PerformanceMemory_p.html and PerformanceQueues_p.html translated to slovak language

git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
(no author) 19 years ago
parent 3c3c047d0a
commit de84fc1234

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ from being loaded. You can define several blacklists and activate them separatel
You may also provide your blacklist to other peers by sharing them; in return you may==Vas blacklist mozete takisto poskytnut inemu peerovy na stiahnutie a naopak
collect blacklist entries from other peers.==zaznamy z blacklistov inych peerov mozete zhromazdovat.
Edit list:==Edituj zoznam:
\(active\)\#not active::active\#\(/active\)\# \#\(shared\)\#not shared::shared\#\(/shared\)==\(aktivny\)\#neaktivny::aktivny\#\(/aktivny\)\# \#\(zdielany\)\#nezdielany::zdielany\#\(/zdielany\)==
\(active\)\#not active::active\#\(/active\)\# \#\(shared\)\#not shared::shared\#\(/shared\)==\(aktivny\)\#neaktivny::aktivny\#\(/aktivny\)\# \#\(zdielany\)\#nezdielany::zdielany\#\(/zdielany\)
New list:==Novy zoznam:
@ -994,145 +994,145 @@ Attributes==Atribut
#File: PerformanceQueues_p.html
Performance Settings of Queues and Processes==Performanceeinstellungen für Warteschlangen und Prozesse
Scheduled tasks overview and waiting time settings:==Übersicht geplanter Aufgaben und Wartezeiteinstellungen:
Queue Size==Warteschl.-<br>l&auml;nge
Performance Settings of Queues and Processes==Nastavenia vykonu pre cakacie listiny a procesy
Scheduled tasks overview and waiting time settings:==Prehlad naplanovanych uloh a nastaveny casov cakania
Queue Size==Velkost cakacej listiny
#Block Time==
#Sleep Time==
#Exec Time==
Short Mem<br>Cycles==Durchl. ohne ausr. Speicher
>per Cycle==>pro Durchlauf
>per Busy-Cycle==>pro besch&auml;ft. Durchl.
>Memoy Use==>Speicher-<br>nutzung
>Delay between==>Verz&ouml;gerung zwischen
>idle loops==>unt&auml;t. Durchl.
>busy loops==>besch&auml;ft. Durchl.
Minimum of<br>Required Memory==Mindestens ben&ouml;tigter Speicher
Full Description==vollst&auml;ndige Beschreibung
Submit New Delay Values==Neue Verz&ouml;gerungswerte speichern
Reset To Default Values==Standardwerte wiederherstellen
Changes take effect immediately==&Auml;nderungen werden sofort wirksam
Indexing Cache Settings:==Indexier Cache Einstellungen:
Words in RAM Cache:==W&ouml;rter im RAM-Cache
This is the current size of the word cache.==Dies ist die momentane Gr&ouml;&szlig;e des Wort-Caches.
The smaller this number, the faster the shut-down procedure will be.==Je kleiner diese Zahl ist, desto schneller wird das Herunterfahren von YaCy gehen.
The maximum of this cache can be set below.==Die Maximalgr&ouml;&szlig;e dieses Cache kann nachfolgend eingestellt werden.
Maximum URLs currently assigned<br>to one cached word:==h&ouml;chste Anzahl URLs die derzeit einem Wort im Zwischenspeicher zugewiesen wurde:
This is the maximum size of URLs assigned to a single word cache entry.==Dies ist die maximale Menge an URLs, die einem einzelnen Wort-Cache Eintrag zugewiesen wurden.
If this is a big number, it shows that the caching works efficiently.==Wenn diese Zahl hoch ist, hei&szlig;t das, dass der Wort-Cache effizient arbeitet.
Maximum Age of Word in cache:==h&ouml;chstes Alter eines Wortes im Cache:
This is the maximum age of a word index that is in the RAM cache in minutes.==Dies ist das maximale Alter eines Wortes im RAM-Cache (in Minuten)
Minimum Age of Word in cache:==geringstes Alter eines Wortes im Cache:
This is the minimum age of a word index that is in the RAM cache in minutes.==Dies ist das minimale Alter eines Wortes im RAM-Cache (in Minuten)
Maximum number of Word Caches, low limit:==Maximale Wortzahl im Cache, niedrige Grenze
Maximum number of Word Caches, high limit:==Maximale Wortzahl im Cache, hohe Grenze
This is is the number of word indexes that shall be held in the==Dies ist die Anzahl der Wort-indexe die w&auml;hrend des Indexierens im
ram cache during indexing. When YaCy is shut down, this cache must be==RAM-Cache gehalten werden sollen. Sobald YaCy herunterf&auml;hrt muss dieser Cache
flushed to disc; this may last some minutes.==auf die Festplatte gesichert werden; dies kann einige Minuten dauern.
The low limit is valid for crawling tasks, the high limit is valid==Die niedrige Grenze gilt f&uuml;r Crawling-Aufgaben, die hohe Grenze gilt f&uuml;r
for search and DHT transmission tasks.==Such- und DHT-&Uuml;bertragungsaufgaben.
Enter New Cache Size==Neue Cachegr&ouml;&szlig;e eintragen
Thread pool settings:==Threadpool Einstellungen:
maximum Active==max. aktiv
maximum Idle==max. inaktiv
minimum Idle==min. inaktiv
current Active==derzeit aktiv
current Idle==derzeit inaktiv
Enter new Threadpool Configuration==neue Threadpoolkonfiguration eintragen
Proxy Performance Settings:==Proxy Performance Einstellungen
Short Mem<br>Cycles==Kratke pamatove cykly
>per Cycle==>za cyklus
>per Busy-Cycle==>za cinny cyklus
>Memoy Use==>Vyuzitie pamate
>Delay between==>Zdrzania medzi
>idle loops==>necinne cyckly
>busy loops==>cinne cykly
Minimum of<br>Required Memory==Pozadovane minimum pamate
Full Description==Pnly popis
Submit New Delay Values==Uloz nove hodnoty zdrzani
Reset To Default Values==Obnov predvolene nastavenia
Changes take effect immediately==Zmenu su okamzite ucinne
Indexing Cache Settings:==Nastavenia indexovaceh cache:
Words in RAM Cache:==Slov v RAM chache
This is the current size of the word cache.==Toto je momentalna velkost cache slov.
The smaller this number, the faster the shut-down procedure will be.==Cim mensie cislo, tym bude vypnutie YaCy rychlesie
The maximum of this cache can be set below.==Maximalna velkost cache moze byt nastavena nizsie.
Maximum URLs currently assigned<br>to one cached word:==Maximalny pocet URL adries prave priradenych jednemu slovu v cache pamati:
This is the maximum size of URLs assigned to a single word cache entry.==Toto je maximalna velkost URL adries ktore su priradene jedinemu slovu v cache slov
If this is a big number, it shows that the caching works efficiently.==Ak je to velke cislo, znamena to ze cachovanie pracuje efektivne.
Maximum Age of Word in cache:==Maximalny vek jedneho slova v cache:
This is the maximum age of a word index that is in the RAM cache in minutes.==Toto je maximalny vek jedneho slova v RAM cache v minutach
Minimum Age of Word in cache:==Minimalny vek jedneho slova v cache:
This is the minimum age of a word index that is in the RAM cache in minutes.==Toto je minimalny vek jedneho slova v RAM cache v minutach
Maximum number of Word Caches, low limit:==Maximalny poces slov v cache, dolna hranica
Maximum number of Word Caches, high limit:==Maximalny poces slov v cache, horna hranica
This is is the number of word indexes that shall be held in the==Toto je pocet indexov slov ktore by mali byt
ram cache during indexing. When YaCy is shut down, this cache must be==v RAM cache pocas indexacie. Ak je YaCy vypnute, tato cache musi byt
flushed to disc; this may last some minutes.==ulozena na disk. To moze trvat niekolko minut.
The low limit is valid for crawling tasks, the high limit is valid==Dolna hranica plati pre ulohy crawlingu. Horna hranica plati pre
for search and DHT transmission tasks.==vyhladavacie ulohy a ulohy DHT prenosu.
Enter New Cache Size==Zadajte novu velkost cache
Thread pool settings:==Nastavenia threadpool-u
maximum Active==max. aktivnych
maximum Idle==max. neaktivnych
minimum Idle==min. neaktivnych
current Active==prave aktivnych
current Idle==prave neaktivnych
Enter new Threadpool Configuration==Zadajte novu konfiguraciu Threadpool-u
Proxy Performance Settings:==Nastavenia vykonu proxy
#Online Caution Delay==
This is the time that the crawler idles when the proxy is accessed.==Dies ist die Zeit die der Crawler pausiert wenn auf den Proxy zugegriffen wird.
The delay is extended by this time==Die normale Verz&ouml;gerung wird um diese Zeit verl&auml;ngert,
each time the proxy is accessed afterwards. This shall improve performance of the proxy throughput.==wenn auf den Proxy zugegriffen wird. Dies soll die Performance des Proxydurchsatzes erh&ouml;hen.
current delta is==Seit dem letzten Zugriff auf den Proxy sind
since last proxy access.==vergangen.
Enter New Parameters==Neue Parameter eintragen
This is the time that the crawler idles when the proxy is accessed.==Toto je cas pocas ktoreho je crawler neaktivny ked sa pristupuje na proxy.
The delay is extended by this time==Normalne zdrzanie bude predlzene o tento cas,
each time the proxy is accessed afterwards. This shall improve performance of the proxy throughput.==pri kazdom pristupe na proxy. Toto by malo zlepsit priepustnost proxy.
current delta is==Od posledneho pristupu k proxy
since last proxy access.==uplynulo.
Enter New Parameters==Zadajte nove parametre
#File: PerformanceMemory_p.html
Performance Settings for Memory==Performanceeinstellungen f&uuml;r Speicher
Memory Usage:==Speichernutzung:
After Startup==Nach Start
After Initializations==Nach Initialisierungen
before GC==vor GC
after GC==nach GC
before <==vor <
maximum memory that the JVM will attempt to use==maximaler Speicher den die JVM nutzen wird
total available memory including free for the JVM within maximum==gesamter verf&uuml;gbarer Speicher f&uuml;r die JVM innerhalb des Maximums.
total memory taken from the OS==gesamter vom Betriebssystem zugewiesener Speicher
free memory in the JVM within total amount==freier Speicher in der JVM innerhalb des Gesamten Speichers
used memory in the JVM within total amount==genutzter Speicher in der JVM innerhalb des Gesamten Speichers
Re-Configuration of Startup Paramenters:==Neukonfiguration der Startparameter:
Changes take effect after <b>re-start</b> of YaCy==&Auml;nderungen werden erst nach <b>Neustart</b> von YaCy wirksam
RAM Cache for Database Files:==RAM-Cache f&uuml;r Datenbank-Dateien:
Chunk Size==Chunk Gr&ouml;&szlig;e
Performance Settings for Memory==Nastavenia vykonu pamate
Memory Usage:==Vyuzitie pamate:
After Startup==Po starte
After Initializations==Po inicializacii
before GC==pred GC
after GC==po GC
before <==pred <
maximum memory that the JVM will attempt to use==maximum pamate pre JVM
total available memory including free for the JVM within maximum==celkovo dostupnej pamate vratane volnej pamate pre JVM v ramci maxima
total memory taken from the OS==celkove mnozstvo pamate priradenej od operacneho systemu
free memory in the JVM within total amount==volna pamat v JVM v ramci celkovej pamate
free memory in the JVM within total amount==volna pamat v JVM v ramci celkovej pamate
Re-Configuration of Startup Paramenters:==Nova konfiguracia startovacich parametrov:
Changes take effect after <b>re-start</b> of YaCy==Zmeny sa prejavia az po <b>restarte</b> YaCy
RAM Cache for Database Files:==RAM-Cache pre databazove subory:
Chunk Size==Velkost chunk-u
Memory Occupation==Speicherbeanspruchung
High Prio==hohe Prio
Medium Prio==mittlere Prio
Low Prio==niedr. Prio
Used Now==jetzt Belegt
Assigned Max==zugewiesenes Max.
Default Max==standard Max.
Good Max==gutes Max.
Best Max==bestes Max.
The Assortment Cluster stores most of the page indexes.==Der Assortment Cluster speichert die meisten Seitenindexe.
Flushing speed of the temporary RWI cache depends on the size of this file cache. Increasing the space of this==Die Entleerungsgeschwindigkeit des tempor&auml;ren RWI Caches h&auml;ngt von der Gr&ouml;&szlig;e dieses Datei-Caches ab. Ein Vergr&ouml;&szlig;ern des Speichers dieses
cache will speed up crawls with a depth > 3.==Caches wird Crawls mit einer Tiefe >3 beschleunigen.
Memory Occupation==Obsadenie pamate
High Prio==Vysoka prioria
Medium Prio==Stredna prioria
Low Prio==Nizska priorita
Used Now==Prave pouzita
Assigned Max==Maximalne priradenej
Default Max==Maximum standartne
Good Max==Dobre maximum
Best Max==Najlepsie maximum
The Assortment Cluster stores most of the page indexes.==Assortment cluster uklada vacsinu indexov stranok.
Flushing speed of the temporary RWI cache depends on the size of this file cache. Increasing the space of this==Rychlost vyprazdnovania pomocnej RWI cache zavisi na velkosti tejto suborovej cache. Zvacsenie tejto
cache will speed up crawls with a depth > 3.==cache urychly crawly s hlbkou > 3.
#HTTP Response Header==
The Response Header database stores the HTTP heades that other servers send when YaCy retrieves web pages==Die Response-Header Datenbank speichert die HTTP-Heads, die andere Server schicken, wenn YaCy
during proxy mode, when performing crawls or if it fetches pages for snippet generation.==durch den Proxymodus, beim Durchf&uuml;hren von Crawls oder zur Snippeterstellung Webseiten empf&auml;ngt.
Increasing this cache will be most important for a fast proxy mode.==Erh&ouml;hen dieses Caches ist f&uuml;r einen schnellen Proxybetrieb am wichtigsten.
'loaded' URLs=='geladene' URLs
This is the database that holds the hash/url - relation and properties regarding the url like load date and server date.==Dies ist die Datenbank, die die Hash/URL-Beziehung und Eigenschaften der URL, wie Ladedatum und Serverdatum, speichert.
This cache is very important for a fast search process.==Dieser Cache ist sehr wichtig f&uuml;r einen schnellen Suchprozess.
Increasing the cache size will result in more search results and less IO during DHT transfer.==Vergr&ouml;&szlig;ern dieses Caches wird mehr Suchergebnisse und weniger IO-Last w&auml;hrend eines DHT-Transfers hervorbringen.
'noticed' URLs=='bekannte' URLs
A noticed URL is one that was discovered during crawling but was not loaded yet.==Eine bekannte URL wurde beim Crawlen entdeckt, aber noch nicht geladen.
The Response Header database stores the HTTP heades that other servers send when YaCy retrieves web pages==Databaza Response Headerov uklada HTTP headery ktore posielaju ostatne servery ked YaCy obdrzi web stranky
during proxy mode, when performing crawls or if it fetches pages for snippet generation.==pocas proxy modu, pri vykonavani crawlov alebo prijati web stranky na generovanie snippetu.
Increasing this cache will be most important for a fast proxy mode.==Zvacsenie tejto cache je najpodstatnejsie pre rychly proxy mod.
'loaded' URLs=='nahrate' URL adresy
This is the database that holds the hash/url - relation and properties regarding the url like load date and server date.==Toto je databaza obsahujuca vztahy "hash/URL adresa" a ine vlastnosti prinaleziace URL adresam, ako napr. datum nahratia, datum servera atd.
This cache is very important for a fast search process.==Tato cache je velmi dolezita pre rychle vyhladavanie.
Increasing the cache size will result in more search results and less IO during DHT transfer.==Dosledok zvacsenie tejto cache je viac vysledkov vyhladavania a menej vstupno/vystupnej zataze pocas DHT prenosu.
'noticed' URLs=='zname' URL adresy
A noticed URL is one that was discovered during crawling but was not loaded yet.==Znama URL adresa je taka ktora bola objavena pocas crawlingu avsak nebola este nahrata.
Increasing the cache size will result in faster double-check during URL recognition when doing crawls.==Erh&ouml;hen der Cachegr&ouml;&szlig;e resultiert in schnellerer R&uuml;ck&uuml;berpr&uuml;fung beim Durchf&uuml;hren von Crawls.
'error' URLs=='fehlerhafte' URLs
URLs that cannot be loaded are stored in this database. It is also used for double-checked during crawling.==URLs die nicht geladen werden k&ouml;nnen werden in dieser Datenbank gespeichert.
Increasing the cache size will most probably speed up crawling slightly, but not significantly.==Erh&ouml;hen der Cachegr&ouml;&szlig;e wird h&ouml;chstwahrscheinlich das Crawlen etwas, aber nicht sehr, beschleunigen.
DHT Control==DHT Kontrolle
This is simply the cache for the seed-dbs==Dies ist der Cache f&uuml;r die Seed-dbs
active, passive, potential==Aktiv, Passiv, Potenziell
This cache is divided into three equal parts.==Dieser Cache ist in 3 gleich gro&szlig;e Teile zerlegt.
Increasing this cache may speed up many functions, but we need to test this to see the effects.==Vergr&ouml;&szlig;ern dieses Caches k&ouml;nnte viele Funktionen beschleunigen, aber wir m&uuml;ssen es testen um die Effekte zu sehen.
The Message cache for peer-to-peer messages. Less important.==Der Nachrichtencache f&uuml;r Peer-to-Peer Nachrichten. Unwichtig.
The YaCy-Wiki uses a database to store its pages.==Das YaCy-Wiki nutzt eine Datenbank um ihre Seiten zu sichern.
This cache is divided in two parts, one for the wiki database and one for its backup.==Dieser Cache ist in 2 Teile getrennt, einer f&uuml;r die Wiki-Datenbank und einer f&uuml;r ihr Backup.
Increasing this cache may speed up access to the wiki pages.==Vergr&ouml;&szlig;ern dieses Caches kann den Zugriff auf die Wikiseiten beschleunigen.
The News-DB stores property-lists for news that are included in seeds.==Die News-DB speichert Eigenschaftslisten f&uuml;r News die in Seeds enthalten sind.
Increasing this cache may speed up the peer-ping.==Erh&ouml;hen dieses Caches kann den Peer-Ping beschleunigen.
The robots.txt DB stores downloaded records from robots.txt files.==Die robots.txt-DB speichert heruntergeladene Eintr&auml;ge aus robots.txt-Dateien.
Increasing this cache may speed up validation if crawling of the URL is allowed.==Vergr&ouml;&szlig;ern dieses Caches kann die &Uuml;berpr&uuml;fung ob eine URL gecrawled werden darf beschleunigen.
Crawl Profiles==Crawl Profile
The profile database stores properties for each crawl that is started on the local peer.==Die Profil-Datenbank speichert Eigenschaften f&uuml;r jeden Crawl der auf dem lokalen Peer gestartet wurde.
Increasing this cache may speed up crawling, but not much space is needed, so the effect may be low.==Vergr&ouml;&szlig;ern dieses Caches kann das Crawlen beschleunigen, aber es wird nicht viel Platz gebraucht, der Effekt k&ouml;nnte also gering sein.
Sum of memory amounts==Summe der Speichermengen
all<br>recom-<br>mended values==aller<br>empfohlenen<br>Werte
'error' URLs=='chybne' URL adresy
URLs that cannot be loaded are stored in this database. It is also used for double-checked during crawling.==URL adresy ktore nemozu byt nahrante su ulozene v tejto databaze. Takisto sa pouziva pri dvojnasobnej kontrole pocas crawlingu.
Increasing the cache size will most probably speed up crawling slightly, but not significantly.==Zvacsenie tejto cache pravdepodobne jemne zvysi rychlost crawlingu, nie vsak o vela.
DHT Control==DHT kontrola
This is simply the cache for the seed-dbs==Toto je cache pre seed-dbs
active, passive, potential==aktivna, pasivna, potencialna
This cache is divided into three equal parts.==Tato cache je rozdelena na 3 rovnako velke casti.
Increasing this cache may speed up many functions, but we need to test this to see the effects.==Zvacsenie tejto cache moze zrychlit mnoho funkcii, avsak potrebujeme to otestovat kvoli zisteniu vsetkych dosledkov.
The Message cache for peer-to-peer messages. Less important.==Cache sprav pre peer-to-peer spravy. Nema velky vyznam.
The YaCy-Wiki uses a database to store its pages.==YaCy-Wiki pouziva databazu na ukladanie jej stranok.
This cache is divided in two parts, one for the wiki database and one for its backup.==Tato cache je rozdelena na dve casti, jednu pre wiki databazu a druhu pre jej backup.
Increasing this cache may speed up access to the wiki pages.==Zvacsenie tejto cache moze zvysit rychlost wiki stranok.
The News-DB stores property-lists for news that are included in seeds.==Databaza novych sprav (News-DB) uklada zoznamy pre nove spravy ktore sa nachadzaju v seed-och.
Increasing this cache may speed up the peer-ping.==Zvacsenie tejto cache moze zrychlit peer-ping.
The robots.txt DB stores downloaded records from robots.txt files.==Databaza robots.txt uklada zaznami stiahnute zo suboru robots.txt.
Increasing this cache may speed up validation if crawling of the URL is allowed.==Zvacsenie tejto cache moze zvysit rychlost kontroly ak je povoleny crawling URL adries.
Crawl Profiles==Profil crawlu
The profile database stores properties for each crawl that is started on the local peer.==Databaza profilov uklada vlastnosti pre kazdy crawl odstartovany na lokalnom peeri.
Increasing this cache may speed up crawling, but not much space is needed, so the effect may be low.==Zvacsenie tejto cache moze zrychlit crawling, na ten vsak nie je potrebne vela miesta, takze efekt zvysenia bude pravdepodobne nizsky.
Sum of memory amounts==Suma mnozstiev pamate
Re-Configuration:==Nova konfiguracia:
these<br>custom<br>values==tieto<br>uzivatelom vytvorene<br>hodnoty
all<br>recom-<br>mended values==vsetky<br>odporucane<br>hodnoty
#Write Cache Object Allocation:==
#now alive in write cache==
#currently held in write buffer heap==
@ -1245,9 +1245,9 @@ System Behaviour Settings==Systemove nastavenia
Server Access Settings==Nastavenia pristupu k serveru
Seed Upload Settings==Nastavenia seed-uploadu
HTTP Networking==Siet HTTP
Message Forwarding \(optional\)==Preposielanie sprav dalej (nepovinne)
Message Forwarding \(optional\)==Preposielanie sprav (nepovinne)
#Remote Proxy \(optional\)==Vzdialene proxy (nepovinne)
Content Parser Settings==Nastavenia parseru obsahu
Content Parser Settings==Nastavenia parsera obsahu
Port Forwarding \(optional\)==Port Forwarding (nepovinne)
