@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet ;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger ;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger ;
@ -129,31 +130,39 @@ import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
public final class Protocol {
public final class Protocol {
/ * *
private static byte [ ] postToFile (
* wrapper class for multi - post attempts to multiple IPs
final SeedDB seedDB ,
* /
final String targetHash ,
private static class Post {
final String filename ,
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts ,
public byte [ ] result ; // contains the result from a successful post or null if no attempt was successful
final int timeout ) throws IOException {
public Set < String > unsuccessfulAddresses ; // contains a set of addresses which had been tested for submission was without success
return postToFile ( seedDB . targetAddress ( targetHash ) , targetHash , filename , parts , timeout ) ;
public String successfulAddress ; // contains the address which had been successfully used or null if no success with any Address
public Post (
final String targetAddress ,
final String targetPeerHash ,
final String path ,
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts ,
final int timeout ) throws IOException {
final HTTPClient httpClient = new HTTPClient ( ClientIdentification . yacyInternetCrawlerAgent ) ;
httpClient . setTimout ( timeout ) ;
this . result = httpClient . POSTbytes (
new MultiProtocolURL ( "http://" + targetAddress + path ) ,
Seed . b64Hash2hexHash ( targetPeerHash ) + ".yacyh" ,
parts ,
false , true ) ;
this . unsuccessfulAddresses = new HashSet < > ( ) ;
if ( this . result = = null ) {
this . unsuccessfulAddresses . add ( targetAddress ) ;
this . successfulAddress = null ;
} else {
this . successfulAddress = targetAddress ;
private static byte [ ] postToFile (
final String targetAddress ,
final String targetPeerHash ,
final String filename ,
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts ,
final int timeout ) throws IOException {
final HTTPClient httpClient = new HTTPClient ( ClientIdentification . yacyInternetCrawlerAgent ) ;
httpClient . setTimout ( timeout ) ;
return httpClient . POSTbytes (
new MultiProtocolURL ( "http://" + targetAddress + "/yacy/" + filename ) ,
Seed . b64Hash2hexHash ( targetPeerHash ) + ".yacyh" ,
parts ,
false , true ) ;
/ * *
/ * *
* this is called to enrich the seed information by - own address ( if peer is behind a nat / router ) - check
* this is called to enrich the seed information by - own address ( if peer is behind a nat / router ) - check
* peer type ( virgin / junior / senior / principal ) to do this , we send a ' Hello ' to another peer this carries
* peer type ( virgin / junior / senior / principal ) to do this , we send a ' Hello ' to another peer this carries
@ -197,10 +206,7 @@ public final class Protocol {
responseTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - start ;
responseTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - start ;
result = FileUtils . table ( content ) ;
result = FileUtils . table ( content ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
if ( Thread . currentThread ( ) . isInterrupted ( ) ) {
if ( Thread . currentThread ( ) . isInterrupted ( ) ) { Network . log . info ( "yacyClient.hello thread '" + Thread . currentThread ( ) . getName ( ) + "' interrupted." ) ;
Network . log . info ( "yacyClient.hello thread '"
+ Thread . currentThread ( ) . getName ( )
+ "' interrupted." ) ;
return null ;
return null ;
Network . log . info ( "yacyClient.hello thread '" + Thread . currentThread ( ) . getName ( ) + "', peer " + targetAddress + "; exception: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
Network . log . info ( "yacyClient.hello thread '" + Thread . currentThread ( ) . getName ( ) + "', peer " + targetAddress + "; exception: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
@ -360,8 +366,8 @@ public final class Protocol {
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , target . hash , salt ) ;
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , target . hash , salt ) ;
parts . put ( "object" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "seed" ) ) ;
parts . put ( "object" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "seed" ) ) ;
parts . put ( "env" , UTF8 . StringBody ( seedHash ) ) ;
parts . put ( "env" , UTF8 . StringBody ( seedHash ) ) ;
final byte [ ] content = postToFile ( target . getPublicAddress ( target . getIP ( ) ) , target . hash , " query.html", parts , 10000 ) ;
final Post post = new Post ( target . getPublicAddress ( target . getIP ( ) ) , target . hash , " /yacy/ query.html", parts , 10000 ) ;
final Map < String , String > result = FileUtils . table ( conten t) ;
final Map < String , String > result = FileUtils . table ( post. resul t) ;
if ( result = = null | | result . isEmpty ( ) ) {
if ( result = = null | | result . isEmpty ( ) ) {
return null ;
return null ;
@ -385,9 +391,9 @@ public final class Protocol {
parts . put ( "ttl" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "0" ) ) ;
parts . put ( "ttl" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "0" ) ) ;
parts . put ( "env" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "" ) ) ;
parts . put ( "env" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "" ) ) ;
ConcurrentLog . info ( "**hello-DEBUG**queryRWICount**" , "posting request to " + targetAddress ) ;
ConcurrentLog . info ( "**hello-DEBUG**queryRWICount**" , "posting request to " + targetAddress ) ;
final byte [ ] content = postToFile ( targetAddress , targetHash , " query.html", parts , timeout ) ;
final Post post = new Post ( targetAddress , targetHash , " /yacy/ query.html", parts , timeout ) ;
ConcurrentLog . info ( "**hello-DEBUG**queryRWICount**" , "received CONTENT from requesting " + targetAddress + ( conten t = = null ? "NULL" : ( ": length = " + conten t. length ) ) ) ;
ConcurrentLog . info ( "**hello-DEBUG**queryRWICount**" , "received CONTENT from requesting " + targetAddress + ( post. resul t = = null ? "NULL" : ( ": length = " + post. resul t. length ) ) ) ;
final Map < String , String > result = FileUtils . table ( conten t) ;
final Map < String , String > result = FileUtils . table ( post. resul t) ;
if ( result = = null | | result . isEmpty ( ) ) return new long [ ] { - 1 , - 1 } ;
if ( result = = null | | result . isEmpty ( ) ) return new long [ ] { - 1 , - 1 } ;
ConcurrentLog . info ( "**hello-DEBUG**queryRWICount**" , "received RESULT from requesting " + targetAddress + " : result = " + result . toString ( ) ) ;
ConcurrentLog . info ( "**hello-DEBUG**queryRWICount**" , "received RESULT from requesting " + targetAddress + " : result = " + result . toString ( ) ) ;
final String resp = result . get ( "response" ) ;
final String resp = result . get ( "response" ) ;
@ -436,38 +442,32 @@ public final class Protocol {
parts . put ( "time" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Long . toString ( maxTime ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "time" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Long . toString ( maxTime ) ) ) ;
// final byte[] result = HTTPConnector.getConnector(MultiProtocolURI.yacybotUserAgent).post(new MultiProtocolURI("http://" + target.getClusterAddress() + "/yacy/urls.xml"), (int) maxTime, target.getHexHash() + ".yacyh", parts);
// final byte[] result = HTTPConnector.getConnector(MultiProtocolURI.yacybotUserAgent).post(new MultiProtocolURI("http://" + target.getClusterAddress() + "/yacy/urls.xml"), (int) maxTime, target.getHexHash() + ".yacyh", parts);
final HTTPClient httpClient = new HTTPClient ( ClientIdentification . yacyInternetCrawlerAgent , ( int ) maxTime ) ;
final HTTPClient httpClient = new HTTPClient ( ClientIdentification . yacyInternetCrawlerAgent , ( int ) maxTime ) ;
final byte [ ] result = httpClient . POSTbytes ( new MultiProtocolURL ( "http://" + target . getPublicAddress ( target . getIP ( ) ) + "/yacy/urls.xml" ) , target . getHexHash ( ) + ".yacyh" , parts , false , true ) ;
String ip = target . getIP ( ) ;
final byte [ ] result = httpClient . POSTbytes ( new MultiProtocolURL ( "http://" + target . getPublicAddress ( ip ) + "/yacy/urls.xml" ) , target . getHexHash ( ) + ".yacyh" , parts , false , true ) ;
final RSSReader reader = RSSReader . parse ( RSSFeed . DEFAULT_MAXSIZE , result ) ;
final RSSReader reader = RSSReader . parse ( RSSFeed . DEFAULT_MAXSIZE , result ) ;
if ( reader = = null ) {
if ( reader = = null ) {
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.queryRemoteCrawlURLs failed asking peer '"
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.queryRemoteCrawlURLs failed asking peer '" + target . getName ( ) + "': probably bad response from remote peer (1), reader == null" ) ;
+ target . getName ( )
+ "': probably bad response from remote peer (1), reader == null" ) ;
target . put ( Seed . RCOUNT , "0" ) ;
target . put ( Seed . RCOUNT , "0" ) ;
seedDB . update( target . hash , target ) ; // overwrite number of remote-available number to avoid that this peer is called again (until update is done by peer ping)
seedDB . peerActions . interfaceDeparture ( target , ip ) ;
return null ;
return null ;
final RSSFeed feed = reader . getFeed ( ) ;
final RSSFeed feed = reader . getFeed ( ) ;
if ( feed = = null ) {
if ( feed = = null ) {
// case where the rss reader does not understand the content
// case where the rss reader does not understand the content
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.queryRemoteCrawlURLs failed asking peer '"
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.queryRemoteCrawlURLs failed asking peer '" + target . getName ( ) + "': probably bad response from remote peer (2)" ) ;
+ target . getName ( )
+ "': probably bad response from remote peer (2)" ) ;
//System.out.println("***DEBUG*** rss input = " + UTF8.String(result));
//System.out.println("***DEBUG*** rss input = " + UTF8.String(result));
target . put ( Seed . RCOUNT , "0" ) ;
target . put ( Seed . RCOUNT , "0" ) ;
seedDB . update ( target . hash , target ) ; // overwrite number of remote-available number to avoid that this peer is called again (until update is done by peer ping)
seedDB . update Connected( target ) ; // overwrite number of remote-available number to avoid that this peer is called again (until update is done by peer ping)
return null ;
return null ;
// update number of remotely available links in seed
// update number of remotely available links in seed
target . put ( Seed . RCOUNT , Integer . toString ( Math . max ( 0 , targetCount - feed . size ( ) ) ) ) ;
target . put ( Seed . RCOUNT , Integer . toString ( Math . max ( 0 , targetCount - feed . size ( ) ) ) ) ;
seedDB . update ( target . hash , target ) ;
seedDB . update Connected( target ) ;
return feed ;
return feed ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.queryRemoteCrawlURLs error asking peer '"
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.queryRemoteCrawlURLs error asking peer '" + target . getName ( ) + "':" + e . toString ( ) ) ;
+ target . getName ( )
+ "':"
+ e . toString ( ) ) ;
return null ;
return null ;
@ -1117,8 +1117,8 @@ public final class Protocol {
return dls ;
return dls ;
public static Map < String , String > permissionMessage ( final S eedDB seedDB , final String targetHash ) {
public static Map < String , String > permissionMessage ( final S tring targetAddress , final String targetHash ) {
// ask for allowed message size and attach e ment size
// ask for allowed message size and attach ment size
// if this replies null, the peer does not answer
// if this replies null, the peer does not answer
// prepare request
// prepare request
@ -1129,8 +1129,8 @@ public final class Protocol {
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts =
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts =
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , targetHash , salt ) ;
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , targetHash , salt ) ;
parts . put ( "process" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "permission" ) ) ;
parts . put ( "process" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "permission" ) ) ;
final byte [ ] content = postToFile ( seedDB , targetHash , " message.html", parts , 6000 ) ;
final Post post = new Post ( targetAddress , targetAddress , "/yacy/ message.html", parts , 6000 ) ;
final Map < String , String > result = FileUtils . table ( conten t) ;
final Map < String , String > result = FileUtils . table ( post. resul t) ;
return result ;
return result ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
// most probably a network time-out exception
// most probably a network time-out exception
@ -1157,8 +1157,8 @@ public final class Protocol {
parts . put ( "myseed" , UTF8 . StringBody ( seedDB . mySeed ( ) . genSeedStr ( salt ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "myseed" , UTF8 . StringBody ( seedDB . mySeed ( ) . genSeedStr ( salt ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "subject" , UTF8 . StringBody ( subject ) ) ;
parts . put ( "subject" , UTF8 . StringBody ( subject ) ) ;
parts . put ( "message" , UTF8 . StringBody ( message ) ) ;
parts . put ( "message" , UTF8 . StringBody ( message ) ) ;
final byte [ ] content = postToFile ( seedDB , targetHash , " message.html", parts , 20000 ) ;
final Post post = new Post ( seedDB . targetAddress ( targetHash ) , targetHash , "/yacy/ message.html", parts , 20000 ) ;
final Map < String , String > result = FileUtils . table ( conten t) ;
final Map < String , String > result = FileUtils . table ( post. resul t) ;
return result ;
return result ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.postMessage error:" + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.postMessage error:" + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
@ -1312,13 +1312,7 @@ public final class Protocol {
return null ;
return null ;
} // all url's known
} // all url's known
EventChannel . channels ( EventChannel . DHTSEND ) . addMessage ( new RSSMessage ( "Sent " + indexes . size ( ) + " RWIs " + indexes . toString ( ) + " to " + targetSeed . getName ( ) + "/[" + targetSeed . hash + "], " + uhs . length + " URLs there unknown" , "" , targetSeed . hash ) ) ;
. channels ( EventChannel . DHTSEND )
. addMessage (
new RSSMessage (
"Sent " + indexes . size ( ) + " RWIs " + indexes . toString ( ) + " to " + targetSeed . getName ( ) + "/[" + targetSeed . hash + "], " + uhs . length + " URLs there unknown" ,
"" ,
targetSeed . hash ) ) ;
in = transferURL ( targetSeed , uhs , urlRefs , segment , gzipBody , timeout ) ;
in = transferURL ( targetSeed , uhs , urlRefs , segment , gzipBody , timeout ) ;
@ -1352,7 +1346,8 @@ public final class Protocol {
final ReferenceContainerCache < WordReference > indexes ,
final ReferenceContainerCache < WordReference > indexes ,
boolean gzipBody ,
boolean gzipBody ,
final int timeout ) {
final int timeout ) {
final String address = targetSeed . getPublicAddress ( targetSeed . getIP ( ) ) ;
String ip = targetSeed . getIP ( ) ;
final String address = targetSeed . getPublicAddress ( ip ) ;
if ( address = = null ) {
if ( address = = null ) {
Network . log . warn ( "no address for transferRWI" ) ;
Network . log . warn ( "no address for transferRWI" ) ;
return null ;
return null ;
@ -1390,8 +1385,7 @@ public final class Protocol {
return result ;
return result ;
try {
try {
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts =
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts = basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , targetSeed . hash , salt ) ;
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , targetSeed . hash , salt ) ;
parts . put ( "wordc" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Integer . toString ( indexes . size ( ) ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "wordc" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Integer . toString ( indexes . size ( ) ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "entryc" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Integer . toString ( indexcount ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "entryc" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Integer . toString ( indexcount ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "indexes" , UTF8 . StringBody ( entrypost . toString ( ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "indexes" , UTF8 . StringBody ( entrypost . toString ( ) ) ) ;
@ -1424,7 +1418,8 @@ public final class Protocol {
boolean gzipBody ,
boolean gzipBody ,
final int timeout ) {
final int timeout ) {
// this post a message to the remote message board
// this post a message to the remote message board
final String address = targetSeed . getPublicAddress ( targetSeed . getIP ( ) ) ;
String ip = targetSeed . getIP ( ) ;
final String address = targetSeed . getPublicAddress ( ip ) ;
if ( address = = null ) {
if ( address = = null ) {
return null ;
return null ;
@ -1536,13 +1531,13 @@ public final class Protocol {
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts =
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts =
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , target . hash , salt ) ;
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , target . hash , salt ) ;
parts . put ( "object" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "host" ) ) ;
parts . put ( "object" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "host" ) ) ;
final byte [ ] content = postToFile ( target . getPublicAddress ( target . getIP ( ) ) , target . hash , " idx.json", parts , 30000 ) ;
final Post post = new Post ( target . getPublicAddress ( target . getIP ( ) ) , target . hash , " /yacy/ idx.json", parts , 30000 ) ;
if ( content = = null | | conten t. length = = 0 ) {
if ( post. result = = null | | post . resul t. length = = 0 ) {
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.loadIDXHosts error: empty result" ) ;
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.loadIDXHosts error: empty result" ) ;
return null ;
return null ;
final JSONObject json =
final JSONObject json =
new JSONObject ( new JSONTokener ( new InputStreamReader ( new ByteArrayInputStream ( conten t) ) ) ) ;
new JSONObject ( new JSONTokener ( new InputStreamReader ( new ByteArrayInputStream ( post. resul t) ) ) ) ;
/ * the json has the following form :
/ * the json has the following form :
"version" : "#[version]#" ,
"version" : "#[version]#" ,