectsize ;
if ( plusGrowFactor )
needed = ( int ) ( needed * growfactor ) ;
if ( plusGrowFactor ) needed = ( int ) ( needed * growfactor ) ;
if ( needed > = chunkcache . length )
return ; // in case that the growfactor causes that the cache would
// grow instead of shrink, simply ignore the growfactor
@ -406,104 +408,103 @@ public class kelondroRowCollection {
public synchronized final void sort ( ) {
assert ( this . rowdef . objectOrder ! = null ) ;
if ( this . sortBound = = this . chunkcount ) return ; // this is already sorted
//System.out.println("SORT(chunkcount=" + this.chunkcount + ", sortBound=" + this.sortBound + ")");
if ( this . sortBound > 1 ) {
qsort ( 0 , this . sortBound , this . chunkcount ) ;
} else {
qsort ( 0 , this . chunkcount ) ;
this . sortBound = this . chunkcount ;
private final void qsort ( int L , int S , int R ) {
//System.out.println("QSORT: chunkcache.length=" + chunkcache.length + ", chunksize=" + chunksize + ", L=" + L + ", S=" + S + ", R=" + R);
assert ( S < = R ) : "S > R: S = " + S + ", R = " + R ;
if ( L > = R - 1 ) return ;
if ( S > = R ) return ;
if ( R - L < 20 ) {
isort ( L , R ) ;
return ;
int p = L + ( ( S - L ) / 2 ) ;
int ps = p ;
int q = S ;
int qs = q ;
int pivot = p ;
while ( q < R ) {
if ( compare ( pivot , q ) < 1 ) {
q + + ;
} else {
pivot = swap ( p , q , pivot ) ;
p + + ;
q + + ;
if ( ( ps - L ) < = ( ( p - L ) / 2 ) ) qsort ( L , p ) ; else qsort ( L , ps , p ) ;
if ( ( qs - p ) < = ( ( R - p ) / 2 ) ) qsort ( p , R ) ; else qsort ( p , qs , R ) ;
int p = partition ( 0 , this . chunkcount , new byte [ this . rowdef . objectsize ] ) ;
if ( p > = 0 ) {
if ( ( processors > 1 ) & & ( this . chunkcount > 10000 ) ) {
// sort this using multi-threading; use one second thread
qsortthread qs = new qsortthread ( 0 , p ) ;
qs . start ( ) ;
qsort ( p , this . chunkcount , new byte [ this . rowdef . objectsize ] ) ;
try { qs . join ( ) ; } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; }
} else {
byte [ ] swapspace = new byte [ this . rowdef . objectsize ] ;
qsort ( 0 , p , swapspace ) ;
qsort ( p , this . chunkcount , swapspace ) ;
this . sortBound = this . chunkcount ;
private final void qsort ( int L , int R ) {
//System.out.println("QSORT: chunkcache.length=" + chunkcache.length + ", L=" + L + "/" + new String(this.chunkcache, L * this.rowdef.objectsize(), this.rowdef.width(0)) + ", R=" + R + "/" + new String(this.chunkcache, (R - 1) * this.rowdef.objectsize(), this.rowdef.width(0)));
/ *
if ( ( L = = 190 ) & & ( R = = 258 ) ) {
for ( int i = L ; i < R ; i + + ) {
System . out . print ( new String ( this . chunkcache , L * this . chunksize , this . chunksize ) + ", " ) ;
System . out . println ( ) ;
* /
if ( L > = R - 1 ) return ;
private class qsortthread extends Thread {
private int sl , sr ;
byte [ ] swapspace ;
public qsortthread ( int L , int R ) {
this . sl = L ;
this . sr = R ;
this . swapspace = new byte [ rowdef . objectsize ] ;
public void run ( ) {
qsort ( sl , sr , swapspace ) ;
private final void qsort ( int L , int R , byte [ ] swapspace ) {
int p = partition ( L , R , swapspace ) ;
if ( p > = 0 ) {
qsort ( L , p , swapspace ) ;
qsort ( p , R , swapspace ) ;
private final int partition ( int L , int R , byte [ ] swapspace ) {
if ( L > = R - 1 ) return - 1 ;
if ( R - L < 20 ) {
isort ( L , R ) ;
return ;
isort ( L , R , swapspace );
return - 1 ;
int i = L ;
int j = R - 1 ;
int pivot = ( i + j ) / 2 ;
//System.out.println("Pivot=" + pivot + "/" + new String(this.chunkcache, pivot * this.rowdef.objectsize(), this.rowdef.width(0)));
while ( i < = j ) {
while ( compare ( pivot , i ) = = 1 ) i + + ; // chunkAt[i] < keybuffer
while ( compare ( pivot , j ) = = - 1 ) j - - ; // chunkAt[j] > keybuffer
//if (L == 6693) System.out.println(i + ", " + j);
if ( i < = j ) {
pivot = swap ( i , j , pivot ) ;
i + + ;
j - - ;
int p = L ;
int q = R - 1 ;
int pivot = ( p + q ) / 2 ;
int oldpivot = - 1 ;
byte [ ] compiledPivot = null ;
if ( this . rowdef . objectOrder instanceof kelondroBase64Order ) {
while ( p < = q ) {
if ( oldpivot ! = pivot ) {
compiledPivot = compilePivot ( pivot ) ;
oldpivot = pivot ;
while ( comparePivot ( compiledPivot , p ) = = 1 ) p + + ; // chunkAt[p] < pivot
while ( comparePivot ( compiledPivot , q ) = = - 1 ) q - - ; // chunkAt[q] > pivot
if ( p < = q ) {
oldpivot = pivot ;
pivot = swap ( p , q , pivot , swapspace ) ;
p + + ;
q - - ;
} else {
while ( p < = q ) {
while ( compare ( pivot , p ) = = 1 ) p + + ; // chunkAt[p] < pivot
while ( compare ( pivot , q ) = = - 1 ) q - - ; // chunkAt[q] > pivot
if ( p < = q ) {
pivot = swap ( p , q , pivot , swapspace ) ;
p + + ;
q - - ;
//if (L == 6693) System.out.println(i);
qsort ( L , i ) ;
qsort ( i , R ) ;
return p ;
private final void isort ( int L , int R ) {
private final void isort ( int L , int R , byte [ ] swapspace ) {
for ( int i = L + 1 ; i < R ; i + + )
for ( int j = i ; j > L & & compare ( j - 1 , j ) > 0 ; j - - )
swap ( j , j - 1 , 0 ) ;
swap ( j , j - 1 , 0 , swapspace );
private final int swap ( int i , int j , int p ) {
private final int swap ( int i , int j , int p , byte [ ] swapspace ) {
if ( i = = j ) return p ;
if ( ( this . chunkcount + 1 ) * this . rowdef . objectsize < this . chunkcache . length ) {
// there is space in the chunkcache that we can use as buffer
System . arraycopy ( chunkcache , this . rowdef . objectsize * i , chunkcache , chunkcache . length - this . rowdef . objectsize , this . rowdef . objectsize ) ;
System . arraycopy ( chunkcache , this . rowdef . objectsize * j , chunkcache , this . rowdef . objectsize * i , this . rowdef . objectsize ) ;
System . arraycopy ( chunkcache , chunkcache . length - this . rowdef . objectsize , chunkcache , this . rowdef . objectsize * j , this . rowdef . objectsize ) ;
} else {
// allocate a chunk to use as buffer
byte [ ] a = new byte [ this . rowdef . objectsize ] ;
System . arraycopy ( chunkcache , this . rowdef . objectsize * i , a , 0 , this . rowdef . objectsize ) ;
System . arraycopy ( chunkcache , this . rowdef . objectsize * j , chunkcache , this . rowdef . objectsize * i , this . rowdef . objectsize ) ;
System . arraycopy ( a , 0 , chunkcache , this . rowdef . objectsize * j , this . rowdef . objectsize ) ;
System . arraycopy ( chunkcache , this . rowdef . objectsize * i , swapspace , 0 , this . rowdef . objectsize ) ;
System . arraycopy ( chunkcache , this . rowdef . objectsize * j , chunkcache , this . rowdef . objectsize * i , this . rowdef . objectsize ) ;
System . arraycopy ( swapspace , 0 , chunkcache , this . rowdef . objectsize * j , this . rowdef . objectsize ) ;
if ( i = = p ) return j ; else if ( j = = p ) return i ; else return p ;
public synchronized void uniq ( long maxtime ) {
public synchronized void uniq ( ) {
assert ( this . rowdef . objectOrder ! = null ) ;
// removes double-occurrences of chunks
// this works only if the collection was ordered with sort before
@ -511,21 +512,30 @@ public class kelondroRowCollection {
// then this method may run a long time with 100% CPU load which is caused
// by the large number of memory movements. Therefore it is possible
// to assign a runtime limitation
long start = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
if ( chunkcount < = 1 ) return ;
int i = 0 ;
while ( i < chunkcount - 1 ) {
//System.out.println("ENTRY0: " + serverLog.arrayList(chunkcache, rowdef.objectsize*i, rowdef.objectsize));
//System.out.println("ENTRY1: " + serverLog.arrayList(chunkcache, rowdef.objectsize*(i+1), rowdef.objectsize));
if ( compare ( i , i + 1 ) = = 0 ) {
if ( compare ( i , i + 1 ) = = 0 ) {
removeRow ( i , true ) ; // this decreases the chunkcount
} else {
i + + ;
if ( ( maxtime > 0 ) & & ( start + maxtime < System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) break ;
public synchronized boolean isSorted ( ) {
assert ( this . rowdef . objectOrder ! = null ) ;
if ( chunkcount < = 1 ) return true ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < chunkcount - 1 ; i + + ) {
//System.out.println("*" + new String(get(i).getColBytes(0)));
if ( compare ( i , i + 1 ) > 0 ) {
//System.out.println("?" + new String(get(i+1).getColBytes(0)));
return false ;
return true ;
public synchronized String toString ( ) {
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer ( ) ;
Iterator i = rows ( ) ;
@ -553,6 +563,33 @@ public class kelondroRowCollection {
this . rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
return c ;
private final byte [ ] compilePivot ( int i ) {
assert ( chunkcount * this . rowdef . objectsize < = chunkcache . length ) : "chunkcount = " + chunkcount + ", objsize = " + this . rowdef . objectsize + ", chunkcache.length = " + chunkcache . length ;
assert ( i > = 0 ) & & ( i < chunkcount ) : "i = " + i + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount ;
assert ( this . rowdef . objectOrder ! = null ) ;
assert ( this . rowdef . objectOrder instanceof kelondroBase64Order ) ;
assert ( this . rowdef . primaryKeyIndex = = 0 ) : "this.sortColumn = " + this . rowdef . primaryKeyIndex ;
int colstart = ( this . rowdef . primaryKeyIndex < 0 ) ? 0 : this . rowdef . colstart [ this . rowdef . primaryKeyIndex ] ;
assert ( ! bugappearance ( chunkcache , i * this . rowdef . objectsize + colstart , this . rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ) ;
return ( ( kelondroBase64Order ) this . rowdef . objectOrder ) . compilePivot ( chunkcache , i * this . rowdef . objectsize + colstart , this . rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
private final int comparePivot ( byte [ ] compiledPivot , int j ) {
assert ( chunkcount * this . rowdef . objectsize < = chunkcache . length ) : "chunkcount = " + chunkcount + ", objsize = " + this . rowdef . objectsize + ", chunkcache.length = " + chunkcache . length ;
assert ( j > = 0 ) & & ( j < chunkcount ) : "j = " + j + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount ;
assert ( this . rowdef . objectOrder ! = null ) ;
assert ( this . rowdef . objectOrder instanceof kelondroBase64Order ) ;
assert ( this . rowdef . primaryKeyIndex = = 0 ) : "this.sortColumn = " + this . rowdef . primaryKeyIndex ;
int colstart = ( this . rowdef . primaryKeyIndex < 0 ) ? 0 : this . rowdef . colstart [ this . rowdef . primaryKeyIndex ] ;
assert ( ! bugappearance ( chunkcache , j * this . rowdef . objectsize + colstart , this . rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ) ;
int c = ( ( kelondroBase64Order ) this . rowdef . objectOrder ) . comparePivot (
compiledPivot ,
chunkcache ,
j * this . rowdef . objectsize + colstart ,
this . rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
return c ;
protected synchronized int compare ( byte [ ] a , int astart , int alength , int chunknumber ) {
assert ( chunknumber < chunkcount ) ;
@ -573,9 +610,59 @@ public class kelondroRowCollection {
chunkcache = null ;
public static void test ( int testsize ) {
kelondroRow r = new kelondroRow ( new kelondroColumn [ ] {
new kelondroColumn ( "hash" , kelondroColumn . celltype_string , kelondroColumn . encoder_bytes , yacySeedDB . commonHashLength , "hash" ) } ,
kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder , 0 ) ;
kelondroRowCollection c = new kelondroRowCollection ( r , testsize ) ;
System . out . println ( "kelondroRowCollection test with size = " + testsize ) ;
Random a = new Random ( 0 ) ;
long t0 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < testsize ; i + + ) {
String s = kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder . encodeLong ( a . nextLong ( ) , 6 ) + kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder . encodeLong ( a . nextLong ( ) , 6 ) ;
c . add ( s . getBytes ( ) ) ;
long t1 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "create c : " + ( t1 - t0 ) + " milliseconds, " + ( testsize / ( t1 - t0 ) ) + " entries/millisecond" ) ;
kelondroRowCollection d = new kelondroRowCollection ( r , testsize + 1 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < testsize ; i + + ) {
d . add ( c . get ( i ) . getColBytes ( 0 ) ) ;
long t2 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "copy c -> d: " + ( t2 - t1 ) + " milliseconds, " + ( testsize / ( t2 - t1 ) ) + " entries/millisecond" ) ;
processors = 1 ;
c . sort ( ) ;
long t3 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "sort c (1) : " + ( t3 - t2 ) + " milliseconds, " + ( testsize / ( t3 - t2 ) ) + " entries/millisecond" ) ;
processors = 2 ;
d . sort ( ) ;
long t4 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "sort d (2) : " + ( t4 - t3 ) + " milliseconds, " + ( testsize / ( t4 - t3 ) ) + " entries/millisecond" ) ;
c . uniq ( ) ;
long t5 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "uniq c : " + ( t5 - t4 ) + " milliseconds, " + ( testsize / ( t5 - t4 ) ) + " entries/millisecond" ) ;
d . uniq ( ) ;
long t6 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "uniq d : " + ( t6 - t5 ) + " milliseconds, " + ( testsize / ( t6 - t5 ) ) + " entries/millisecond" ) ;
boolean cis = c . isSorted ( ) ;
long t7 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "c isSorted = " + ( ( cis ) ? "true" : "false" ) + ": " + ( t7 - t6 ) + " milliseconds" ) ;
boolean dis = d . isSorted ( ) ;
long t8 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "d isSorted = " + ( ( dis ) ? "true" : "false" ) + ": " + ( t8 - t7 ) + " milliseconds" ) ;
System . out . println ( "Result size: c = " + c . size ( ) + ", d = " + d . size ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( ) ;
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
test ( 10000 ) ;
test ( 100000 ) ;
test ( 1000000 ) ;
/ *
System . out . println ( new java . util . Date ( 10957 * day ) ) ;
System . out . println ( new java . util . Date ( 0 ) ) ;
System . out . println ( daysSince2000 ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
* /