@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
* < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
* /
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException ;
import java.net.URLEncoder ;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets ;
import java.time.DateTimeException ;
import java.time.DateTimeException ;
import java.time.LocalDateTime ;
import java.time.LocalDateTime ;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter ;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter ;
@ -134,42 +137,59 @@ public class IndexReIndexMonitor_p {
if ( recrawlbt = = null | | recrawlbt . shutdownInProgress ( ) ) {
if ( recrawlbt = = null | | recrawlbt . shutdownInProgress ( ) ) {
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_simulationResult" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_simulationResult" , 0 ) ;
if ( post . containsKey ( "recrawlnow" ) & & sb . index . fulltext ( ) . connectedLocalSolr ( ) ) {
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_error" , 0 ) ;
sb . deployThread ( RecrawlBusyThread . THREAD_NAME , "ReCrawl" , "recrawl existing documents" , null ,
if ( ! sb . index . fulltext ( ) . connectedLocalSolr ( ) ) {
new RecrawlBusyThread ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , recrawlQuery , inclerrdoc ) , 1000 ) ;
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_error" , 1 ) ; // Re-crawl works only with an embedded local Solr index
recrawlbt = sb . getThread ( RecrawlBusyThread . THREAD_NAME ) ;
} else {
if ( post . containsKey ( "recrawlnow" ) ) {
/* store this call as an api call for easy scheduling possibility */
sb . deployThread ( RecrawlBusyThread . THREAD_NAME , "ReCrawl" , "recrawl existing documents" , null ,
if ( sb . tables ! = null ) {
new RecrawlBusyThread ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , recrawlQuery , inclerrdoc ) , 1000 ) ;
/* We avoid creating a duplicate of any already recorded API call with the same parameters */
recrawlbt = sb . getThread ( RecrawlBusyThread . THREAD_NAME ) ;
final Row lastExecutedCall = WorkTables
. selectLastExecutedApiCall ( IndexReIndexMonitor_p . SERVLET_NAME , post , sb ) ;
if ( lastExecutedCall ! = null & & ! post . containsKey ( WorkTables . TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_PK ) ) {
byte [ ] lastExecutedCallPk = lastExecutedCall . getPK ( ) ;
if ( lastExecutedCallPk ! = null ) {
post . add ( WorkTables . TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_PK , UTF8 . String ( lastExecutedCallPk ) ) ;
sb . tables . recordAPICall ( post , IndexReIndexMonitor_p . SERVLET_NAME , WorkTables . TABLE_API_TYPE_CRAWLER ,
"Recrawl documents matching selection query : " + recrawlQuery ) ;
} else if ( post . containsKey ( "simulateRecrawl" ) & & sb . index . fulltext ( ) . connectedLocalSolr ( ) ) {
/* store this call as an api call for easy scheduling possibility */
SolrConnector solrConnector = sb . index . fulltext ( ) . getDefaultConnector ( ) ;
if ( sb . tables ! = null ) {
if ( ! solrConnector . isClosed ( ) ) {
/* We avoid creating a duplicate of any already recorded API call with the same parameters */
try {
final Row lastExecutedCall = WorkTables
// query all or only httpstatus=200 depending on includefailed flag
. selectLastExecutedApiCall ( IndexReIndexMonitor_p . SERVLET_NAME , post , sb ) ;
final long count = solrConnector . getCountByQuery ( RecrawlBusyThread . buildSelectionQuery ( recrawlQuery , inclerrdoc ) ) ;
if ( lastExecutedCall ! = null & & ! post . containsKey ( WorkTables . TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_PK ) ) {
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_simulationResult" , 1 ) ;
byte [ ] lastExecutedCallPk = lastExecutedCall . getPK ( ) ;
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_simulationResult_docCount" , count ) ;
if ( lastExecutedCallPk ! = null ) {
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
post . add ( WorkTables . TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_PK , UTF8 . String ( lastExecutedCallPk ) ) ;
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_simulationResult" , 2 ) ;
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
sb . tables . recordAPICall ( post , IndexReIndexMonitor_p . SERVLET_NAME , WorkTables . TABLE_API_TYPE_CRAWLER ,
} else {
"Recrawl documents matching selection query : " + recrawlQuery ) ;
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_simulationResult" , 3 ) ;
} else if ( post . containsKey ( "simulateRecrawl" ) ) {
} else if ( post . containsKey ( "recrawlDefaults" ) ) {
final SolrConnector solrConnector = sb . index . fulltext ( ) . getDefaultConnector ( ) ;
if ( ! solrConnector . isClosed ( ) ) {
try {
// query all or only httpstatus=200 depending on includefailed flag
final String finalQuery = RecrawlBusyThread . buildSelectionQuery ( recrawlQuery , inclerrdoc ) ;
final long count = solrConnector . getCountByQuery ( finalQuery ) ;
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_simulationResult" , 1 ) ;
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_simulationResult_docCount" , count ) ;
if ( count > 0 ) {
/* Got some results : add a link to the related solr select URL for easily browsing results */
final int maxRows = 10 ;
final String solrSelectUrl = genLocalSolrSelectUrl ( finalQuery , maxRows ) ;
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_simulationResult_showSelectLink" , 1 ) ;
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_simulationResult_showSelectLink_rows" , maxRows ) ;
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_simulationResult_showSelectLink_browseSelectedUrl" , solrSelectUrl ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_simulationResult_showSelectLink" , 0 ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_simulationResult" , 2 ) ;
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "recrawljobrunning_simulationResult" , 3 ) ;
if ( post . containsKey ( "recrawlDefaults" ) ) {
recrawlQuery = RecrawlBusyThread . DEFAULT_QUERY ;
recrawlQuery = RecrawlBusyThread . DEFAULT_QUERY ;
inclerrdoc = RecrawlBusyThread . DEFAULT_INCLUDE_FAILED ;
inclerrdoc = RecrawlBusyThread . DEFAULT_INCLUDE_FAILED ;
@ -209,6 +229,23 @@ public class IndexReIndexMonitor_p {
return prop ;
return prop ;
/ * *
* @param query
* the Solr selection query . Must not be null and not
* percent - encoded .
* @return the URL of the select query targetting the local Solr
* /
protected static String genLocalSolrSelectUrl ( final String query , final int maxRows ) {
String urlEncodedQUery ;
try {
urlEncodedQUery = URLEncoder . encode ( query , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {
// should not happen as UTF-8 must be supported on any Java platform
urlEncodedQUery = query ;
return "solr/select?core=collection1&wt=html&start=0&rows=" + maxRows + "&q=" + urlEncodedQUery ;
/ * *
/ * *
* Write information on the eventual currently running or last recrawl job terminated
* Write information on the eventual currently running or last recrawl job terminated
* @param header current request header . Must not be null .
* @param header current request header . Must not be null .