@ -90,9 +90,23 @@ public class RasterPlotter {
this . defaultMode = drawMode ;
try {
this . image = new BufferedImage ( width , height , BufferedImage . TYPE_INT_RGB ) ;
/ *
byte [ ] frame = new byte [ width * height * 3 ] ;
DataBuffer videoBuffer = new DataBufferByte ( frame , frame . length ) ;
ComponentSampleModel sampleModel = new ComponentSampleModel ( DataBuffer . TYPE_BYTE , width , height , 3 , width * 3 , new int [ ] { 2 , 1 , 0 } ) ;
Raster raster = Raster . createRaster ( sampleModel , videoBuffer , null ) ;
this . image . setData ( raster ) ;
* /
} catch ( final OutOfMemoryError e ) {
this . image = new BufferedImage ( 1 , 1 , BufferedImage . TYPE_INT_RGB ) ;
//throw new RuntimeException(RasterPlotter.class.getSimpleName() + ": not enough memory (" + MemoryControl.available() + ") available");
try {
this . image = new BufferedImage ( width , height , BufferedImage . TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED ) ;
} catch ( final OutOfMemoryError ee ) {
try {
this . image = new BufferedImage ( width , height , BufferedImage . TYPE_BYTE_BINARY ) ;
} catch ( final OutOfMemoryError eee ) {
this . image = new BufferedImage ( 1 , 1 , BufferedImage . TYPE_BYTE_BINARY ) ;
clear ( ) ;
this . grid = this . image . getRaster ( ) ;
@ -156,10 +170,6 @@ public class RasterPlotter {
public void setColor ( final String s ) {
setColor ( Long . parseLong ( s , 16 ) ) ;
public void plot ( final int x , final int y ) {
plot ( x , y , 100 ) ;
@ -229,8 +239,8 @@ public class RasterPlotter {
public void line (
int Ax , int Ay , final int Bx , final int By ,
final Stri ng colorLine , final int intensityLine ,
final Stri ng colorDot , final int intensityDot , final int dotDist , final int dotPos , final int dotRadius , final boolean dotFilled
final Lo ng colorLine , final int intensityLine ,
final Lo ng colorDot , final int intensityDot , final int dotDist , final int dotPos , final int dotRadius , final boolean dotFilled
) {
// Bresenham's line drawing algorithm
int dX = Math . abs ( Bx - Ax ) ;
@ -287,33 +297,77 @@ public class RasterPlotter {
public void lineDot ( final int x0 , final int y0 , final int x1 , final int y1 , final int radius , final int distance , final String lineColor , final String dotColor ) {
lineDot ( x0 , y0 , x1 , y1 , radius , distance , Long . parseLong ( lineColor , 16 ) , Long . parseLong ( dotColor , 16 ) ) ;
/ * *
* draw a line with a dot at the end
* @param x0 start point
* @param y0 start point
* @param x1 end point
* @param y1 end point
* @param radius radius of the dot
* @param padding the distance of the dot border to the end point
* @param lineColor the color of the line
* @param dotColor the color of the dot
* /
public void lineDot ( final int x0 , final int y0 , final int x1 , final int y1 , final int radius , final int padding , final long lineColor , final long dotColor ) {
final double dx = x1 - x0 ; // distance of points, x component
final double dy = y1 - y0 ; // distance of points, y component
final double angle = Math . atan2 ( dy , dx ) ; // the angle of the line between the points
final double d = Math . sqrt ( ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) ) ; // the distance between the points (Pythagoras)
final double ddotcenter = d - radius - padding ; // distance from {x0, y0} to dot center near {x1, y1}
final double ddotborder = ddotcenter - radius ; // distance to point {x3, y3} at border of dot center at {x2, y2}
final double xn = Math . cos ( angle ) ; // normalized vector component x
final double yn = Math . sin ( angle ) ; // normalized vector component y
final int x2 = x0 + ( ( int ) ( ddotcenter * xn ) ) ; // dot center, x component
final int y2 = y0 + ( ( int ) ( ddotcenter * yn ) ) ; // dot center, y component
final int x3 = x0 + ( ( int ) ( ddotborder * xn ) ) ; // dot border, x component
final int y3 = y0 + ( ( int ) ( ddotborder * yn ) ) ; // dot border, y component
setColor ( lineColor ) ; line ( x0 , y0 , x3 , y3 , 100 ) ; // draw line from {x0, y0} to dot border
setColor ( dotColor ) ; dot ( x2 , y2 , radius , true , 100 ) ; // draw dot at {x2, y2}
public void lineDot ( final int x0 , final int y0 , final int x1 , final int y1 , final int radius , final int distance , final long lineColor , final long dotColor ) {
// draw a line with a dot at the end.
// the radius value is the radius of the dot
// the distance value is the distance of the dot border to the endpoint
// compute first the angle of the line between the points
final double angle = ( x1 - x0 > 0 ) ? Math . atan ( ( ( double ) ( y0 - y1 ) ) / ( ( double ) ( x1 - x0 ) ) ) : Math . PI - Math . atan ( ( ( double ) ( y0 - y1 ) ) / ( ( double ) ( x0 - x1 ) ) ) ;
// now find two more points in between
// first calculate the radius' of the points
final double ra = Math . sqrt ( ( ( x0 - x1 ) * ( x0 - x1 ) + ( y0 - y1 ) * ( y0 - y1 ) ) ) ; // from a known point x1, y1
final double rb = ra - radius - distance ;
final double rc = rb - radius ;
// the points are on a circle with radius rb and rc
final int x2 = x0 + ( ( int ) ( rb * Math . cos ( angle ) ) ) ;
final int y2 = y0 - ( ( int ) ( rb * Math . sin ( angle ) ) ) ;
final int x3 = x0 + ( ( int ) ( rc * Math . cos ( angle ) ) ) ;
final int y3 = y0 - ( ( int ) ( rc * Math . sin ( angle ) ) ) ;
/ * *
* draw a line with an arrow at the end
* @param x0 start point
* @param y0 start point
* @param x1 end point
* @param y1 end point
* @param sidelength the side length of the arrow tip ( all 3 sides are equal )
* @param padding the distance of the arrow tip to the end point
* @param lineColor the color of the line
* @param arrowColor the color of the arrow tip
* /
public void lineArrow ( final int x0 , final int y0 , final int x1 , final int y1 , final int sidelength , final int padding , final long lineColor , final long arrowColor ) {
final double dx = x1 - x0 ; // distance of points, x component
final double dy = y1 - y0 ; // distance of points, y component
final double angle = Math . atan2 ( dy , dx ) ; // the angle of the line between the points
final double d = Math . sqrt ( ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) ) ; // the distance between the points (Pythagoras)
final double arrowtip = d - padding ; // the distance from {x0, y0} to the arrow tip
final double arrowlength = TL * sidelength ; // the length of the arrow (distance from base to tip)
final double arrowbase = arrowtip - arrowlength ; // the distance from {x0, y0} to the arrow base
final double xn = Math . cos ( angle ) ; // normalized vector component x
final double yn = Math . sin ( angle ) ; // normalized vector component y
final int xt = x0 + ( ( int ) ( arrowtip * xn ) ) ; // arrow tip point component x
final int yt = y0 + ( ( int ) ( arrowtip * yn ) ) ; // arrow tip point component y
final double xb = x0 + arrowbase * xn ; // arrow base point component x
final double yb = y0 + arrowbase * yn ; // arrow base point component y
final double sl2 = sidelength / 2.0 ; // half of the side length
final double xk = sl2 * Math . cos ( angle + PI2 ) ; // point at 90 degree on arrow direction to left side, vector component x
final double yk = sl2 * Math . sin ( angle + PI2 ) ; // point at 90 degree on arrow direction to left side, vector component y
final int x2 = ( int ) ( xb + xk ) ;
final int y2 = ( int ) ( yb + yk ) ;
final int x3 = ( int ) ( xb - xk ) ;
final int y3 = ( int ) ( yb - yk ) ;
setColor ( lineColor ) ;
line ( x0 , y0 , x3 , y3 , 100 ) ;
setColor ( dotColor ) ;
dot ( x2 , y2 , radius , true , 100 ) ;
line ( x0 , y0 , ( int ) xb , ( int ) yb , 100 ) ; // draw line from {x0, y0} to arrow base
setColor ( arrowColor ) ;
line ( x2 , y2 , x3 , y3 , 100 ) ; // base line
line ( x2 , y2 , xt , yt , 100 ) ; // left line
line ( x3 , y3 , xt , yt , 100 ) ; // right line
private final static double TL = Math . sqrt ( 3 ) / 2 ;
private final static double PI2 = Math . PI / 2 ;
public int [ ] getColor ( final int x , final int y ) {
final int [ ] c = new int [ 3 ] ;
return this . grid . getPixel ( x , y , c ) ;
@ -342,7 +396,7 @@ public class RasterPlotter {
public void arcLine ( final int cx , final int cy , final int innerRadius , final int outerRadius , final double angle , final boolean in ,
final String colorLine , final Stri ng colorDot , final int dotDist , final int dotPos , final int dotRadius , final boolean dotFilled ) {
final Long colorLine , final Lo ng colorDot , final int dotDist , final int dotPos , final int dotRadius , final boolean dotFilled ) {
final double a = PI180 * angle ;
final double cosa = Math . cos ( a ) ;
final double sina = Math . sin ( a ) ;
@ -374,8 +428,8 @@ public class RasterPlotter {
public void arcConnect ( final int cx , final int cy , final int arcRadius , final double angle1 , final double angle2 , final boolean in ,
final Stri ng colorLine , final int intensityLine ,
final Stri ng colorDot , final int intensityDot , final int dotDist , final int dotPos , final int dotRadius , final boolean dotFilled ) {
final Lo ng colorLine , final int intensityLine ,
final Lo ng colorDot , final int intensityDot , final int dotDist , final int dotPos , final int dotRadius , final boolean dotFilled ) {
final double a1 = PI180 * angle1 ;
final double a2 = PI180 * angle2 ;
final int x1 = cx + ( int ) ( arcRadius * Math . cos ( a1 ) ) ;