@ -2301,10 +2301,11 @@ public final class Switchboard extends serverSwitch {
// execute the (post-) processing steps for all entries that have a process tag assigned
Fulltext fulltext = index . fulltext ( ) ;
CollectionConfiguration collection1Configuration = fulltext . getDefaultConfiguration ( ) ;
boolean allCrawlsFinished = this . crawler . allCrawlsFinished ( this . crawlQueues ) ;
int proccount = 0 ;
if ( ! this . crawlJobIsPaused ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL ) & & MemoryControl . available ( ) > 512L * 1024L * 1024L & & Memory . load ( ) < 2.5f ) {
// we optimize first because that is useful for postprocessing
int proccount = 0 ;
ReferenceReportCache rrCache = index . getReferenceReportCache ( ) ;
int clickdepth_maxtime = this . getConfigInt ( "postprocessing.clickdepth.maxtime" , 100 ) ;
int clickdepth_maxdepth = this . getConfigInt ( "postprocessing.clickdepth.maxdepth" , 6 ) ;
@ -2313,7 +2314,6 @@ public final class Switchboard extends serverSwitch {
this . crawler . getFinishesProfiles ( this . crawlQueues ) : new HashSet < String > ( ) ;
int cleanupByHarvestkey = deletionCandidates . size ( ) ;
boolean postprocessing = collection1Configuration . contains ( CollectionSchema . process_sxt ) & & ( index . connectedCitation ( ) | | fulltext . useWebgraph ( ) ) ;
boolean allCrawlsFinished = this . crawler . allCrawlsFinished ( this . crawlQueues ) ;
if ( postprocessing & & ( cleanupByHarvestkey > 0 | | allCrawlsFinished ) ) {
if ( cleanupByHarvestkey > 0 ) {
// run postprocessing on these profiles
@ -2340,6 +2340,10 @@ public final class Switchboard extends serverSwitch {
this . index . fulltext ( ) . commit ( true ) ; // without a commit the success is not visible in the monitoring
postprocessingStartTime = new long [ ] { 0 , 0 } ; // the start time for the processing; not started = 0
postprocessingRunning = false ;
if ( allCrawlsFinished ) {
postprocessingRunning = true ;
// flush caches
@ -2350,25 +2354,20 @@ public final class Switchboard extends serverSwitch {
long idleSearch = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - this . localSearchLastAccess ;
long idleAdmin = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - this . adminAuthenticationLastAccess ;
long deltaOptimize = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - this . optimizeLastRun ;
boolean optimizeRequired = deltaOptimize > 60000 * 60 * 3 ; // 3 hours
int opts = Math . max ( 1 , ( int ) ( fulltext . collectionSize ( ) / 5000000 ) ) ;
log . info ( "Solr auto-optimization: idleSearch=" + idleSearch + ", idleAdmin=" + idleAdmin + ", deltaOptimize=" + deltaOptimize + ", proccount=" + proccount ) ;
if ( idleAdmin > 600000 ) {
// only run optimization if the admin is idle (10 minutes)
boolean optimizeRequired = deltaOptimize > 60000 * 60 * 2 & & idleAdmin > 600000 ; // optimize if user is idle for 10 minutes and at most every 2 hours
int opts = Math . min ( 10 , Math . max ( 1 , ( int ) ( fulltext . collectionSize ( ) / 5000000 ) ) ) ;
if ( proccount > 0 ) {
opts + + ; // have postprocessings will force optimazion with one more Segment which is small an quick
optimizeRequired = true ;
log . info ( "Solr auto-optimization: idleSearch=" + idleSearch + ", idleAdmin=" + idleAdmin + ", deltaOptimize=" + deltaOptimize + ", proccount=" + proccount ) ;
if ( optimizeRequired ) {
if ( idleSearch < 600000 ) opts + + ; // < 10 minutes idle time will cause a optimization with one more Segment which is small an quick
log . info ( "Solr auto-optimization: running solr.optimize(" + opts + ")" ) ;
fulltext . optimize ( opts ) ;
this . optimizeLastRun = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
postprocessingStartTime = new long [ ] { 0 , 0 } ; // the start time for the processing; not started = 0
postprocessingRunning = false ;