@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public class Balancer {
// create a stack for newly entered entries
if (!(cachePath.exists())) cachePath.mkdir(); // make the path
File f = new File(cacheStacksPath, stackname + indexSuffix);
final File f = new File(cacheStacksPath, stackname + indexSuffix);
try {
urlFileIndex = new Table(f, Request.rowdef, EcoFSBufferSize, 0, useTailCache, exceed134217727);
} catch (RowSpaceExceededException e) {
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ public class Balancer {
assert urlFileIndex.size() + removedCounter == s : "urlFileIndex.size() = " + urlFileIndex.size() + ", s = " + s;
// iterate through the top list
Iterator<String> j = top.iterator();
final Iterator<String> j = top.iterator();
String urlhash;
while (j.hasNext()) {
urlhash = j.next();
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ public class Balancer {
// remove from delayed
synchronized (this.delayed) {
Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, String>> k = this.delayed.entrySet().iterator();
final Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, String>> k = this.delayed.entrySet().iterator();
while (k.hasNext()) {
if (urlHashes.contains(k.next().getValue())) k.remove();
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ public class Balancer {
while (q.hasNext()) {
se = q.next();
stack = se.getValue();
Iterator<String> i = stack.iterator();
final Iterator<String> i = stack.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
if (urlHashes.contains(i.next())) i.remove();
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ public class Balancer {
public void push(final Request entry) throws IOException, RowSpaceExceededException {
assert entry != null;
String hash = entry.url().hash();
final String hash = entry.url().hash();
synchronized (this) {
if (urlFileIndex.has(hash.getBytes())) {
//Log.logWarning("BALANCER", "double-check has failed for urlhash " + entry.url().hash() + " in " + stackname + " - fixed");
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ public class Balancer {
// add to index
int s = urlFileIndex.size();
final int s = urlFileIndex.size();
assert s < urlFileIndex.size() : "hash = " + hash;
assert urlFileIndex.has(hash.getBytes()) : "hash = " + hash;
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ public class Balancer {
private void pushHashToDomainStacks(final String hash, int maxstacksize) {
private void pushHashToDomainStacks(final String hash, final int maxstacksize) {
// extend domain stack
final String dom = hash.substring(6);
LinkedList<String> domainList = domainStacks.get(dom);
@ -276,9 +276,9 @@ public class Balancer {
private void removeHashFromDomainStacks(final String hash) {
// extend domain stack
final String dom = hash.substring(6);
LinkedList<String> domainList = domainStacks.get(dom);
final LinkedList<String> domainList = domainStacks.get(dom);
if (domainList == null) return;
Iterator<String> i = domainList.iterator();
final Iterator<String> i = domainList.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
if (i.next().equals(hash)) {
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ public class Balancer {
private String nextFromDelayed() {
if (this.delayed.isEmpty()) return null;
Long first = this.delayed.firstKey();
final Long first = this.delayed.firstKey();
if (first.longValue() < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
return this.delayed.remove(first);
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ public class Balancer {
private String anyFromDelayed() {
if (this.delayed.isEmpty()) return null;
Long first = this.delayed.firstKey();
final Long first = this.delayed.firstKey();
return this.delayed.remove(first);
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ public class Balancer {
// at this point we must check if the crawlEntry has relevancy because the crawl profile still exists
// if not: return null. A calling method must handle the null value and try again
CrawlProfile.entry profileEntry = (profile == null) ? null : profile.getEntry(crawlEntry.profileHandle());
final CrawlProfile.entry profileEntry = (profile == null) ? null : profile.getEntry(crawlEntry.profileHandle());
if (profileEntry == null) {
Log.logWarning("Balancer", "no profile entry for handle " + crawlEntry.profileHandle());
return null;
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ public class Balancer {
return crawlEntry;
private void filltop(boolean delay, long maximumwaiting, boolean acceptonebest) {
private void filltop(final boolean delay, final long maximumwaiting, final boolean acceptonebest) {
if (!this.top.isEmpty()) return;
//System.out.println("*** DEBUG started filltop delay=" + ((delay) ? "true":"false") + ", maximumwaiting=" + maximumwaiting + ", acceptonebest=" + ((acceptonebest) ? "true":"false"));
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ public class Balancer {
// iterate over the domain stacks
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<String>>> i = this.domainStacks.entrySet().iterator();
final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<String>>> i = this.domainStacks.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<String>> entry;
long smallestWaiting = Long.MAX_VALUE;
String besthash = null;
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ public class Balancer {
String n = entry.getValue().getFirst();
if (delay) {
long w = Latency.waitingRemainingGuessed(n, minimumLocalDelta, minimumGlobalDelta);
final long w = Latency.waitingRemainingGuessed(n, minimumLocalDelta, minimumGlobalDelta);
if (w > maximumwaiting) {
if (w < smallestWaiting) {
smallestWaiting = w;
@ -485,12 +485,12 @@ public class Balancer {
private void fillDomainStacks(int maxdomstacksize) throws IOException {
private void fillDomainStacks(final int maxdomstacksize) throws IOException {
if (!this.domainStacks.isEmpty() && System.currentTimeMillis() - lastDomainStackFill < 120000L) return;
//synchronized (this.delayed) { delayed.clear(); }
this.lastDomainStackFill = System.currentTimeMillis();
CloneableIterator<byte[]> i = this.urlFileIndex.keys(true, null);
final CloneableIterator<byte[]> i = this.urlFileIndex.keys(true, null);
while (i.hasNext()) {
pushHashToDomainStacks(new String(i.next()), 50);
if (this.domainStacks.size() > maxdomstacksize) break;
@ -501,12 +501,12 @@ public class Balancer {
public ArrayList<Request> top(int count) {
count = Math.min(count, top.size());
ArrayList<Request> cel = new ArrayList<Request>();
final ArrayList<Request> cel = new ArrayList<Request>();
if (count == 0) return cel;
synchronized (this) {
for (String n: top) {
try {
Row.Entry rowEntry = urlFileIndex.get(n.getBytes());
final Row.Entry rowEntry = urlFileIndex.get(n.getBytes());
if (rowEntry == null) continue;
final Request crawlEntry = new Request(rowEntry);