@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.sql.Connection ;
import java.sql.DriverManager ;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement ;
import java.sql.ResultSet ;
import java.util.Random ;
import de.anomic.server.serverCodings ;
@ -48,7 +52,11 @@ public class dbtest {
if ( dbe . equals ( "mysql" ) ) {
table = new dbTable ( "mysql" ) ;
if ( dbe . equals ( "pgsql" ) ) {
table = new dbTable ( "pgsql" ) ;
long afterinit = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
@ -66,6 +74,9 @@ public class dbtest {
Random random = new Random ( randomstart ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + ) {
table . put ( new byte [ ] [ ] { randomHash ( random ) , dummyvalue } ) ;
if ( i % 500 = = 0 ) {
System . out . println ( i + " entries processed so far." ) ;
@ -73,13 +84,121 @@ public class dbtest {
// finally close the database/table
if ( table instanceof kelondroTree ) ( ( kelondroTree ) table ) . close ( ) ;
if ( table instanceof dbTable ) ( ( dbTable ) table ) . closeDatabaseConnection ( ) ;
long afterclose = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "Execution time: open=" + ( afterinit - startup ) + ", command=" + ( aftercommand - afterinit ) + ", close=" + ( afterclose - aftercommand ) + ", total=" + ( afterclose - startup ) ) ;
} catch ( IO Exception e ) {
} catch ( Exception e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
/ *
* Commands to create a database using mysql :
* CREATE database yacy ;
* USE yacy ;
* CREATE TABLE hash CHAR ( 12 ) not null primary key , value BLOB ) ;
* insert into user ( Host , User , Password ) values ( '%' , ' yacy ' , password ( ' yacy ' ) ) ;
* insert into db ( User , Db , Select_priv , Insert_priv , Update_priv , Delete_priv ) values ( ' yacy @ % ',' yacy ',' Y ',' Y ',' Y ',' Y ' )
* grant ALL on yacy . * to yacy ;
* /
final class dbTable implements kelondroIndex {
private final String db_driver_str_mysql = "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver" ;
private final String db_driver_str_pgsql = "org.postgresql.Driver" ;
private final String db_conn_str_mysql = "jdbc:mysql://" ;
private final String db_conn_str_pgsql = "jdbc:postgresql://" ;
private final String db_usr_str = "yacy" ;
private final String db_pwd_str = "yacy" ;
private Connection theDBConnection = null ;
private PreparedStatement sqlStatement ;
private int commandCount = 0 ;
private int batchlimit = 1 ;
public dbTable ( String dbType ) throws Exception {
openDatabaseConnection ( dbType ) ;
private void openDatabaseConnection ( String dbType ) throws Exception {
try {
if ( dbType = = null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException ( ) ;
String dbDriverStr = null , dbConnStr = null ;
if ( dbType . equalsIgnoreCase ( "mysql" ) ) {
dbDriverStr = db_driver_str_mysql ;
dbConnStr = db_conn_str_mysql ;
} else if ( dbType . equalsIgnoreCase ( "pgsql" ) ) {
dbDriverStr = db_driver_str_pgsql ;
dbConnStr = db_conn_str_pgsql ;
Class . forName ( dbDriverStr ) . newInstance ( ) ;
this . theDBConnection = DriverManager . getConnection ( dbConnStr , this . db_usr_str , this . db_pwd_str ) ;
String sqlQuery = new String
"INSERT INTO test (" +
"hash, " +
"value) " +
"VALUES (?,?)"
) ;
this . sqlStatement = this . theDBConnection . prepareStatement ( sqlQuery ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new Exception ( "Unable to establish a database connection." ) ;
public void closeDatabaseConnection ( ) throws Exception {
try {
if ( commandCount ! = 0 ) {
sqlStatement . executeBatch ( ) ;
sqlStatement . close ( ) ;
this . theDBConnection . close ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new Exception ( "Unable to close the database connection." ) ;
public byte [ ] [ ] get ( byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
return null ;
public byte [ ] [ ] put ( byte [ ] [ ] row ) throws IOException {
try {
this . sqlStatement . setString ( 1 , new String ( row [ 0 ] ) ) ;
sqlStatement . setBytes ( 2 , row [ 1 ] ) ;
sqlStatement . addBatch ( ) ;
commandCount + + ;
if ( commandCount > = batchlimit ) {
sqlStatement . executeBatch ( ) ;
return row ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new IOException ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
public byte [ ] [ ] remove ( byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null ;